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Poor Catering In The Dolman Stand


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i went to get some food 10 full minutes before half time only to be told we havent got any food left to which i threw a little wobbler at the spotty 13 yr old serving and askedwho was in charge and he said "dunno" why do we have to pay extortionate prices for food only to queue up for ages and end up with nothing at the end except a lousy bottle of over priced fizzy soft drink. The burger van outside must have done an absolute roaring rade after the match i reall think that this needs to be addressed as this has been a problem for too long i have just moved to the dolman for the better atmosphere so i know that this is also a problem in most parts excepet the williams as these people have the ability to go outside the ground at half time so i am led to beleive if thats the case then it should be all around the stadium not just the chosen few. :englandsmile4wf::city::city::city::city::city:

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Was exactly the same in the ateyo.

Queued for some munch at half time, to be told they don't have any burgers left. Or steak and kidney pies. Or any pies at all. Ended up with some manky pasty, which looked like it's been there since last year. All for £2 and 30 pence.

What a wonderfully organised club we have. They must not have known we were at home this week.

On the plus side, a good victory for the boys, and enoch took his goal really well. Still think we lack a little cutting edge in midfield, but i'll take one nil every week. Showmuni will definitely start at Bradford.

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i new id find a moan about something!! who cares we won!!!

if you look i never said we didnt and also i enjoyed the game but it is my god given right to complain if when i worked in a restuarant and someone came in and i said sorry i have no food i would be bankrupt in a day there is no alternative choice for fans so we voice our opinions and concerns on here if you don't want to read moans look at the topic first

Your silly enough to pay yet moan about the prices, don't moan when you get crap service, it comes as a package.

ummmm what choice do i have saying as there isnt anywhere else to get food at half time its not as if i can go outside the ground to get something now is it ??????


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if you look i never said we didnt and also i enjoyed the game but it is my god given right to complain if when i worked in a restuarant and someone came in and i said sorry i have no food i would be bankrupt in a day there is no alternative choice for fans so we voice our opinions and concerns on here if you don't want to read moans look at the topic first

ummmm what choice do i have saying as there isnt anywhere else to get food at half time its not as if i can go outside the ground to get something now is it ??????


Don't pay the ridiculous prices and go hungry.

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Your silly enough to pay yet moan about the prices, don't moan when you get crap service, it comes as a package.
I paid for my ticket today and moaned about the fact that A it is alot of money for 3rd division football and B I have to pay more if I want to smoke. Does that make me silly?

If I ever receive crap service from anyone I will moan and I will also ask to talk to the person above them about the crap service that person has just gave me.

What your saying is if you get bad service roll over and let it be, Well sorry that isn't good enough and if the whole world shared your thoughts then it would be a shit place to live.

and the clock in the Williams stand is about 10 minutes out.


I noticed that as well. I looked at the clock and it said a few Min's before 3 so I started getting excited and then the announcer said there was ten Min's to go before kick off. A quick look at my watch confirmed this.

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I will give the same advice as a few others on herw, eat something before you go and today they were handing out free drinks aswell before the game.

Everyone should be able to last 90 minutes without having something to spend extortionate amounts of money on very average/cold food.

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if you look i never said we didnt and also i enjoyed the game but it is my god given right to complain if when i worked in a restuarant and someone came in and i said sorry i have no food i would be bankrupt in a day there is no alternative choice for fans so we voice our opinions and concerns on here if you don't want to read moans look at the topic first

ummmm what choice do i have saying as there isnt anywhere else to get food at half time its not as if i can go outside the ground to get something now is it ??????


Get yourself around North Street and buy a Clarks pie before the game. Far better than anything served in Ashton Gate. If people stopped buying the rubbish (when they have it in stock) the club would soon get the message. The only language they understand I am afraid.

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I will give the same advice as a few others on herw, eat something before you go and today they were handing out free drinks aswell before the game.

Everyone should be able to last 90 minutes without having something to spend extortionate amounts of money on very average/cold food.

Except at evening games, by the time I leave work, get home & change, there is not always time to eat. It would be nice to be able to get something hot, tasty and nutritious at the ground for my tea.

Oh, and served by someone with an amiable nature and a willing smile. And the right change.

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I'd rather have a two star Premier outfit than a four star Michelin resteraunt, I bet you felt real hard having a go ay a"spotty thirteen year old" who's probably on less than a minimum wage.

So you were happy to miss ten mins. footy to fill your belly?

Go down the gas apparently their pastys are great and you certainly won't have to queue!

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I'd rather have a two star Premier outfit than a four star Michelin resteraunt, I bet you felt real hard having a go ay a"spotty thirteen year old" who's probably on less than a minimum wage.

So you were happy to miss ten mins. footy to fill your belly?

Go down the gas apparently their pastys are great and you certainly won't have to queue!

Nice post.

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i went to get some food 10 full minutes before half time only to be told we havent got any food left to which i threw a little wobbler at the spotty 13 yr old serving and askedwho was in charge and he said "dunno" why do we have to pay extortionate prices for food only to queue up for ages and end up with nothing at the end except a lousy bottle of over priced fizzy soft drink. The burger van outside must have done an absolute roaring rade after the match i reall think that this needs to be addressed as this has been a problem for too long i have just moved to the dolman for the better atmosphere so i know that this is also a problem in most parts excepet the williams as these people have the ability to go outside the ground at half time so i am led to beleive if thats the case then it should be all around the stadium not just the chosen few. :englandsmile4wf::city::city::city::city::city:

don't be so lazy bring yer own.How much effort is required to make up a sandwich!!!!!

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I'd rather have a two star Premier outfit than a four star Michelin resteraunt, I bet you felt real hard having a go ay a"spotty thirteen year old" who's probably on less than a minimum wage.

So you were happy to miss ten mins. footy to fill your belly?

Go down the gas apparently their pastys are great and you certainly won't have to queue!

uh no and no to your post its my right did i say i was hard or anything like that and how do you know i had a go at him i asked where was his superior and also if i was abusive surely the 10 stewards stood right by me would have done something about me ??and also what is it to you when i decide to go to get something i got 10 mins before so i only miss 2 mins of footy not 15 mins of the second half after queueing for 30 mins to be told there is no food and btw they cant be on less than minimum wage as if they are then the club are breaking the law

don't be so lazy bring yer own.How much effort is required to make up a sandwich!!!!!

i want to eat something hot is there anything wrong with that when i leave for the game because of poor transport in this city it takes ages to get to the gate so i don't always have time to get something before the game


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uh no and no to your post its my right did i say i was hard or anything like that and how do you know i had a go at him i asked where was his superior and also if i was abusive surely the 10 stewards stood right by me would have done something about me ??and also what is it to you when i decide to go to get something i got 10 mins before so i only miss 2 mins of footy not 15 mins of the second half after queueing for 30 mins to be told there is no food and btw they cant be on less than minimum wage as if they are then the club are breaking the law

i want to eat something hot is there anything wrong with that when i leave for the game because of poor transport in this city it takes ages to get to the gate so i don't always have time to get something before the game


My son was thirsty at the game today and after 20/30 mins of pleading I agreed to buy him a bottle of water (I did request tap water but suprise suprise they did not have any). So after parting with 1.70 for a 0.5 ltr bottle of still water I was left feeling extremely bitter towards a club that I had just comiited 400 pound for seasons tickets for my son and I.

I will now write a letter of complaint to Mr Ladsdown, because I believe that the price I paid was extortionate. I know I should have brought drink with me, and generally do and always will from now on. I will request a breakdown of the price of the water from supplier vto the point of service price, if I am given this info I will let you know........... do not hoild your breath.

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if you look i never said we didnt and also i enjoyed the game but it is my god given right to complain if when i worked in a restuarant and someone came in and i said sorry i have no food i would be bankrupt in a day there is no alternative choice for fans so we voice our opinions and concerns on here if you don't want to read moans look at the topic first

ummmm what choice do i have saying as there isnt anywhere else to get food at half time its not as if i can go outside the ground to get something now is it ??????



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Do they sell chips?

The one by the Atyeo/Dolman never seems to.

I was informed today by a Lindleys senior manager that the reason that chips aren't available in the Dolman Hall is because to cook chips in sufficient quantities you need a large extractor fan.Unfortunately due to the design of the Dolman Stand its not possible to install such a fan.Thats why potato wedges which are oven cooked were on sale.

Personally I was impressed with the variety of food available.How many football stadiums do you go to where you can get a roast lunch if you want it within the stadium?

The cold food was excellant as well.

For the next home match I'll make sure I don't eat before the game as I did today.

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Personally I was impressed with the variety of food available.How many football stadiums do you go to where you can get a roast lunch if you want it within the stadium?

The cold food was excellant as well.

My Go* - you must eat pretty poor food at home if the fare at the Gate is that good!! Try going up to the mem and you will see what locally sourced food is all about - pretty decent. Lindley is equivalent to some UK McDs outfit - absolute faeces. I asked for a baguette - and the spotty nerd had no idea what I was on about. Always attend home match number 1 to prove that my decision to boycott the Gate is a rational one ..... and then I asked for Bovril ....

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I was informed today by a Lindleys senior manager that the reason that chips aren't available in the Dolman Hall is because to cook chips in sufficient quantities you need a large extractor fan.Unfortunately due to the design of the Dolman Stand its not possible to install such a fan.Thats why potato wedges which are oven cooked were on sale.

Personally I was impressed with the variety of food available.How many football stadiums do you go to where you can get a roast lunch if you want it within the stadium?

The cold food was excellant as well.

For the next home match I'll make sure I don't eat before the game as I did today.

And what is wrong with cooking chips in the oven? If it can be done for wedges then surely it can be done for chips.

That's how I cook mine at home. They taste much better if cooked in the over.

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And what is wrong with cooking chips in the oven? If it can be done for wedges then surely it can be done for chips.

That's how I cook mine at home. They taste much better if cooked in the over.

I did suggest that - and that is something they will look into but apparently oven chips go soggy far quicker than regular ones so it might not be an option.

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Personally I was impressed with the variety of food available.How many football stadiums do you go to where you can get a roast lunch if you want it within the stadium?

The cold food was excellant as well.

My Go* - you must eat pretty poor food at home if the fare at the Gate is that good!! Try going up to the mem and you will see what locally sourced food is all about - pretty decent. Lindley is equivalent to some UK McDs outfit - absolute faeces. I asked for a baguette - and the spotty nerd had no idea what I was on about. Always attend home match number 1 to prove that my decision to boycott the Gate is a rational one ..... and then I asked for Bovril ....

Did you have a look at what was on offer in the Dolman Hall?

I can't speak for the rest of the stadium but what I saw in the new kitchen was excellant and the fans seemed to like it.

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I went to see a much vaunted new film at my local multi-plex the other day.

I must say the entire experience was ruinedby my purchaces at the lobby.

My Coke was far too cold, whilst my sweet pop corn was not sweet enough despite the fact it cost a kings ransom.

I found I just could not enjoy the film with the unappitising fayre on offer.

It disturbed me so much that I HAD to go and complain, thus missing the final 20 mins of the epic.I haven't a clue how it ended and so was a total waste of time and money, But I did exercise my "God given right to complain!!

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