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5 Years On

The Batman

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But young Andrew the west sponsor Israel against the Arabs and Iraq against Iran among many other conflicts which the west (the Americans) corrupted free and fair elections in south America and educated and funded both Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussain.

The reaction of the world may have been shock and horror. The reaction of the American government was to bomb Afghanistan when they knew it was Saudis that comitted the crime. It was a dream ticket to wage war against whoever they had a grudge against. Its radical elements on both sides and at high levels that are sending the poor sods lower down to their deaths.

If you said bout IRAK, as our dumb Amis say, I'd agree, but Aghanistan WAS the base these fundamentalist phychos used to train. America was right to burn the Taleban, and Al Queda, but as with all soft Western Governemnts they dread the body count (Loses em elections you know) so they specially our Ami cousins use technology to compensate. When how you REALLY get the bad guy is to go up close and personal.......Shrub, B Liar, Sheisseoder, and Chitrac well they couldnt POSSIBLY risk losing an election now could they.

Cold hard fact: Al Queada exist to smash ANYONE of any race/colour/creed who oppose their barbaric, stone age message. Witness the thousands of Kenyans and Tanzanians killed in the Embassy bombings there, just to kill a representitive of Great Satan!!

There WILL have to be a reckoning with these killers, but equally garanteed is the dumb Ami reaction to 9/11, and its really dumb invasion of Iraq, which is as good a recruiting aid as I can think of...........

The moderates, and realists will be squeezed between the fanatics, and apologists for BOTH sides. Sadly.

Oh and it was Muslim fanatics which bombed the WTC, Bali, Madrid, London, as well as daily atrocities in Iraqkilling vitually no military personnel, or the politicians. And they killed fellow Muslims in all of them. Oh yeah they really, really are good Muslims.................NOT! Paradise and virgins my @ss!!

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