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Soccer Night


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Jed Pitman may now be sitting in a chair like a "good" presenter and not supping pints, but following tonight's programme, Soccer Night is still a waste of 30 minutes of my life.

Surely our game at Nottingham Forest is by far and away the biggest talking point of the week? No, according to Soccer Night, every other club is FAR more important than the BIGGEST club in this region which is currently MOST successful and has the BIGGEST support. Yeovil Town (which incidently is also covered by Westcountry TV) is apparently far more worthy of a mention because they are "punching above their weight". So they sit in a studio on the Bath Road in SOUTH BRISTOL and try their hardest not to give any credit to Gary Johnson and City and the biggest game of the season for ANY of the region's clubs.

Can you tell I'm a little annoyed? :grr::grr: (and have had a few pints) :ph34r:

Still surely, although I'm no doubt a little biased, anybody else who watched this programme thinks similarly?

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Not spending all my time in my home City of Bristol, I have the "misfortune" to miss out on this televisual feast. :(

On the rare occassions I have watched it, I found it was like watching the poor mans soccer am and, having watched todays Channel 5's attempt at Soccer Coverage, I feel the two should amalgamate into $hite Night, a programme that should go out at around 4.00am on a channel that's nigh on impossible to tune your set to.

John Barnes must be the luckiest man ever to get a job on TV as he's more wooden than Mrs Overall and I had difficulty in even hearing Roy Hodgson, the worlds most nasal, monotone pundit-Makes David Pleat & Trevor (Splinters in my ar$e) Brooking seem animated and controversial.

That JP is editing the Green 'Uns Letters is another example of the local sports medias undying compliance & colon seeking,retreat from which sees the clubs recoil in horror the minute the local news media produce something they don't agree with.The sound of dummies being spat out and toys leaving the pram, is audible to a martian.

It's got to the point when it's almost pointless interviewing people or employig them as pundits as they've all been media trained and sanitised to the point of mind numbing mediocrity.

Disappointed, Very Much So,The "great job," that every manager is always doing until he inevitably gets the sack a few weeks after signing a 2/3 year contract.

Monosyllabic "experts" telling us what we've just seen and being cow towwed to by fawning presenters on the basis that they're "football people" and the games so complicated we mere mortals couldn't possibly understand it. :grr:

Some of what I've seen, even at our club, beggars belief and any criticism, alternative view even, is met with a wall of indignation and resentment.I'm not a "football person" whatever that is, but I would't have left Lita out of our team at the Millenium, picked injured players, tried to out negative the most negative manager in Football or played Craig Woodman on the left wing after signing a winger for £100k!!!

If people ever stop to calculate the cost to our club :baa: -Millions and the bloke who did it walks off with about £250k in his bin!!!

Oh for the days of Brian Clough, Mick Channon (No intellectual) & Malcolm Allison-Even Mullers had a right pop at Allison on TV once, priceless.Now, they were worth watching.Rodney Marsh was along the same lines but he's far to Non PC-They'll get Claridge next, you wait.

What do we get?

Roger Malone & Tony Brown.

Local Council is anti sport to.Is it any wonder that we've underacheived for years?

Let's hope that GJ can continue with our current run of form and that we appear on the national map :city:

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I dozed off at the start of the programme and woke up again about 10 minutes in. From what I saw it appears to have dropped all that sub SoccerAM rubbish which is most welcome and was slightly better for it.

I was a little bemused when they looked at the league 1 table, by the statement "There's Bristol City in 2nd which for a club their size is the least you should expect, but lets look at Yeovil".

I did wonder whether they were hoping that they could do a bigger piece on the "league leaders" next week, but more likely they are hoping they can talk about our failure to go top.

When I see guests like "Iffy" (well named) Onuora, it looks like old pals giving the unemployed some work to keep them going. Judging by Pitmans Swindon comments coming back in from the ads break, the most interesting thing he said was while the cameras were off him.

I thought it was better, but still nowhere good enough.

Surely the point of a programme like this is not to show the goals to those of us who went, but to attract and encourage the stay aways to come and take a look. With that in mind surely "highlights" should include more than just the goals, especially from a game like the one against Crewe.

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Jed Pitman may now be sitting in a chair like a "good" presenter and not supping pints, but following tonight's programme, Soccer Night is still a waste of 30 minutes of my life.

Whole-heartedly agree. Bring back Soccer Sunday! It was on at a reasonable time (usually around 2pm unless the Grand Prix was on) and even treated us to the odd televised match. Hanging about until 11pm+ on a Thursday night in order to watch someone who I swear is half-cut most of the time just doesn't seem worth it.

The problem is that, for some people, this is the only football show they may get to see. If you don't have Sky or access to the internet then you are generally subject to highlights on the news and Soccer Night. :(

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Guest MaloneFM

What do we get?

Roger Malone & Tony Brown.

You mean that in a good way one hopes. Although 'downer' Brown was only that calm probably because of glug glug glug :Party12:

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All the media coverage of local football is very average at best - some might even call it amatuer.Pitman no doubt when questioned about Soccer night would argue that the show has to provide coverage of all local clubs - Rovers, City,Swindon and Yeovil and that the show has only about 23-25mins of air time when the commercial breaks are allowed for.

That said Pitman comes over as a wannabe comedian.Almost everytime you see him on TV he tries to be funny and it usually falls flat.Maybe a more considered approach might be more effective.

I can upto a point understand the time factor and having to keep a the fans of all the local clubs happy but to barely mention City's biggest game of the season so far is appaling.

Getting local pundits can't be easy either.Bobby Gould and Russell Osman will no doubt make an appearance at some point and probably so will the managers of the local clubs but apart from that and a few ex-players there aren't many options.

Maybe Pitman should consider getting the fans on.I'd love to see some core Gasheads and Swindon fans on there telling it as it is from their perspective.Maybe the Supporters Trust could get some air time as well as Yeovilites talking about life after Gary Johnson and how it feels to be doing so well.After all the show is aimed at local supporters - why not have them on?

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All the media coverage of local football is very average at best - some might even call it amatuer.

Agreed-Perhaps Mark Lawrenson would make a comeback

Pitman no doubt when questioned about Soccer night would argue that the show has to provide coverage of all local clubs - Rovers, City,Swindon and Yeovil and that the show has only about 23-25mins of air time when the commercial breaks are allowed for.

There are times when you'd struggle to fill 25 mins with that lot :D

That said Pitman comes over as a wannabe comedian.Almost everytime you see him on TV he tries to be funny and it usually falls flat.Maybe a more considered approach might be more effective.

Amen :pray:

Maybe Pitman should consider getting the fans on.I'd love to see some core Gasheads and Swindon fans on there telling it as it is from their perspective.Maybe the Supporters Trust could get some air time as well as Yeovilites talking about life after Gary Johnson and how it feels to be doing so well.After all the show is aimed at local supporters - why not have them on?

Fans panel with a couple from each club to discuss the week-Cracking idea

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Jed Pitman may now be sitting in a chair like a "good" presenter and not supping pints, but following tonight's programme, Soccer Night is still a waste of 30 minutes of my life.

Surely our game at Nottingham Forest is by far and away the biggest talking point of the week? No, according to Soccer Night, every other club is FAR more important than the BIGGEST club in this region which is currently MOST successful and has the BIGGEST support. Yeovil Town (which incidently is also covered by Westcountry TV) is apparently far more worthy of a mention because they are "punching above their weight". So they sit in a studio on the Bath Road in SOUTH BRISTOL and try their hardest not to give any credit to Gary Johnson and City and the biggest game of the season for ANY of the region's clubs.

Can you tell I'm a little annoyed? :grr::grr: (and have had a few pints) :ph34r:

Still surely, although I'm no doubt a little biased, anybody else who watched this programme thinks similarly?

Damm missed it, Do they repeat it? Gutted

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