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Lee Miller - Remember Him?


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Evening City fans,

Thought I would pop onto your forum, just to update anyone who might be remotely interested about ex City player Lee Miller.

Well first off, Lee became a father for the 2nd time on Friday past, when his fiance Donna gave birth to a baby son :D . So Granny Joy is now celebrating having a new addition to the Miller clan, baby Lennon Lee Miller :D .

And as I speak, Lee is travelling to Aberdeen, where he is expecting to sign for Aberdeen and end his Dundee United career. This season hasnt really started for Lee as yet, so hoping that the move might just cap a brilliant week for Lee.

As I said, you may not be the slightest bit interested, but I thought I would let you know. Granny Joy, passes on her love to all the forum members who have been asking for her, and promises to be make an appearance soon.



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To be honest he would be a brilliant signing for us now, him and Brooker/Jevons would work superbly, have a word will ya??

If I had known this I wouldve tried to derail his move to Aberdeen.

Having looked at the fans forum for Aberdeen, they seem pretty chuffed that they have signed Lee, so lets hope this gets him over his lull that he suffered at Dundee United.

Aberdeen now with a decent strike force, Stevie Lovell, Darren Mackie and now Lee.

Thanks for all the good wishes for Lees new wee boy, and I will pass them onto him when I catch up with him, it would be easier to have a conversation with Osama Bin Liner than Lee just now.

Good luck tomorrow against the only gays in the UK, revenge for playoff robbery I feel. :englandsmile4wf:

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