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Northern Cider-Dude

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You still pay vat, council tax, etc etc, its still tax, my point is pensioners should be paying no tax at all, they have paid their way and should be given a tax free living.

It could be done quite easily it would mean the government would have to stop squandering billions of pounds away on wars in countries 90% of people don't want and keeping people here who have no business to be here, and it only needs a few fresh faces who don't nail their allegiance to Tory, Labour, Libs or any current political party.

If they started thinking for what would be good for the citizens of this country then things could be so different. Until that time we will get the same old guff this country has been served up for hundreds of years.

Screech, politicians will be politicians, great before they get their snout in the trough, but once there............ :w00t: Pigs in sh1t, literally.

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