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Booed Off


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Enoch had totally run himself into the ground, with the result fairly secure and a game coming on saturday we needed to preserve him, he's been out with illness and injury and taking him off was right move

very much think this season is going to be more about grind out results than pretty football, if that's what it takes to get us out this league! so be it! we have tried playing pretty stuff for some many years and it's got us no where, this is a ugly league to be in and at times we just need to grind out these sort of results

couple of seasons ago against a kick and rush team like Orient who had just come up, we would have lost it, instead tonight we played ugly and got the result

If Enoch was injured why not bring on an alternative striker? Trouble is, we don't have any more, they're either sold, on loan, past it or in the nick.

And as for "grind out these sort of results" and "playing ugly" - is that what it has come to? Grinding out results and playing ugly against a team that will finish in the bottom half?

As soon as we come up against decent teams we lose. Playing the way we did tonight, we won't be "grinding out" results against NottsF, Swansea, etc, I can assure you.

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If Enoch was injured why not bring on an alternative striker? Trouble is, we don't have any more, they're either sold, on loan, past it or in the nick.

And as for "grind out these sort of results" and "playing ugly" - is that what it has come to? Grinding out results and playing ugly against a team that will finish in the bottom half?

As soon as we come up against decent teams we lose. Playing the way we did tonight, we won't be "grinding out" results against NottsF, Swansea, etc, I can assure you.

Yes Enoch was injured, nothing we could do about that, Skuse was probably the best option to bring on out of the subs there.

At times in this league over the years we have tried to play to much football, too much of the time against teams like Forest, Swansea and com Imagine it will go back to end of last season performances where we actually try to play against the team by playing the football we all want to see.

But our biggest problem over there years is being unable to beat teams like Colchester, Rotherham Chesterfield and such at Home, they turn up to defend and we just never seem to be able to break them down and instead of going home with the point they turned up to many times over the years they have gone home with all 3, because they have big ugly players who just play the hard game and pressure teams into mistakes by strength. Tonight we got our goals and then just totally shut up shop, it wasn't pretty, but it was needed, Lost count of the amount of times we have thrown away games just like this one in the past due to naive play and trying play attacking football.

As the recently promoted teams have proved it doesn't always work to play football in this league, if you also look at the recently relegated teams in the last few years from this league, how many of them have beat us at home prior to going down?

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I also sit in Block D and I heard the morons booing the players and telling GJ to F### off back to Yeovil, do we need fans likethese? I think not.


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I also sit in Block D and I heard the morons booing the players and telling GJ to F#### off back to Yeovil, do we need fans likethese? I think not.


I quite agree. There's no point in booing, all it does is makes the players feel even worse, and it's a pointless waste of energy.

I've been to 70 plus grounds in Britain and City fans are the second most negative bunch I know (and I write as a season ticket holder and a supporter of 37 years). The most negative bunch being Wigan Athletic, where the referess tell me that they EXPECT to get booed off the pitch, never mind the players.

I know we all pay good money to watch the team, but what's the point in being so negative?

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I sat in the Williams stand and I definately heard Booing towards the players. Yes the second half was dissappointing, yes the substitutions were decisivly negative, but I really could not believe what I was hearing. Its a sad day when we win, get 3 points, and people still attack the team.

It really does beggar belief, do people think teams like Plymouth or even Wigan got promoted from this division scoring 4 or 5 every game. No it was countless one nils, consolidating with a solid defence. I don't care what system we play, could be 10 players on the line with Basso in front for all I care if we get 3 points. I felt sorry for GJ last night, cos there really is no pleasing some people. If things ain't bad enough at the club! Hasn't the clubs image been tarnished enough in recent weeks and now we got fans booing a win. :ranting:

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I quite agree. There's no point in booing, all it does is makes the players feel even worse, and it's a pointless waste of energy.

I've been to 70 plus grounds in Britain and City fans are the second most negative bunch I know (and I write as a season ticket holder and a supporter of 37 years). The most negative bunch being Wigan Athletic, where the referess tell me that they EXPECT to get booed off the pitch, never mind the players.

I know we all pay good money to watch the team, but what's the point in being so negative?

After 37 years of watching City I would think you would have realised the reason for being so negative, the last 8 seasons have seen us go no where quickly, we have gone on to employ some awful managers, sell our best assets and now watch some of the worst, most boring defensive drivel under a manager whose ego is quickly making him as popular as Pulis.

I hate to say it but unless something changes soon and the football gets better Gary Johnsons statement of turning 10,000 into 20,000 is going to be as beleivable as Jesus turning wtaer into wine. Against a decent team and there are a few will will get tonked.

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I really can't believe this.

I've long said in private circles, that I find City fans embarrassing (obviously not ALL). These morons booing last night are a perfect example of why.

Couldn't agree more. I can't believe the team are getting booed when we win. For crying out loud can't you see the confidence is low at the minute - how's this going to help. If you want to boo players go and watch the gas - they deserve it.

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I hate to say it but unless something changes soon and the football gets better Gary Johnsons statement of turning 10,000 into 20,000 is going to be as beleivable as Jesus turning wtaer into wine

To my knowledge, quite a few people do believe that. Hundreds of millions of people believe that, all Johnson has to do is convince a few thousand. Poor analogy!

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is going to be as beleivable as Jesus turning wtaer into wine.

Or wtaer into water!

The boo crew? Complete and utter empty headed to$$pots that achieve nothing. Why would anybody want to manage or play for this club with the morons we unfortunately have to suffer in the stands. The ignoramus's are a total embarassment. My wife was on the verge of having a season ticket this year, for the first time, but in the end decided not to because of the atmosphere created by the boo crew and moaning minnies. I understand that some may say I was lucky and that was a near miss, but you get my point.

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