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S.l. & G.j.'s Big Dilemna


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Without question S.L.has attempted to be a first-class chairman,he can point to so many positives during his tenure,not least the stability factor.That very stability though is perhaps a hurdle that the club finds difficult to contend with when we are caught up with a dire need to IMPROVE our talent pool rather than just add to it.

Belatedly G.J. is now expressing concerns of flair and quality realising that work-rate alone does not gaurantee escape from this hell-hole a division.That the more gifted and more highly salaried seemed to be hurried out of the exit door may now be gaining additional thought in those reflective moments.Cotterill was a different scenario yet one where the speed of the deal left us flat-footed with no time to secure a replacement.He probably would have brought a bit of "gold-dust" to this season,gained more admirers along the way but importantly been a catalyst to both the team and fans in raising the skill and entertainment levels.

So the dilemna?...it is valid to know from S.L. what our strategic vision is and how much is budgetted for it.As said by others the step up is significant,the very players needed in the championship are not the ones regularly spewed out on here with claims such as "he can do well at this level".Someone used the word defining and this particular January window is very much that.Really fascinating that as the window opens G.J. has more to say about quality......

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"long term money"? Are you seriously suggesting there's money to be made from football clubs!?!?

There are various individuals who have, indeed, made small fortunes from buying, and later selling, football clubs. Not saying they intended to, not saying ours does.

Just an observation.

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I may also be wrong but didn't SL refinance loans interest free last year sometime?

SL and various other current and ex-directors at one time had made significant loans to the club, with interest being paid at 2% and 3% above bank base rates. With these loans becoming due for repayment, SL and KD made further investment into the club, some of it as share capital, some of it interest free loans, but with the right to convert to further shares if the loans are not repaid within 5 years. That will result in their percentage of shares owned increasing. I don't know off the top of my head if it would take their combined holding to greater than 75%, which can be significant in terms of ability to take certain decisions.

I have wondered why the loans were refinanced in that way. For example, why not have the right to start charging interest on the loans, rather than convert to shares, or why not invest as shares right away?

But thats pretty much what has happened.

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