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Supporters Trust Open Meeting Agenda For Tonight (weds 20th Sept)


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Because we needed to discuss what official line the ST will take with regards to "are you supporting this or not?"

I think the point Neo's making is- how can you decide what position to take without having the survey done and therefore knowing what members think?

Anyway I hope there was a decision to back it, it's an opportunity for the Trust to win people over and it's the sort of thing in which they could exploit their access to SL and co to make a difference.

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If that's the case, how can that be decided by a minority without seeking opinions from the majority (i.e. members)?

The meeting was quorate (having the necessary number of people present for decisions to be allowed to be made) because the majority of board members were at the meeting. Board members have been elected democratically by Trust members to make decisions on behalf of the members.

We'll agree the wording for an official statement in the next day or so but the broad gist of the Trust stance was agreed in the meeting as follows;

We would like the East End to be open to home fans. There have been behaviour issues that have resulted in the police insisting on additional policing if it is open to home fans and this comes with a cost. As a result we understand the reasons for it not currently being open to home fans. We commend the actions of those supporters who care passionately about this issue and are currently organising a petition for it to be re-opened and we look forward to following their campaign. Together with a survey being issued to members in the next few days the petition will help us gauge the strength of support for this issue. We would like to work with these supporters, the Club and the police to investigate ways that are acceptable to all parties that will allow home fans to return to the East End.

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The meeting was quorate (having the necessary number of people present for decisions to be allowed to be made) because the majority of board members were at the meeting. Board members have been elected democratically by Trust members to make decisions on behalf of the members.

We'll agree the wording for an official statement in the next day or so but the broad gist of the Trust stance was agreed in the meeting as follows;

We would like the East End to be open to home fans. There have been behaviour issues that have resulted in the police insisting on additional policing if it is open to home fans and this comes with a cost. As a result we understand the reasons for it not currently being open to home fans. We commend the actions of those supporters who care passionately about this issue and are currently organising a petition for it to be re-opened and we look forward to following their campaign. Together with a survey being issued to members in the next few days the petition will help us gauge the strength of support for this issue. We would like to work with these supporters, the Club and the police to investigate ways that are acceptable to all parties that will allow home fans to return to the East End.

Seems fair enough. You seem to be supporting the fans if they wish to open it, but aren't going to get to involved due to a) At the moment you are not sure how many fans support it and b) You are not willing to damage the relationship with the club

every time I hear about you lot I become a bit more convinced that I should join you.

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The meeting was quorate (having the necessary number of people present for decisions to be allowed to be made) because the majority of board members were at the meeting. Board members have been elected democratically by Trust members to make decisions on behalf of the members.

Yep I understand the concept but I would have thought that the opinions of members, and perhaps even more so potential members whom you want to attract should be a large part of the influence on board decisions. It seems that the lack of this info is hamstringing you a bit?

Is the survey going out soon and is it still going to be members only at the club's request or will you make it available on match days? The club seem to be dragging their feet over the feedback from the league one - perhaps it's time to tell them you can't wait any more?

We'll agree the wording for an official statement in the next day or so but the broad gist of the Trust stance was agreed in the meeting as follows;

We would like the East End to be open to home fans. There have been behaviour issues that have resulted in the police insisting on additional policing if it is open to home fans and this comes with a cost. As a result we understand the reasons for it not currently being open to home fans. We commend the actions of those supporters who care passionately about this issue and are currently organising a petition for it to be re-opened and we look forward to following their campaign. Together with a survey being issued to members in the next few days the petition will help us gauge the strength of support for this issue. We would like to work with these supporters, the Club and the police to investigate ways that are acceptable to all parties that will allow home fans to return to the East End.

Miles I know the Trust wants to do things professionally and the like but... noone gives a damn about the wording of an official statement. People don't give a monkey's about commendation or understanding - it's fluff - they'll sit up and notice when something concrete happens.

All the website articles, publicity, the social/fundraising events have all been done professionally and had a great deal of effort put in. But's it's been running a year now, and so far the Trust hasn't been able to do something that affects the average fan watching a game on Saturday whether or not they take an interest. Unfortunately unless that happens soon I can see cynicism increasing and a real danger of potential members just becoming permanently disillusioned and ignoring it for good.

The earlier you can get SL, the police, and whichever health and safety moron you need from the council to sit down and thrash out how to solve the East End problem (and I mean constructively solve it, instead of them all taking the 'lalalala I can't hear you approach') the better. That will do more for your membership numbers than anything else has done so far I reckon.

I'm not trying to be unnecessarily critical or belittle the work you've all done in the least, I'd like to see it be successful and be able to influence the club away from this plastic corporate bullshit alienation approach theyve taken in recent years, but it really does need something to kick start the numbers of members. Needs a bit of JFDI and benevolent dictatorship I think.

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Yep I understand the concept but I would have thought that the opinions of members, and perhaps even more so potential members whom you want to attract should be a large part of the influence on board decisions. It seems that the lack of this info is hamstringing you a bit?

Is the survey going out soon and is it still going to be members only at the club's request or will you make it available on match days? The club seem to be dragging their feet over the feedback from the league one - perhaps it's time to tell them you can't wait any more?

The survey is to members only at this point. We have reminded the Club about the FL survey results and there are two meetings in the first week of October where I plan to discuss this issue further.

Miles I know the Trust wants to do things professionally and the like but... noone gives a damn about the wording of an official statement. People don't give a monkey's about commendation or understanding - it's fluff - they'll sit up and notice when something concrete happens.

All the website articles, publicity, the social/fundraising events have all been done professionally and had a great deal of effort put in. But's it's been running a year now, and so far the Trust hasn't been able to do something that affects the average fan watching a game on Saturday whether or not they take an interest. Unfortunately unless that happens soon I can see cynicism increasing and a real danger of potential members just becoming permanently disillusioned and ignoring it for good.

The earlier you can get SL, the police, and whichever health and safety moron you need from the council to sit down and thrash out how to solve the East End problem (and I mean constructively solve it, instead of them all taking the 'lalalala I can't hear you approach') the better. That will do more for your membership numbers than anything else has done so far I reckon.

I'm not trying to be unnecessarily critical or belittle the work you've all done in the least, I'd like to see it be successful and be able to influence the club away from this plastic corporate bullshit alienation approach theyve taken in recent years, but it really does need something to kick start the numbers of members. Needs a bit of JFDI and benevolent dictatorship I think.

You're eager for results and I know that only results will change how we are perceived and boost membership. We've taken the decision that the quickest and most effective way to get those results is to develop a mutually respectful relationship where fans' views are listened to openly in a spirit of co-operation.

Which is just more rhetoric, of course, and all i can do on this forum is use words to explain what we want to achieve and how we are trying to achieve it.

I can assure you that phone calls and meetings have been and are taking place and if we're unsuccesful in changing things it isn't for the lack of effort. I don't believe that the Trust as a democratic organisation run by volunteers can be run successfully with a benevolent dictator and in terms of the relationship between Trust and Club there is only one part of that relationship where a benevolent dictator could apply and that is with the Club.

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The meeting was quorate (having the necessary number of people present for decisions to be allowed to be made) because the majority of board members were at the meeting. Board members have been elected democratically by Trust members to make decisions on behalf of the members.

We'll agree the wording for an official statement in the next day or so but the broad gist of the Trust stance was agreed in the meeting as follows;

We would like the East End to be open to home fans. There have been behaviour issues that have resulted in the police insisting on additional policing if it is open to home fans and this comes with a cost. As a result we understand the reasons for it not currently being open to home fans. We commend the actions of those supporters who care passionately about this issue and are currently organising a petition for it to be re-opened and we look forward to following their campaign. Together with a survey being issued to members in the next few days the petition will help us gauge the strength of support for this issue. We would like to work with these supporters, the Club and the police to investigate ways that are acceptable to all parties that will allow home fans to return to the East End.

:chant6ez: I`ll settle for the first sentence, the wheels are moving :dance: does this mean you will sign C.H petition as well.

Here`s to fan unity and a force that will be impossible to ignore; :pray:

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Seems fair enough. You seem to be supporting the fans if they wish to open it, but aren't going to get to involved due to a) At the moment you are not sure how many fans support it and b) You are not willing to damage the relationship with the club

every time I hear about you lot I become a bit more convinced that I should join you.

Come on in, the water's lovely. A bit turbulent at times though........ ;)

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The meeting was quorate (having the necessary number of people present for decisions to be allowed to be made) because the majority of board members were at the meeting. Board members have been elected democratically by Trust members to make decisions on behalf of the members.

We'll agree the wording for an official statement in the next day or so but the broad gist of the Trust stance was agreed in the meeting as follows;

We would like the East End to be open to home fans. There have been behaviour issues that have resulted in the police insisting on additional policing if it is open to home fans and this comes with a cost. As a result we understand the reasons for it not currently being open to home fans. We commend the actions of those supporters who care passionately about this issue and are currently organising a petition for it to be re-opened and we look forward to following their campaign. Together with a survey being issued to members in the next few days the petition will help us gauge the strength of support for this issue. We would like to work with these supporters, the Club and the police to investigate ways that are acceptable to all parties that will allow home fans to return to the East End.

How's the view from up on top of that fence? ;)

Seriously though, good response.

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