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Suspected Terrorist Attacks On Uk Flights


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Tony, please save us with more cameras and ID cards!

Tones on his summer hols still. Hasn't got time for a terror plot (or the bloody brains)

The heathrow with the tanks was to take us too war with iraq, thats pretty clear. This one seems a bit too sinister and sick to be a ploy.

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Guest DrFaustus

Ok so I know hes a dirty gas head but I am hoping our Doc gets back from his hols ok tomorrow, we'd be lost without him.

(no really we would....... :laugh: )

Aww shucks..and to think if my flight is cancelled, I'll never get to 'Uddersfield in time, closet shed and all. Might have to go to Exeter City instead :D

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Aww shucks..and to think if my flight is cancelled, I'll never get to 'Uddersfield in time, closet shed and all. Might have to go to Exeter City instead :D

let me know when you want to see city again I am sure that the forum can get you a ticket.

PS good luck with the flight

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About time we went to Terror Land and terroristed them, see how they like it!!

They wouldn't.

I was off today, but they cancelled the flight for some reason?

Wrong kind of leaves in the air i think was what they said.

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I was interested watching the Mayor of Los Angeles on Sky news giving a speech yesterday. He started saying how proud he was of everyone in LAX airport especially the brave Firemen and Police. Should someone tell him it happened in London and not America.

They really can be a tad thick at times.

Reminds me when I was in Vegas a couple of weeks ago. One day the hotel staff kept calling me Mr Blackthorn. I'm walking round thinking "what the **** are they on about" until I realised it was because I had my City shirt on !!

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if it were that simple. its an idea i like just as much as the next person. send everyone of non english origin back to protect national security

Does that include those of us in t'police, military, security services, civil service, flyin the planes, and doin passport control too? :devil:

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I think the govenment has some idea of where this people are,well you cant call them people there smelly little am going to shut up because ill get banned if i carry on.

Scuse me but I'm going to say what everyone is thinking. You're an ignorant prat, does that mean I should get deported because my Grandad was Italian, or maybe I should get sent back to Wales (please god no) because my Gran came from there. There are tens of thousands of people living in this country not from what you might call "our" ethnic origin, and they deplore what may have happened yesterday, some indeed died on July the 7th last year. Its just the vocal few that spoil it, and comments like yours are not only racist but pathetic as well.

I'm getting off my soap box now.

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Point 1: I aint a racist.

Point 2: Enoch Powell may well have been right?

I'm sorry but I cant tolerate what is happening to our country.

But with Boosh and B liar in cognito what can we expect?

They're the 2 biggest terrorists in the world. IMO

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Enoch Powell might have been right when he said "I see growing on the horizon the greater peril than Germany or Japan ever were...our terrible enemy, America...". :whistle:


Terrorism has nowt to do with immigration in my mind - its an issue of world politics. I'd stick all the politickers on the same space ship as the terroristers and bid them a bon voyage. :Wave:


Human beings are basically very stupid which is illustrated by the fact that our so-called civilisation has come to this. :Crazy:


Bring on World War three, I'm off to hide on a remote island. Coconut anyone? :Cool27:

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Its bad init why hasnt this all been resolved yet?Why not just send all of them home and don't let them in our country simple as.Or ban them from airports.

Mods should have removed this as it is racist. What a moron. The suspected terrorists were mainly born in the UK anyway, it is not a problem of immigration it is a problem to do with how Islamists and British society seem to be more and more removed. We need to work hard at integration, not demonisation

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Can anybody explain how they're not (Bush + Blair) organised and funded terroists?

Because they were elected through a special form of dictatorship called 'democracy' (the one where citizens are seduced by the image of freedom that has been sold to them by well-paid government marketing men).

Now that people have been hoodwinked into voting for these two men as part of a misleading game we play called 'election', they are by right allowed to invade any country that can be tenuously justified as an inferior state.

Naturally the benefits to US businesses that the attacks may have is pure conincidence, and the notion that the assaults on muslim states simply propagates further terrorist attacks is a fallacy proliferated by loony lefty tree-huggers.

What's wrong with Bush anyhow? Surely a one-time alcoholic, Christian fundaMentalist, oil tycoon, with a limited grasp of the English language - led by the cronies of his ex-president father - is the ideal candidate to run the world's only superpower?

And Blair...do not dismiss the man simply because he epitomises the way his party sold out on everything it stood for, replacing these dismissed virtues with an election winning advertising campaign, and an agreement with an all-powerful media mogul. It may sound like Blair has sold his soul to the devil...

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Because they were elected through a special form of dictatorship called 'democracy' (the one where citizens are seduced by the image of freedom that has been sold to them by well-paid government marketing men).

Now that people have been hoodwinked into voting for these two men as part of a misleading game we play called 'election', they are by right allowed to invade any country that can be tenuously justified as an inferior state.

Naturally the benefits to US businesses that the attacks may have is pure conincidence, and the notion that the assaults on muslim states simply propagates further terrorist attacks is a fallacy proliferated by loony lefty tree-huggers.

What's wrong with Bush anyhow? Surely a one-time alcoholic, Christian fundaMentalist, oil tycoon, with a limited grasp of the English language - led by the cronies of his ex-president father - is the ideal candidate to run the world's only superpower?

And Blair...do not dismiss the man simply because he epitomises the way his party sold out on everything it stood for, replacing these dismissed virtues with an election winning advertising campaign, and an agreement with an all-powerful media mogul. It may sound like Blair has sold his soul to the devil...

Thank's for clearing that one up.

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