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City Women

Percy Parrot

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first of all another massive well done to the ladies team who are rockin'. Long may it continue. Now, before I mention the P word, I will remind myself that it is a long way to go before the end of the season. But even IF the ladies are promoted- how much chance do they stand next season? The Gas Girls cruised last season and now they're bottom of the league and have really struggled against the Fulham's, Doncaster's and Charlton's of this world.

Let's just hope.

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Personally, I'm not remotely interested in womens "football" other than from a decorative point of view.

If women want to play thats fine.Similar to those women who chose to train as HGV drivers or bricklayers I suppose..... :Confused13:

Well, they represent Bristol City so they get my full support!

Robbered, have you actually ever seen a womens match? The skill levels are very high (apart from the 'keepers....!) I think you'd be pleasently suprised if you did.

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[Robbored, have you actually ever seen a womens match? The skill levels are very high (apart from the 'keepers....!) I think you'd be pleasently suprised if you did.

Only on TV.

Seen England play a couple of times. That Rachel Yankey is a bright young thing. :Cheeky33:

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I say good on you girls, keep up the good work! :(

And its true Stucider, they do represent and are part of City and are doing a very good jod of it at the moment, they have good chances and are at least GAINING points! :P:P Hhhmm mmm.......

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I have watched a fair bit of womens footie in my time (my girlfriend's sister plays for Fulham and England).

The standard is certainly improving as each year goes by. That standard will only continue to improve if more and more girls/ladies are attracted to the game. That is why it is important for the ladies' teams to have an association with a professional club.

Having watched as I say a fair bit of womens footie I would suggest that if their male counterparts showed as much commitment and enjoyment, then we would all be leaving Ashton Gate far happier than at present.

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Well living in the land of women's football (America) I see games pretty frequently, often times the women are better players than the men. (No, I'm not saying they would beat the men, the difference in speed and stregth is too great) but they actually play as a team and have great skills.

Although I think it would be bigger if I stopped thinking "boy she's hot" while watching a game.

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After the shambles which is City's male team, the ladiess are showing the donkies up. Third last year, and now top, certainly more bottle, and pride in the shirt- fair play to em, and good luck :Party27: :Party27: :Party27: :Party27:

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