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For taking my 2year old son to todays game?Is he to young to go yet?

I was 3 when I first went wearing my little steel toed sandles and blue Crombie with little teddies on.

It's never to early to teach your child the finer things in life.

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I was three when i went to my first game, still remember odd bits here and there(well i remember walking out and being extatic[however you spellit])

I didnt get bored at all as far as i remember. Great fun it was!

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It didnt work out i had to ome hoe after 15mins because he done nothing but cry as soon as the band starting playing in the ayteo because thats where i sit.So am saying to parents out there only take them once there old enough.But hey never mind ill be at huddersfield next week on my own wth no kids :doh:

I was sat just in front of you i think. Bless him.

Think he was crying for a different reason though, not the noise...

"Daddy why are you making me watch this rubbish" :laugh:

Fair play to the other lad with you, sang up he did - damn right.

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my little brithers first game was when he was 2/3 maybe 4, even though it was a reserve game and we were 4-0 up, we fell asleep and we left with 5 minutes to go, and we scored another one. Tony Thorpe I may recall who scored. He is 10 of course and thoroghly enjoys it when I take him on rare occasions (due to work commintments)

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my little brithers first game was when he was 2/3 maybe 4, even though it was a reserve game and we were 4-0 up, we fell asleep and we left with 5 minutes to go, and we scored another one. Tony Thorpe I may recall who scored. He is 10 of course and thoroghly enjoys it when I take him on rare occasions (due to work commintments)

Tony Thorpe is older than 10. Isn't he?

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where i sit in the ateyo there used to be ( havent seen him for a while) a really huge bloke and his missus who would bring their tiny little baby with them and sit right at the front ( f block) ...we thought the child might have been some kind of half time snack...oh and my nephew went for the first time at 5 and whined after 20 mins and got taken home... i have a 9 mnth old boy and i don't reckon on taking him till hes 5 or 6 or shows an interest.....

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I was sat just in front of you i think. Bless him.

Think he was crying for a different reason though, not the noise...

"Daddy why are you making me watch this rubbish" :laugh:

Fair play to the other lad with you, sang up he did - damn right.

Thats cool ill put a face to a name then v blackpool :laugh:

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My son is four and whilst he knows that City are brilliant and Rovers are no good there is no way I would take him to a league game at the moment. I have taken him up to Failand a few times to watch the Academy lads and I find that 45-60 minutes is his maximum attention span. All he wants to do is kick a football around at the moment (in his new City kit) but does not know enough about the game to watch it with any interest. I will start taking him when he pesters me to let him go because he will then be showing enough interest and I can explain to him the "protocol". The last thing I want when I go to football is a four year old asking me if it is time to go home yet after 68 minutes!!

As it happens, yesterday I was sat next to two blokes who had a three year old girl with them. The girl was obviously getting bored second half and we must have got up at least half a dozen times to let her dad take her for a walk. It doesn't bother me too much but given all the belly-aching and whingeing you hear from people moaning about others who get up and leave five minutes early I am guessing it must have annoyed a few people behind us.

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My lad was 7 on Saturday and I took him to his first game. He's not really been showing much interest in football so this was an attempt by me to get him excited by it. He was brilliantly behaved but he was clearly struggling to keep interested. He was bored for long sections but that didn't affect my enjoyment. Afterwards he kindly rated the game 7 out of 10.

I'm glad I didn't take him any earlier and I suspect it may be a couple of years before he gets some real enjoyment from matches.

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start them off young then they'll start coping with the disappointment sooner haha. Took my little lad when he was 6 weeks old :) Took him again on Saturday and he loved it, but all kids are different at that age, we're lucky that he doesn't really cry at anything and is quite happy looking around for 90 minutes, trying to watch anything but the football, but then I try and do that and I'm 28! haha.

We sit right down the front of the Dolman when we take him so we can bring the buggy in with us and sit him in that if he gets too restless.

I did mention last season about enquiring more into some kind of area we can take young kids during the game, but didn't ever get around to looking into it much more, but if there was the interest I don't see why that isn't something that could be thought about quite seriously. Seems a shame that if you're in a couple where you both like watching the game that one of you has to stay home and babysit. Should be a family day out which should include your kids even if they are only 1 or 2.

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Teach him lots of naughty words and phrases before hand, and then sit in the Williams. See how many tuts you can raise from disgusted people sat around you. You could even run a book on it?

Seriously though think ear protection as well. I would still take him with a view to drumming City into him before he gets old enough to say Manchester United and / or Chelsea.

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