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Sharia Law In Britain


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Sorry don't accept either. Having studied both quran and hadith (islamic scripture), i have an understanding of what drives the islamic fundamentalist. Having read large quantities of islamic history, I understand that war and demograhics have lead to the imposition of islamic societies in many countries.

Which translation of the Qur'an do you refer to? Which Hadith? Whose guidance did you study it under?

Is there any difference between the imposition of Islamic societies as you call it and the imposition of say, christianity?

Is there any difference between the extremist views contained in the Qur'an and those contained in the holy text of many other religions?

What does fundamentalist mean? For someone so educated I would have thought that you understood the basic use of the term. How many fundamentalists have you met and talked to in order to form such a well qualified opinion as to what drives them?

Frankly I doubt very much you have actually studied anywhere near as much as you claim, more likely you've just read right wing propaganda on the subject and sprinkle a few words into your bile to make it sound like it's based on fact.

Seeing as you two have neither read scripture or history perhaps it is you and nibor who are Ignorant, prejudiced and bigotted? Maybe the PC fog is blocking your view?

I'm about as far from PC as it's possible to get. I think your anti-muslim views are prejudiced and bigotted and hence ignorant. People can read what you post and come to their own conclusions.

Perhaps you can clear it up for me - do you really think that muslims are bad people who mean us harm? Since that seems to be the central theme of just about everything you post.

Nibor and yourself have pointed out nothing. You offer no evidence just your own personal views.

Nor do you. I haven't claimed to offer other than personal views, but I don't go misrepresenting unbalanced articles pretending they support my views.

Nibor suggests there will be never be sharia law in Britain. How does he know this? On what evidence does he base this on? (even though the muslims are now asking for it).

On a basic understanding of the UK voting population demographics, birth rates, a laymen's knowledge of UK law and government and an understanding of how the development level of nations affects emigration. Mainly on common bloody sense.

I notice you haven't managed to actually respond to the points about how you've misrepresented and massively exaggerated the content of those articles.

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Guest MaloneFM

Yes, that way they light have avoided the sack of Byzantium by "Crusaders" in 1204.

Was that about the same time the Crusaders gave Randy Crawford the bums rush or was that after 'Streetlife'?

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Having studied both quran and hadith (islamic scripture), i have an understanding of what drives the islamic fundamentalist. Having read large quantities of islamic history, I understand that war and demograhics have lead to the imposition of islamic societies in many countries.

I didnt know the Independent was BNP. Oh and Nibor, the fact that it is muslim leaders that have asked for Sharia law seems to have gone straight over your head. BNP scare stories, what complete nonsense.

All that reading, all that studying, all that knowledge and yet you resort to exaggeration and sensationalist gubbins...perhaps balance can't be taught.

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Well you'll know then that the indiginous population is falling due to people staying single or having less than two children. So as the muslim population grows the native population will shrink. Some of the native population will convert to Islam and so the cycle continues. You may have noticed as the muslim population grows their voices become louder and their demands greater (think back 20 or even 10 years ago). This will be the case for the future. Note also that Ruth Kelly said she would consider their request for sharia law.

I reckon this is your ultimate concern - the loss of your sense of 'indiginous' culture in this country. Personally, I couldn't care less, and why should I?

Globalisation is such that many Brits are having the opportunity to leave this cloudy island, and who can blame them? Meanwhile more and more people from Europe and other continents will come here either temporarily or permanently. All religions will be represented in greater numbers.

This country is steeped in immigration and integration and that will continue at an increasing rate whether you like it or not.

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I reckon this is your ultimate concern - the loss of your sense of 'indiginous' culture in this country. Personally, I couldn't care less, and why should I?

Globalisation is such that many Brits are having the opportunity to leave this cloudy island, and who can blame them? Meanwhile more and more people from Europe and other continents will come here either temporarily or permanently. All religions will be represented in greater numbers.

This country is steeped in immigration and integration and that will continue at an increasing rate whether you like it or not.

Sorry but that is just crap. The vast majority of Brits stay through choice or because they have no choice. Immigration will only increase if Britain lets it increase. The point is not how many we let but who we let in. I would rather 1000 brown skinned hindus from the Indian sub continent than 100 white converts to Islam from Scandinavia.

So you couldn't care less about your culture? You might think differently if you were forced to point your back door skywards five times a day.

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Well Nibor, I have answered all your questions. Surely you have some counter argument. Maybe what i am saying is not true. Or maybe you're just a PC ahole who talks a load of ****.

Or maybe I haven't had time yet... I'll try and fit making you look stupid in some time tomorrow.

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To add one point to this arg...sorry discussion In several countries recently, these jihadi type organizations have sprung up (South Africa springs to mind in my knowledge) Almost all have the Wahabi strain of Islam. most of the fanatics worldwide, are from the Madrassahs which preach this virulent anti everything creed(Not the majority of these either!), or have fought in one or other hotspots against the great satan, or one of its allies/enemies (Usually trained by followers of said creed). They don't represent all Muslims, but there is a danger as in any system, that the organization, can intimidate, the moderate many, forcing them to agree with their hate filled bile, thus giving the impression that they want this and that.

THIS is the issue, not that MUSLIMS want Sharia Law etc etc. Stop the FANATICs, don't take out every Muslim, no matter how anyone perceives the problem would be dealt with. It WONT, it will be a recruiting office for the jihadis

Engage, with the moderate majority, and they must engage with the rest of us. The only way to stop Al Majerhoun, Abu Hamza, Bin Laden et al. Not equally bile filled rantings against all.

Equally raises standards for all Muslims, give them education, and a real chance of bettering themselves- Jihadis thrive on ignorance, and poverty. Even if most of their leaders aint poor, or uneducated

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So you couldn't care less about your culture? You might think differently if you were forced to point your back door skywards five times a day.

I couldn't care less about the ethnicity or religious preference or sexuality or national origins of people who choose to be part of this culture. I'm not trying to preserve anything other than good will, something that exists amongst people of Islam as much as any other social group. Happy days.

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I couldn't care less about the ethnicity or religious preference or sexuality or national origins of people who choose to be part of this culture. I'm not trying to preserve anything other than good will, something that exists amongst people of Islam as much as any other social group. Happy days.

ok then, show me a link of muslims offering goodwill because i could show you plenty where there is no goodwill.

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ok then, show me a link of muslims offering goodwill because i could show you plenty where there is no goodwill.

Do you contend my suggestion that Muslims exist who are good people, who display actions of goodwill?

You realise that whilst you handpick nefarious quotes from the Qur'an, I could produce many quotes which promote good deeds and selflessness...

...but what does a link on the internet prove, or a quote from a holy book? Nowt.

What I strongly believe is that human beings the world over are the same: easily led, possessed by ego and in search of very similar gratifications.

We humans also have a propensity for a tribal superiority complex, but I must tell you now Bristol_born...you are not superior to the average muslim. How does that feel?

Still not looking stupid but you're becoming more of a retard by the day. :yawn:

Do muslims stoop to such remarks?

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Fair is fair - when I can go to a country supporting their faith and be allowed to open a bar with strippers, I will consider their requests in this country - until then, they can go forth and not multiply.

S'Fair I think. tolerance everywhere would be a great ideal. somehow we may wait till hell freezes over in some cases. People count, not religion, politics, or ethnic hatred.

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Perhaps another way of making comment would be to draw a parallel between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party?

You could state that the 'German' people were not all in the Nazi party but even the moderate ones allowed themselves to be carried along but the events?

Or would this be a usless comparison to make regarding the topic?

Just trying to open it all up again.. it's a thought?

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Perhaps another way of making comment would be to draw a parallel between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party?

You could state that the 'German' people were not all in the Nazi party but even the moderate ones allowed themselves to be carried along but the events?

Or would this be a usless comparison to make regarding the topic?

Just trying to open it all up again.. it's a thought?

You certainly couldn't compare the religion of Islam with the political party/dictatorship, the Nazis. Slightly different! :rolleyes:

The only similarity between the rise of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism and the rise of Nazism is that they prey on people's prejudices and target innocent people, but the way they are constructed and have come to exist is drastically different.

You could compare Nazi law with Sharia law or any other legal system if you wanted.

It would also be extremely ignorant to suggest that the average muslim has 'allowed themselves to be carried along' by terrorists....but I'm sure you're not suggesting that.

Otherwise...fairly useless comparison Dorset old bean!!

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