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Help Needed - Are You A Drinker!?!

Big Red Rich

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Right, ive gotta organise a night of drinking/pub games. Its in a bar so there are plenty of drinks on hand! Do you know any decent drinking/pub games? I don't mean games such as 21's, name game, fuzzy duck etc, I'm after games that someone needs to set a challenge for someone else to beat etc?! it needs to be original and not just downing a pint in the quickest time!

something that can involve a leaderboard, timing etc is ideal but like i said, it needs to be original. So, have you got any thoughts or have you done anything similar that has worked out well?!

Thanks in advance,


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get a shot of tequila, salt and a lemon.

normally, you'd lick the salt, drink tequila and bite the lemon,

but the Danakin way (or the more popular name is Kamikazi Tequilas) is to

Snort Salt, drink tequila and squeeze lemon in your eye,

the person who does the most in 1 min wins.

Bloody Students.

hope thats helpfull rich

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ah benny boy, not all British culture is based around alcohol, and all alcohol consumption is based on Britain either, look at the Germans for example.

:D :Party12: :Party3:

It wasn't sarcastic Dan. I really do love the way we do things sometimes!

PS. I don't think the Germans mix Lager with Cider, Vodka and Tequila do they? That's gotta be a Brit thing!

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i'm ok with left hand drinking, it's not pointing, swearing or calling anyone by name which always gets me.

You'll be glad to hear that I was at a NUS Conference in Hertfordshire last week, where Sabbatical members of various Universities in Britain gathered to learn about sports and activities, but we mostly played drinking games, International Drinking rules whilst playing 21's screwed up a lot of people. This is what Student Representatives get up to on Conferences. :rolleyes:

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Yeah Rich have to agree with the guys, the left hand rule drinking game is good.

Whenever I'm out with the lads, we begin the night by saying you can only drink your drink using your left hand. You can hold your drink in your right hand, but you cant drink it from your right hand, or even sip it. If you are caught drinking with the wrong hand, you have to down your full drink. Failure to do so results in a for-fit(sp*) which is decided by the rest of the group.

The twist is, at anytime during the night, the group can change the hand which your allowed to drink with by using a code word. So if you make it a word that you would use regularly on a night out, then its up to everyone in the group to be on their toes and listen for the code word. Code word could be "football", "tits", "ar$e" etc. typical lads lingo.

If everyone is up for it, you end up completely smashed, and skint :D But watch what your drinking, as spirits are easier to down than say a pint in some cases. But if you miss the hand change, or don't down it, it could get messy.

Hope you have a wicked night Rich :dance:

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i'm ok with left hand drinking, it's not pointing, swearing or calling anyone by name which always gets me.

You'll be glad to hear that I was at a NUS Conference in Hertfordshire last week, where Sabbatical members of various Universities in Britain gathered to learn about sports and activities, but we mostly played drinking games, International Drinking rules whilst playing 21's screwed up a lot of people. This is what Student Representatives get up to on Conferences. :rolleyes:

Two digits Mr Danakin. It's 20+1 as you well know. :devil:

I now only drink from my left hand, move my beer into the centre of the table, hardly swear or point (even outside pubs!), my non uni friends think it's well weird but hey, it's got to be done.

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Guest MaloneFM

We used to play a drinking game in the social club on Bath Road. It involved an air rifle, 15 pints of cider and uncle Bruce's syrup.

The winner got to put the syrup on sweaty Seymours head when he passed out.

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I'll wiki it for you, it'll take me too long to type out myself.

International Drinking Rules

We use a few of those on tour, namely

- lefthanded consumption

- can't say drink, drunk, or drank

- can't point

In addition, there is usually a golf ball in play: if it lands in your drink you have to finish what is left, and then you have control of the ball.

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We use a few of those on tour, namely

- lefthanded consumption

- can't say drink, drunk, or drank

- can't point

In addition, there is usually a golf ball in play: if it lands in your drink you have to finish what is left, and then you have control of the ball.

Usual ones are

- Left handedness

- cant point

- cant swear

- cant use peoples names

Its all good fun.

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Jacks is a laugh if you have a deck of cards handy.

How to play:

deal all the cards out in turn to all the players.

whoever gets the first jack has to name a shot.

whoever gets the second jack has to pay for it.

whoever gets the third jack has to sip it.

whoever gets the fourth jack has to neck it.

sounds crap in print but is a real laugh in practice.

when i last played, one of my mates had to pay for the shot 8 games in a row.......he was not too happy!!

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Jacks is a laugh if you have a deck of cards handy.

How to play:

deal all the cards out in turn to all the players.

whoever gets the first jack has to name a shot.

whoever gets the second jack has to pay for it.

whoever gets the third jack has to sip it.

whoever gets the fourth jack has to neck it.

sounds crap in print but is a real laugh in practice.

when i last played, one of my mates had to pay for the shot 8 games in a row.......he was not too happy!!

So in theory, you could have to name, buy, sip and neck a shot if you got all four. bet it gets them b0ll0xed as well.

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