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Just Back From Orient

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I didnt see Johnson make a gesture with his hands but that was because we were celebrating and therefore didnt look at Johnson. I don't blame him though and i think the sarcastic cheering when Lee came off was ridiculous because he played quite well today and scored a goal. I do think we need a Tommy Doc(in his prime) style central midfielder to play alongside johnson because Orient were going right through the centre of us today!

Just after halftime some guy behing me shouted to GJ that Jennison was the worst player on the pitch and to haul him off and GJ replied "i pick the team". I personally thought that Jennison was our best player in the 1st half and got involved and stuck ijn alot more today than he has in previous games!People were also getting on Jevons back and giving him real stick whick just isnt needed. I admit the guy is a lightweight but he is a good player and does do his fair share throughout the game! We need to get behind the players and help them onto to promotion!!!


I didn't attend the game today, but by what i heard on the radion he sounded like he had a good game. 'williams skips past one, and another...' etc etc, i swear i heard that atleast 2-3 times. And was actually quite dissapointed when he was subbed. Same against port vale, he was one of our best players in the first half. Yet people still give him abuse.

Seems most people aren't happy unless they are having a dig at one of our players, which is pathetic and does nothing for their confidence. If the people slating the players think they can do better, i'd like to see them try, and get the same abuse for their efforts.

If people insist on slating the players, and arent happy with the way the team is performing, they might aswell stay at home, because slagging the players off at every opportunity won;t make them perform any better.

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Its a sad sad indictment of our supporters that many feel the need to have a go at one of our players no matter what the position of the team and regardless of the ability of the player...

I can remember back to the days when Gerry Sweeney got stick everytime his name was mentioned and we were in the top flight then

Steve Torpey

Dave Smith

Joe Burnell

Baz Savage...To name but a few and the list is endless....

I've noticed quite a bit of anti-Johnson Jnr sentiment...particularly on this forum.... and cant help think WHY...?

He's a decent footballer he's scored a couple of goals recently and gets stuck-in...So will some people just pack it the **** up.... please

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yes he turned to fans done this hand gesture. Then when he was subbed, he kept staring at us shaking his head.

The strange thing was Johnson wasnt really getting a hard time of it from the fans he had a decent game

I got the Jhnson Snr icy stare n gesture for shouting go on Noble show em what you can do when he was about to go on

If supporting someone who hasnt had much of a run recently is taken so personally by Johnson I fear his skin is a little too thin

If anyone is potentially gnna be a target for the boo boys its Jevons not Johnson

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I really cannot see how JMW had a great game. How many times did he beat his man out wide? How many crosses did he get in? How many times did he work the keeper? He did make a couple of decent runs through the middle to be fair but his final product was a shot with his right foot which rolled past the corner of the six yard box. He also bottled out of a few tackles. I am not saying he was appalling (although the above may give that impression) but in no way can he be described as "great" either.

He had a good game battled back alot more than he has normally really worried them again with his pace

Not great but definately contributed if anyone was bottlin challenges it wasnt jennison

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If GJ feels the need to argue, stare down or gesture, it should be with the players not the fans who pay his wages.

Common sense should dictate that a professional manager does not face the crowd and use gestures and involve himself with adverse comment. Thats a bigger ego trip than the Stewart fiasco.

No manager is bigger than the club and its fans.

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He had a good game battled back alot more than he has normally really worried them again with his pace

Not great but definately contributed if anyone was bottlin challenges it wasnt jennison

The only players we have who don't bottle challenges are the back four, Scott Brown and Steve Brooker (PS bottling challenges includes deliberately not getting there on time to make the challenge which I saw happen on at least three occasions yesterday). There was also an occasion yesterday when one of their players shaped to shoot TWICE about 25 yards out and our players turned their back on him TWICE whilst he ran past them. That is gutless. As a professional footballer you have to stand there and take a shot in the face if necessary not jump up, turn round and look like an idiot when someone runs past you laughing instead of shooting. I don't want to sound too critical but surely it is these mistakes we are making that, unless corrected, could cost us a top two place that is there for the taking in my opinion.

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Guest jackhammered
If GJ feels the need to argue, stare down or gesture, it should be with the players not the fans who pay his wages.

Common sense should dictate that a professional manager does not face the crowd and use gestures and involve himself with adverse comment. Thats a bigger ego trip than the Stewart fiasco.

No manager is bigger than the club and its fans.

Johnson's remit on his appointment as manager was to address all aspects of the running of the club and not just the playing side.With a remit like that maybe he thinks he is bigger than the club and who could blame him?

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Johnson's remit on his appointment as manager was to address all aspects of the running of the club and not just the playing side.With a remit like that maybe he thinks he is bigger than the club and who could blame him?

Then he needs to change his attitude and see common sense before he decides to take on some meathead fan he ends up scrapping with on the touchline. Sounds far fetched I know but who is to say he won't be targeted by someone who wants him out with nasty comments (e.g. "I hope your useless f...ing son breaks his leg" or worse) designed to make him react that way. I know RedTop made some valid points above but managers simply have to be above public touchline squabbling with supporters. Imagine the sort of $hite Curbishley and Calderwood would have been getting yesterday - it's unsavoury, it's annoying and at times is probably soul destroying for a manager but it has always happened at football (and always will).

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And as a self confessed meat head he was glaring at All i said was Go on Noble show em what you can do

I clapped Johnson when he came off non sarcastically

It's gnna be much worse from other people if he carries on

I really wasn't getting at you to be honest (I know you say self confessed meathead!!) and assuming your version of events is true (no reason to suspect otherwise) then it seems strange that he should want to get involved with you. And this is part of the problem - every story has two sides to it and no matter how justified he feels confronting a supporter the facts could be reported or interpreted in a way that makes Johnson look foolish or undermines him. And your last point is correct particularly if people think and see that he is hot headed enough to react every time.

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Isnt it fascinating (and no i really aint taking the pee it really does fascinate me) how we can all watch the same game, but have such different views on players. Such as the recent opinions on people like Skuse (who I think has done a great job out of position recently) and Johnson. (who could do better in my opinion)

There are wildly differing views on players despite the fact we've all seen the same 90 minutes, allbeit from different positions in the stadium.

It does interest me it really does.

I think it's about selective vision Dolly. Fans will have their favourite player(s) and also a player(s) they don't like and often these opinions are ingrained very quickly and with little justification( and in the case of City fans, often before said player has even kicked a ball for us!) As a result, when watching their favourite, they will always remember the good things he does and conveniently forget the bad things. Conversely, with the player they don't like they will always remember every misplaced pass, missed tackle or every missed chance, but tend to conveniently forget any meaningful contribution to the game. This is even more pronounced when one of their less favourite players is keepig one of their favourites out of the side.

Johnson (Jnr) is probably a very good example, as I do think that many fans had him tagged as "Daddy's boy" and had made their minds up about him before he even played a game for us. I agree with you that, overall, he probably could be doing better, but for some fans nothing less than man of the match perfromances week in, week out, will ever justify his selection because he carries the millstone of GJ's boy with him.

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Johnson Junior has been pretty cack recently, goals or not.

If Gary wants to get involved in slagging matches with the fans he can pi55 off and take his family picnic elsewhere!


How constructive. You must be very proud of yourself.

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I was disgusted and appalled at MR Johnsons behaviour yesterday.

Its all well and good people saying he had a right to do so if we were slating his son etc etc.. WE WERENT.

I was sat right at the front right next to the dug out yesterday, at half time someone from higher up in the stand shouted out to get Williams off and Brown on. He turned round and said don't worry about them get on and support the ones that are out there.

So we did. gave more support and encourgament than Johnson did. And when Scott Brown came on we clapped and gave encourgemnet as per MR JOHNSON had asked.

Then when David Noble was coming on we did the same thing. "Come on Noble you can do it, head up mate show them what you can do".

At this point MR Johnson turned around and shook his head at us and tried to stare me out. He turned back round shook his head another 5 times and decided to stare at Mrs Wilksi instead. As Little Lee came off he pointed towards the fans shrugged his shoulds and shook his head again.

Now I'm not saying this is what he said but from the impression it was something along the lines of "sorry son, them up there have called for you to come off so i have had to, not my decision it's thiers".

from his body language this was the way it appeared.

Now if we had given Mr Johnson or Little Lee ANY stick during the game I could understand it and even he could be slightly justified. BUT we hadnt, we had given MR Johnsons team NOTHING but support for 90 mins and this is the way he treats the Fans, who will be here a hell of a lot longer than MR Johnson will ever be.

Iam dis heartened and discusted by the actions of this man.....

Just goes to show some of the stories are true......

Mr Johnson comes across as posion...

Still if he gets us promoted no one will care, thats the sad thing.

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Not a bad point overall, as usual the back four were quality, Skuse had a good game in the middle and hardly put a foot wrong, Johnson played some good football and scored a great goal, If only City had some quality up front today we would have won the game, neither Enoch or Jevons held the ball up at all today. Jevons has got a good football brain but is so lightweight at times it's unbelievable! Fair play to the number of City that travelled, there was a good following considering hangovers and the distance. Hopefully City will gamble now in the transfer market and give the squad, the fans, and everyone else the boost that is needed!

Can't see many positives from yet another away game without a win, even an average away record would see us comfortable in top position in this awful league.

Our lack of attacking options will cost us dear unless it is addressed in the transfer window so we can start being a little more clinical,especially away from home. I stated after the Rotherham game our away form will be our undoing but was told by many that it would be okay as we had 'easier' away games to come, after the Cheltenham & Orient games do you still think we'll be okay because I don't!

Can't stand the playoffs!!

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Johnson has IMO been poor lately. Too many wasted passes and too many instances of poor positioning leaving space for his opposite number. I think that the fans get frustrated with what they see as favouritism by GJ. Its fine if the team are winning but when results don't go our way then frustrations are going to be voiced.

Jevons was very poor against Orient with a few heavy touches and getting muscled off the ball periodically. Then again the way we played most of the game it was never going to suit him as rather than play the ball around we resorted to a lot of route one. I left thinking that if only Brooker had been fit then he would have made the difference.

Bar Bradley Orr I don't think any City player played outstanding and a point was a fair result in the end. We have two weeks before the next league game - a must win - and I hope that during that time we iron out the current problems.

I never used to agree with Bristol Boys calls for a fifth striker as I think that Brooker is class at this level and him playing with ES would have made the difference yesterday. However as he was unavailable we were subsequently short of options and we can't afford to be in that position again.

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I was sat two rows back from Gary Johnson yesterday and I have to say I was quite appauled by his lack of professionalism.

Not at any point during the game was Lee Johnson slagged off - certainly not within the area we were all sat. Jevons - yes, he was not much better than useless - think my mum could have given him a run for his money yesterday!!

i was somewhat surprised that JMW was bought off for Brown - might I add its about time we saw Brown back out there, very glad to see that 'mental scarring' didn't come to much. I would have bought jevons off, Brown on and Jennison up front.

Still no slating of LJ - who I didn't think had too much of a bad game..... certainly improved of a few of his more recent games!

Noble then steps up - few discussions had amongst fans - glad to see him back but who would he come on for....????

then the board goes up - number 33, Johnson Junior off - it was this point that the professional manager shook his head towards Lee as if to say ' sorry son, not my doing - its this lot.......' - WHAT IS THAT ABOUT. Then Gary continued to throw death stares in all of our direction shaking his head as if it was all our fault Lee had been subbed.

One fan actually made a point of telling Lee he had a good game and said well done to him.....

I'm sorry Gary - YOU are the boss, if YOU don't think that LJ deserved to be subbed then WHY did you sub him. YOU, not us the fans but YOU.

Don't remember you giving the death stares or the shaking heads when you subbed JMW..........

Show some professionalism Gary - you don't stand on the touchline arguing with fans - its your job, fans will be around in this club alot longer than you and they won't always agree with your descisions - take it like a man.

Rant over - all in all it was a good day out except for the rain on the way home........

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No worries I just feel the players who have been left out recently Noble,Browner etc need a bit of encouragement

Surely this applies to all of them. Football after all is a confidence game and when a team is playing well it's generaly because they have managed to suppress the self-doubt and really give things a go.

I agree that we have all paid our money and we have a right to moan but perhaps we need to think of the long-term affect it will have before we do so. Overall the positive vibe from the stands has not been there for the last few games; so to be only three points of the pace has got to fill people with more optimism then they're currently showing.

I was sat behind a 'Get off Jevons,you're rubbish' type yesterday and as the bloke sat next to me said: 'That guy seems to forget they're all Division 3 footballers'. Let's hope that they all aspire to playing at a higher level and it's probably only with our SUPPORT that they will get there with our club.

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Isnt it fascinating (and no i really aint taking the pee it really does fascinate me) how we can all watch the same game, but have such different views on players. Such as the recent opinions on people like Skuse (who I think has done a great job out of position recently) and Johnson. (who could do better in my opinion)

There are wildly differing views on players despite the fact we've all seen the same 90 minutes, allbeit from different positions in the stadium.

It does interest me it really does.

It's a well-known Psychological phenomenon Dolly. Our Brains are bombarded with so much information every second that it is all unmanagable. As a result, we subconsciously make decisions on information allthe time, that which contradicts our view of the world is eleted or distorted until it does fit. Anything that fits our view of the world is blindly accepted as 'True'. NOW, don't get me sdtarted on 'Truth'

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The strange thing was Johnson wasnt really getting a hard time of it from the fans he had a decent game

I got the Jhnson Snr icy stare n gesture for shouting go on Noble show em what you can do when he was about to go on

If supporting someone who hasnt had much of a run recently is taken so personally by Johnson I fear his skin is a little too thin

If anyone is potentially gnna be a target for the boo boys its Jevons not Johnson

JMW didn't have a great game - his positioning off the ball was pretty poor, and although he did do a bit of running it wasn't really going anywhere useful. Having said that, it wasn't a great performance overall - we resorted to hitting long balls forward to Enoch and Jevo, and didn't create a lot of opportunities in their box, particularly in the first half. Jevo should have scored in the second however.

Atmosphere was crap - I don't know if Orient all had terrible hangovers, as they hardly made any noise at all.

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JMW didn't have a great game - his positioning off the ball was pretty poor, and although he did do a bit of running it wasn't really going anywhere useful. Having said that, it wasn't a great performance overall - we resorted to hitting long balls forward to Enoch and Jevo, and didn't create a lot of opportunities in their box, particularly in the first half. Jevo should have scored in the second however.

I couldn't see the point in bringing johnson or JMW off. Ok it wasn't great football but they caused the orient defence a few problems in the first half and I thought we were chipping away at them ok, maybe a bit slow, but it is the end of the a conjested fixture list. Following their substitutions it was hit and hope.

Ok Brown and Noble hit a couple of good crosses/long balls in and around the box, but is that the only thing we can pull out of the bag against Orient?

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How constructive. You must be very proud of yourself.


I suppose you think its perfectly fine that a manager berates his own fans just because he thinks they dare criticise his precious underperforming son?

Hes the manager, Lee is a player...if he cant see past the fact its his son he isnt being professional and isnt going to get respect from anyone.

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I suppose you think its perfectly fine that a manager berates his own fans just because he thinks they dare criticise his precious underperforming son?

Hes the manager, Lee is a player...if he cant see past the fact its his son he isnt being professional and isnt going to get respect from anyone.

I have to agree. If the fans were criticising any other player - would he have acted like that? He needs to move away from playing the protective father - because LJ's performances simply arent what we saw at Yeovil - yet.

LJ also has the "never dropped" tag from their time at Yeovil.

...and anyway - Johnson criticises Basso on a monthly basis in the local media!

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I have to agree. If the fans were criticising any other player - would he have acted like that? He needs to move away from playing the protective father - because LJ's performances simply arent what we saw at Yeovil - yet.

LJ also has the "never dropped" tag from their time at Yeovil.

...and anyway - Johnson criticises Basso on a monthly basis in the local media!

I think the whole 'Yeovil Pets Initiative' is a very bad idea now tbh.

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I suppose you think its perfectly fine that a manager berates his own fans just because he thinks they dare criticise his precious underperforming son?

Hes the manager, Lee is a player...if he cant see past the fact its his son he isnt being professional and isnt going to get respect from anyone.

You seem to have an obsession with this idea that Lee is GJ's son. That's a shortcoming in you, not him. As I've already explained, GJ's reactions are nothing to do with Lee being his son - he's done the same thing in the past when fans have criticised other players with no genetic link.

And since you ask, then yes - if people think it's okay to shout abuse at their own manager and players, then personally I have absolutely no problem with the targets of their abuse responding publically in measured but forthright terms. Those who scream abuse can hardly complain if their target turns around and disagrees with them!

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You seem to have an obsession with this idea that Lee is GJ's son. That's a shortcoming in you, not him. As I've already explained, GJ's reactions are nothing to do with Lee being his son - he's done the same thing in the past when fans have criticised other players with no genetic link.

And since you ask, then yes - if people think it's okay to shout abuse at their own manager and players, then personally I have absolutely no problem with the targets of their abuse responding publically in measured but forthright terms. Those who scream abuse can hardly complain if their target turns around and disagrees with them!

My bad. Must be the name/height thing that made me think that.

The difference between fans slagging off players and them slagging fans back, is that they're paid well to perform a job. More importantly they should ****ing adore their job and be proud to wear the shirt.

If I don't perform at work/uni then I get bollocked, why should I have a go back at my boss? I'm being paid to do something, not underpeform.

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