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Why do I bother reading this forum?


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A few dodgy results and suddenly all the GJ-haters are on here with 'I told you so'. Where were you in the unbeaten run? Is 5 points off top spot REALLY proof that GJ is not good enough? It's as if there are people on here who can't wait to get stuck in and have a pop at the club they supposedly love and the people working to get promotion.

I am amazed at the number of people having a go at Lee J. Personally, I have no problem with him sticking up for a team-mate. I was disappointed that the stewards did not intervene quicker - no fan should be able to swing a punch at a player let alone get away - and if this knuckledragger really feels LJ was wrong to push him away then I'd invite him to come forward and make a complaint. I suspect we will be waiting a long time.

I didn't think LJ played that well on Saturday, but I don't think many of the others did either and I get sick of people singling out individuals and getting on their back week in, week out. I didn't see a lack of effort from LJ or the team, I just saw a side of players off the boil who lacked a bit of the class they have been showing recently and who STILL got a point they did not deserve against a very good Huddersfield side. I suspect the cup runs are coming home to haunt us, but what do you do? Would you be happy if a weakened team was put out against Boro or Rovers?

What amazes me most, though, is the number of fans who just seem unwilling to get behind the team they supposedly support. A couple of games without a win and this forum is packed with people complaining and apparently enjoying it. It's as if some people follow the club purely to use it as a punchbag the moment anything goes wrong.

GJ has changed the culture within this club and got rid of the soft underbelly we've had to suffer for years. If he's achieved nothing else in his time here, then that is a significant improvement on what has gone before. There have been sacrifices, and no doubt some of the decisions he's made along the way have been wrong. But we are not now packed with players who see BCFC as Easy Street, and a convenient way to pick up a decent salary without busting their balls. We have a squad of players who work hard for each other and seem genuinely close-knit. I was sick of players coming to this club and taking us all for a ride. I don't think that is happening any more. The fact we are unhappy at being in a play-off position should demonstrate what GJ has done right since coming here, not what is wrong with his leadership. The quality of football is uneven, but I don't believe the level of effort is, and I have absolute confidence in GJ being the right man for the job.

Of course we are all entitled to voice differences of opinions about the club, the manager and the players. That's what makes football a great game to follow and what the forum is for. But I despair at the number of supposedly 'City Til I Die' fans who aren't getting behind the team and seem to actually prefer spewing bile about the players, manager, board or anyone else connected with the club who comes into their minds.

In my opinion we are at a pivotal point of this season. The next few weeks should determine whether we are in a position to push on for automatic promotion or find ourselves fighting for a play-off berth. We need to regain form and confidence, and all pull in the same direction. The club staff, players and manager seem to be united and pulling together, with many of the fans pulling the same way. But there are a significant number who seem to be on the other end of the rope trying to pull in the opposite direction. We all have people around us who spend 90 minutes shouting "Get off, Johnson/Jevons/Skuse/Jennison/Basso, you're crap". From what I've seen I can't question the commitment to the cause shown by the board, management or the players this season. But I do question the commitment to the cause of some of the supporters. For God's sake. Now is not the time to carp or spit bile. If you really think it's warranted then save it for the end of the season. Now is the time to get behind the team and back them all the way - every player who pulls on a City shirt, regardless of whether you think they should be in the starting line-up. Yes, even the manager's son. And if you do, maybe you can help lift them when they need it most. Because one thing's for sure - shouting abuse at them ain't going to increase the chances of us getting promotion. Of course, for some of you out there that may be what you want. After all, if we go up how will you be able to go around bragging "Told you so"?

Of course we all love to offer constructive criticism, and we all think we'd be the perfect manager or see that killer pass if we were on the pitch, but a lot of what we are seeing on this forum or hearing in the crowd is simply mindless and destructive. So whether it's on the forum, during the game or when you are talking to the media, either support the team NOW or crawl into a hole until the end of the season while the rest of us pull in the right direction. Please.

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I agree.

The level of criticism and abuse on matchdays is fast becoming something likely to stop me bothering going.

Well, there you go folks, history is made. Moomin and I agree on something. It must be bad!

Incidentally, I forgot to mention that the answer to my original question "Why do I bother?" is that scattered in among all the detritus remains the occasional incisive, funny or entertaining comment from some of those few posters who manage to rise above the rest of what is on here. It's becoming increasingly time-consuming to wade through the ill-thought-out abuse and bile to find them, but while they are there it is still worthwhile to come on here and read their thoughts.

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What amazes me most, though, is the number of fans who just seem unwilling to get behind the team they supposedly support. A couple of games without a win and this forum is packed with people complaining and apparently enjoying it. It's as if some people follow the club purely to use it as a punchbag the moment anything goes wrong.

It used to amaze me but it doesnt any more - a good percentage of our 'supporters' are deluded in their expectations for the team. I read somewhere else on this forum that in ones opinion the nine match losing streak last season cost us any chance of making the play offs! We were struggling big time last year and we only just missed out on the play offs because of Johnson - not despite of him

There is no aknowledgement of the job Johnson has done to turn a bunch of 'also rans' into a pretty good team. I suspect that the problem is now - the players are knackered - you can see that confidence and tiredness are taking their toll.

Our key performers have been Enoch, Mcallister and Mccombe and all of them are off their game at the moment.

Hopefully the cup will restart our season - if we put in a decent display tomorrow with a changed team the rest might do some of them some good.

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Totally Agree, the amount of mindless, pathetic dribble that is getting spouted just recently is nothing short of Pathetic, both at the ground and on here.

On Here......A growing number of people on here generally seem to enjoy our failure and just can't wait to hammer the club in a purely destructive way and take great pleasure in celebrating Bristol City's failure with I told you so and I said we'd fail, all for constructive comments but at the moment far to many are taking great pleasure in personal baiting for Players, Manager, Chairman and other club staff.

at the ground, personally I'm quite lucky as I have the same people sat around me that have been for the last few years and actually have some footballing knowledge and common sense, generally now it's just comedy banter if something does go wrong, but it is getting very noticable that a few people in the stands have serious issues with the manager and a certain midfielder dispite good performances.

Ashton Gate is quickly becoming a horrible place to watch football and the atmosphere just seems to be getting worse by the game, despite the fact we've had a 18match unbeaten run.

The baiting between "fans" in the Atyeo and Dolman was a personal low point for me in my time at City and is probably one of the most shameful things I have witnessed since the Derby match a few years back.

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A few dodgy results and suddenly all the GJ-haters are on here with 'I told you so'. Where were you in the unbeaten run? Is 5 points off top spot REALLY proof that GJ is not good enough? It's as if there are people on here who can't wait to get stuck in and have a pop at the club they supposedly love and the people working to get promotion.

I am amazed at the number of people having a go at Lee J. Personally, I have no problem with him sticking up for a team-mate. I was disappointed that the stewards did not intervene quicker - no fan should be able to swing a punch at a player let alone get away - and if this knuckledragger really feels LJ was wrong to push him away then I'd invite him to come forward and make a complaint. I suspect we will be waiting a long time.

I didn't think LJ played that well on Saturday, but I don't think many of the others did either and I get sick of people singling out individuals and getting on their back week in, week out. I didn't see a lack of effort from LJ or the team, I just saw a side of players off the boil who lacked a bit of the class they have been showing recently and who STILL got a point they did not deserve against a very good Huddersfield side. I suspect the cup runs are coming home to haunt us, but what do you do? Would you be happy if a weakened team was put out against Boro or Rovers?

What amazes me most, though, is the number of fans who just seem unwilling to get behind the team they supposedly support. A couple of games without a win and this forum is packed with people complaining and apparently enjoying it. It's as if some people follow the club purely to use it as a punchbag the moment anything goes wrong.

GJ has changed the culture within this club and got rid of the soft underbelly we've had to suffer for years. If he's achieved nothing else in his time here, then that is a significant improvement on what has gone before. There have been sacrifices, and no doubt some of the decisions he's made along the way have been wrong. But we are not now packed with players who see BCFC as Easy Street, and a convenient way to pick up a decent salary without busting their balls. We have a squad of players who work hard for each other and seem genuinely close-knit. I was sick of players coming to this club and taking us all for a ride. I don't think that is happening any more. The fact we are unhappy at being in a play-off position should demonstrate what GJ has done right since coming here, not what is wrong with his leadership. The quality of football is uneven, but I don't believe the level of effort is, and I have absolute confidence in GJ being the right man for the job.

Of course we are all entitled to voice differences of opinions about the club, the manager and the players. That's what makes football a great game to follow and what the forum is for. But I despair at the number of supposedly 'City Til I Die' fans who aren't getting behind the team and seem to actually prefer spewing bile about the players, manager, board or anyone else connected with the club who comes into their minds.

In my opinion we are at a pivotal point of this season. The next few weeks should determine whether we are in a position to push on for automatic promotion or find ourselves fighting for a play-off berth. We need to regain form and confidence, and all pull in the same direction. The club staff, players and manager seem to be united and pulling together, with many of the fans pulling the same way. But there are a significant number who seem to be on the other end of the rope trying to pull in the opposite direction. We all have people around us who spend 90 minutes shouting "Get off, Johnson/Jevons/Skuse/Jennison/Basso, you're crap". From what I've seen I can't question the commitment to the cause shown by the board, management or the players this season. But I do question the commitment to the cause of some of the supporters. For God's sake. Now is not the time to carp or spit bile. If you really think it's warranted then save it for the end of the season. Now is the time to get behind the team and back them all the way - every player who pulls on a City shirt, regardless of whether you think they should be in the starting line-up. Yes, even the manager's son. And if you do, maybe you can help lift them when they need it most. Because one thing's for sure - shouting abuse at them ain't going to increase the chances of us getting promotion. Of course, for some of you out there that may be what you want. After all, if we go up how will you be able to go around bragging "Told you so"?

Of course we all love to offer constructive criticism, and we all think we'd be the perfect manager or see that killer pass if we were on the pitch, but a lot of what we are seeing on this forum or hearing in the crowd is simply mindless and destructive. So whether it's on the forum, during the game or when you are talking to the media, either support the team NOW or crawl into a hole until the end of the season while the rest of us pull in the right direction. Please.

That has to be the best post I've read on here for ages.

A lot of the 'moaners' won't reply to this because they won't be able to comprehend what you are saying and attempting to point out.

Well done for saying to others what most of us here really think.

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Absolutely right RedTop, there's a very vocal minority of supporters at this club who should look up what "support" actually means. It was inevitable that we'd have a bad run of form at some point before the end of the season, hopefully it won't last too long and we can end the season on form like we did last year.

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A few dodgy results and suddenly all the GJ-haters are on here with 'I told you so'. Where were you in the unbeaten run? Is 5 points off top spot REALLY proof that GJ is not good enough? It's as if there are people on here who can't wait to get stuck in and have a pop at the club they supposedly love and the people working to get promotion.

I am amazed at the number of people having a go at Lee J. Personally, I have no problem with him sticking up for a team-mate. I was disappointed that the stewards did not intervene quicker - no fan should be able to swing a punch at a player let alone get away - and if this knuckledragger really feels LJ was wrong to push him away then I'd invite him to come forward and make a complaint. I suspect we will be waiting a long time.

I didn't think LJ played that well on Saturday, but I don't think many of the others did either and I get sick of people singling out individuals and getting on their back week in, week out. I didn't see a lack of effort from LJ or the team, I just saw a side of players off the boil who lacked a bit of the class they have been showing recently and who STILL got a point they did not deserve against a very good Huddersfield side. I suspect the cup runs are coming home to haunt us, but what do you do? Would you be happy if a weakened team was put out against Boro or Rovers?

What amazes me most, though, is the number of fans who just seem unwilling to get behind the team they supposedly support. A couple of games without a win and this forum is packed with people complaining and apparently enjoying it. It's as if some people follow the club purely to use it as a punchbag the moment anything goes wrong.

GJ has changed the culture within this club and got rid of the soft underbelly we've had to suffer for years. If he's achieved nothing else in his time here, then that is a significant improvement on what has gone before. There have been sacrifices, and no doubt some of the decisions he's made along the way have been wrong. But we are not now packed with players who see BCFC as Easy Street, and a convenient way to pick up a decent salary without busting their balls. We have a squad of players who work hard for each other and seem genuinely close-knit. I was sick of players coming to this club and taking us all for a ride. I don't think that is happening any more. The fact we are unhappy at being in a play-off position should demonstrate what GJ has done right since coming here, not what is wrong with his leadership. The quality of football is uneven, but I don't believe the level of effort is, and I have absolute confidence in GJ being the right man for the job.

Of course we are all entitled to voice differences of opinions about the club, the manager and the players. That's what makes football a great game to follow and what the forum is for. But I despair at the number of supposedly 'City Til I Die' fans who aren't getting behind the team and seem to actually prefer spewing bile about the players, manager, board or anyone else connected with the club who comes into their minds.

In my opinion we are at a pivotal point of this season. The next few weeks should determine whether we are in a position to push on for automatic promotion or find ourselves fighting for a play-off berth. We need to regain form and confidence, and all pull in the same direction. The club staff, players and manager seem to be united and pulling together, with many of the fans pulling the same way. But there are a significant number who seem to be on the other end of the rope trying to pull in the opposite direction. We all have people around us who spend 90 minutes shouting "Get off, Johnson/Jevons/Skuse/Jennison/Basso, you're crap". From what I've seen I can't question the commitment to the cause shown by the board, management or the players this season. But I do question the commitment to the cause of some of the supporters. For God's sake. Now is not the time to carp or spit bile. If you really think it's warranted then save it for the end of the season. Now is the time to get behind the team and back them all the way - every player who pulls on a City shirt, regardless of whether you think they should be in the starting line-up. Yes, even the manager's son. And if you do, maybe you can help lift them when they need it most. Because one thing's for sure - shouting abuse at them ain't going to increase the chances of us getting promotion. Of course, for some of you out there that may be what you want. After all, if we go up how will you be able to go around bragging "Told you so"?

Of course we all love to offer constructive criticism, and we all think we'd be the perfect manager or see that killer pass if we were on the pitch, but a lot of what we are seeing on this forum or hearing in the crowd is simply mindless and destructive. So whether it's on the forum, during the game or when you are talking to the media, either support the team NOW or crawl into a hole until the end of the season while the rest of us pull in the right direction. Please.

Well said RedTop. Best post I've read in ages.

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Well said RedTop. Best post I've read in ages.

agree with most I have read in the whole thread. Would'nt it be nice if we could use the various aspects surrounding last saturday as a turning point. We have not played well for a few games now, but we are still in the playoffs and should be in at least the same position (and I hope even higher) by the end of the season - but we all have a part to play in this.

Agree with the comment about those people in the lower Dolman taunting the Atyeo being an all-time low, as it was for me also.

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I agree.

The level of criticism and abuse on matchdays is fast becoming something likely to stop me bothering going.

Yes - a good post by The ChairmanRedtop. I do wonder about all these comments concerning fans abusing certain players.

I sat in the Atyeo and didn't really hear any anti-LJ comments. There were the usual groans when he (and many of the others) players misplayed a pass but none of it was particularly personal. The only person who was getting the personal comments was Jevons (and these were hardly abusive - "Why don't you try running for a change?").

Did anyone else in the Atyeo hear this abuse or are the "moaners" congregating in the Dolman?

PS This isn't a dig at the Dolman. There was a group in Dolman Block A who were very positive and vocal on Saturday.

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I forgot to say in my previous post that some of us who aren't moaners can stop the rot.

So, RedTop, you start the "There's only one Lee Johnson" chant and I'll join in. :Believe:

I was thinking the same thing. I do feel for the poor guy, he is a very creative player but a lot of what he tries does not always come off.

Tinnion had a lot of stick once, and he turned out to be a great player for us. Moral of the story - get behind him!

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I forgot to say in my previous post that some of us who aren't moaners can stop the rot.

So, RedTop, you start the "There's only one Lee Johnson" chant and I'll join in. :Believe:

I'm afraid that one of my ambitions that remains unfulfilled (and it's sad, I know) is to start a chant at a City match. I've never had the balls and my fear of no-one joining in has, for the past 25-plus years, proved too great.

However, maybe if enough of you sign up and pledge not to leave me stranded singing alone, I will indeed rise confidently to my feet, fling my arms aloft and strike up with the refrain of "There's only one Lee Johnson" at Boro tomorrow night... :clapping:

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I'm afraid that one of my ambitions that remains unfulfilled (and it's sad, I know) is to start a chant at a City match. I've never had the balls and my fear of no-one joining in has, for the past 25-plus years, proved too great.

However, maybe if enough of you sign up and pledge not to leave me stranded singing alone, I will indeed rise confidently to my feet, fling my arms aloft and strike up with the refrain of "There's only one Lee Johnson" at Boro tomorrow night... :clapping:

RedTop I think we have had differences of opinion on here but not on this issue.

I will join in if you start. :clapping:

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I'm afraid that one of my ambitions that remains unfulfilled (and it's sad, I know) is to start a chant at a City match. I've never had the balls and my fear of no-one joining in has, for the past 25-plus years, proved too great.

However, maybe if enough of you sign up and pledge not to leave me stranded singing alone, I will indeed rise confidently to my feet, fling my arms aloft and strike up with the refrain of "There's only one Lee Johnson" at Boro tomorrow night... :clapping:

You big softy

At an away game, just do it! People join in, it spreads and before you know it you've started 1000,s singing a song. A very pleasing feeling.

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Guest North Street
I'm afraid that one of my ambitions that remains unfulfilled (and it's sad, I know) is to start a chant at a City match. I've never had the balls and my fear of no-one joining in has, for the past 25-plus years, proved too great.

However, maybe if enough of you sign up and pledge not to leave me stranded singing alone, I will indeed rise confidently to my feet, fling my arms aloft and strike up with the refrain of "There's only one Lee Johnson" at Boro tomorrow night... :clapping:

Try this by Malone.






If it fails there is a gig in the East End v Brentford, free coaching available.

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I'm afraid that one of my ambitions that remains unfulfilled (and it's sad, I know) is to start a chant at a City match. I've never had the balls and my fear of no-one joining in has, for the past 25-plus years, proved too great.

However, maybe if enough of you sign up and pledge not to leave me stranded singing alone, I will indeed rise confidently to my feet, fling my arms aloft and strike up with the refrain of "There's only one Lee Johnson" at Boro tomorrow night... :clapping:

RedTop if anyone can start a chant you can. Just fill them hefty lungs of yours and shout out loud. I did at Northampton a couple of years ago and mate the feeling is good when everyone in the city end joins in after.

Your post above mate i have to agree 100%.

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RedTop, I think you have summed up perfectly one of the reasons why some of us have stopped engaging in debate on this forum - being positive brings criticism from others when we don't win every game and labels you a Happy Clappy! I have often wondered why it is some people actually go to city games when all they do is moan and whinge when a couple of passes go astray or we don't win evey game 10-0. I can remember a couple of years ago listening to a string of abuse being hurled at Christian Roberts, before he had even kicked a ball!

Constructive criticism I can understand, analysis of games, players, manager I can understand - posts that merely spew abuse and bile about individuals in the team or the manager I cannot.

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A few dodgy results and suddenly all the GJ-haters are on here with 'I told you so'. Where were you in the unbeaten run? Is 5 points off top spot REALLY proof that GJ is not good enough? It's as if there are people on here who can't wait to get stuck in and have a pop at the club they supposedly love and the people working to get promotion.

You really think a few dodgy results is the whole story? How many times have we performed this season? How many times have we won by more than 1 goal this season? How many times have we had to put up with an atrocious first half performance before a GJ hairdryer treatment gets us playing? We've gone from playing badly a lot of the time to playing badly all the time, we never looked like scoring on Saturday, as the fact that our goal came from well outside the area shows. It may be a 'few dodgy results' but it's a lot more than a few dodgy performances, can you really tell me on the evidence you've seen this season that we deserve to be 4 points from the top of the league?

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It's not that we shouldn't expect us to play well over 90 minutes week in week out, because we don't, as we haven't all season give or take 4 or 5 games (from 30-odd). But it would be nice to play consistently over 90 minutes for some of the games, if we are half as 'still in the hunt' as you say we are?

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I agree totally. I'm visiting this site less and less these days as the lunatics seem to be taking over. And I'm not necessarily talking about those who don't share my views or those who offer constructive criticism.

It's those who:

- seem to take great delight in short term dips in form

- who show no balance whatsoever in their arguments and vitriolically and persistency crusade against one or two personnel at AG (take your pick)

- react to any result as if it's been happening all season (one bad performance means the manager is rubbish, one good win means we're going to win the league)

For some reason, people who fit into one or more of those categories shout the loudest and fiercest and those trying to have an intelligent debate just get shouted out.

Take Bristol Boy as an example of how to do it properly - does moan on occasion, but justifies it with reason (which he's happy to debate) and also points out the positives where it's due.

The Internet is a cheap and effective communication device, but the negative side is that any idiot can use it!

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We've seen it all before and had other threads along the lines of this one as well.Its right and proper to make a stand against such mindless slagging of the players.

Theres a bloke and his two youngish sons who sit near me in the Dolman and when City are playing well and winning you wouldn't see a more committed and passionate fan.He's applauding,yelling his approval,starting chants and getting really absorbed in the game.He gets right behind his team.

On Saturday after about 15mins he was the exact opposite.Hurling abuse at the players the referee and the manager.When City went a goal down he was ranting even more and when Basso got sent off and the crowd started chanting his name he went spare and started yelling at those responsible in a very aggressive manner.

At the time he was scary and I thought that if anyone had approached him he would have exploded in a fit of rage.

Bearing in mind that this a guy who most of the time is a loyal and dedicated fan,it was something of a suprise to see him ranting like he was.

On reflection he just wasn't handling the fact that City were just off two defeats and yet still playing poorly.He was angry to see his beloved Bristol City facing another loss and playing with 10 men.He was so passionate and into his team that he couldn't stand the thought of another disapointment and was expressing his hurt and frustration in the only way he knew how.

There are many just like this bloke. As I was going for a pee there was a rumpus going at the bottom of A Block between City fans .I stood and watched for a couple of mins and it was blokes with the same way of expressing themselves as the guy who sits near me.Passionate fans who can't express their frustration any other way.

It doesn't make it right of course but it does go someway to understanding what going on when fans start slagging off the players and so on.

I can understand why Johnson comes out publically and denounces the fans who are on the teams back.It doesn't help the players perform better - in fact it probably makes them even more nervous and therefore prone to make more mistakes - but Johnson should also understand just how passionate some fans are,even if they do express it in the wrong way.

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I'm afraid that one of my ambitions that remains unfulfilled (and it's sad, I know) is to start a chant at a City match. I've never had the balls and my fear of no-one joining in has, for the past 25-plus years, proved too great.

However, maybe if enough of you sign up and pledge not to leave me stranded singing alone, I will indeed rise confidently to my feet, fling my arms aloft and strike up with the refrain of "There's only one Lee Johnson" at Boro tomorrow night... :clapping:

I shall of course report back if you don't.

I'd join in but totally tone death so clap along with the songs and shout at the ref whenever he is within ear shot. :clapping::clapping:

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You really think a few dodgy results is the whole story? How many times have we performed this season? How many times have we won by more than 1 goal this season? How many times have we had to put up with an atrocious first half performance before a GJ hairdryer treatment gets us playing? We've gone from playing badly a lot of the time to playing badly all the time, we never looked like scoring on Saturday, as the fact that our goal came from well outside the area shows. It may be a 'few dodgy results' but it's a lot more than a few dodgy performances, can you really tell me on the evidence you've seen this season that we deserve to be 4 points from the top of the league?

Couldn't agree more with you Ron. While we had the unbeaten run a fair few of the results was lady luck was shining on us and we picked up a fair few draws in the run. If this wasn't such a weak league i would have been well impressed with our form. After the run we still have not gained any advantage over many teams! fans have a right to express there feelings during a game when the team are not perfofming well. I do NOT agree of certaint players getting slagged off, but half time letting the players know your not happy with the TEAM is fair play!

We have achieved nothing so far this season, while the manager has got new players in i don't think he has used them to the teams advantage, therefore other players have suffered in their own game. Only when GJ finds a settled side will we achieve something. Bringing new players in the team has upset the cart because they have not made any difference or improved it.

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So there is only one way eh? My way or the highway? Some people find it difficult to like GJ and his manner. He does not engage with supporters. He confronts them.

He should not be surprised when the customer reacts in a negative way.

And nor should you.

You really think a few dodgy results is the whole story? How many times have we performed this season? How many times have we won by more than 1 goal this season? How many times have we had to put up with an atrocious first half performance before a GJ hairdryer treatment gets us playing? We've gone from playing badly a lot of the time to playing badly all the time, we never looked like scoring on Saturday, as the fact that our goal came from well outside the area shows. It may be a 'few dodgy results' but it's a lot more than a few dodgy performances, can you really tell me on the evidence you've seen this season that we deserve to be 4 points from the top of the league?

These two posts sum it up for me.

RedTop - I used to think you talked a lot of sense, but you sound more like a BCFC mouthpiece as each day passes. You're not retained by the media team, are you? :whistle2: :whistle2:

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