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McCombes goal! What were you doing?


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Couldnt make it to the game last night, as I start work nice an early on a morning (4am :noexpression: )

....but how good was it when that ball went in! :clapping::clapping:

I mean its always good when your team scores, but theres always those goals that are just that little bit more special and always make you go more :yahoo::yahoo: then normal

Owens and Beckhams goals against Argentina, any goal against the Sags, Murrays against Boro, Roberts against Hartelpool.....all these sent me (and everyone else) in to hysterics!

I watched the game at Bowl Plex Longwell Green.....the game started off with about 30 or so watching it, and a few that were not that interested....but by the end the whole place was transfixed, and when Boom Boom shanked it in.....commence the pandomonium

Superb! Gives you a better rush then any drug ever could

Bring on the next 15 games! Lets all start pulling in the right direction now....no more moans or groans, its time to get behind the lads fully. If at the end of the 15 games they c*ck it up....maybe have a moan then, but for now....keep believing and getting behind the lads

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Couldnt make it to the game last night, as I start work nice an early on a morning (4am :noexpression: )

....but how good was it when that ball went in! :clapping::clapping:

I mean its always good when your team scores, but theres always those goals that are just that little bit more special and always make you go more :yahoo::yahoo: then normal

Owens and Beckhams goals against Argentina, any goal against the Sags, Murrays against Boro, Roberts against Hartelpool.....all these sent me (and everyone else) in to hysterics!

I watched the game at Bowl Plex Longwell Green.....the game started off with about 30 or so watching it, and a few that were not that interested....but by the end the whole place was transfixed, and when Boom Boom shanked it in.....commence the pandomonium

Superb! Gives you a better rush then any drug ever could

Bring on the next 15 games! Lets all start pulling in the right direction now....no more moans or groans, its time to get behind the lads fully. If at the end of the 15 games they c*ck it up....maybe have a moan then, but for now....keep believing and getting behind the lads

Bloody hell. Would've loved to see that. A place rocking because of city in the heart of sagland. Priceless! :city:

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watched it in the sports cafe in Haymarket it London with loads of fellow city fans (50 or so i would think) and a single brave boro fan!! place was rocking and singing and we went mental when it went in.

few lonesome songs at the end to round of a top night, dispite the result...

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Bloody hell. Would've loved to see that. A place rocking because of city in the heart of sagland. Priceless! :city:

I know it was great! Ive watched a few City games in the pubs down the years, and goals have always been greated well.....but Boom booms goal was greated with sheer pandamonium, even better was the Saghead who was with us.....everyone jumping around going potty, he was just stood still with his pint totally dumb struck

Us = :yahoo::clapping::banana:

Sag = :noexpression: :o:crying:

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Couldnt make it to the game last night, as I start work nice an early on a morning (4am :noexpression: )

....but how good was it when that ball went in! :clapping::clapping:

I mean its always good when your team scores, but theres always those goals that are just that little bit more special and always make you go more :yahoo::yahoo: then normal

Owens and Beckhams goals against Argentina, any goal against the Sags, Murrays against Boro, Roberts against Hartelpool.....all these sent me (and everyone else) in to hysterics!

I watched the game at Bowl Plex Longwell Green.....the game started off with about 30 or so watching it, and a few that were not that interested....but by the end the whole place was transfixed, and when Boom Boom shanked it in.....commence the pandomonium

Superb! Gives you a better rush then any drug ever could

Bring on the next 15 games! Lets all start pulling in the right direction now....no more moans or groans, its time to get behind the lads fully. If at the end of the 15 games they c*ck it up....maybe have a moan then, but for now....keep believing and getting behind the lads

I was in the County Arms, Reading. Unfortunately there weren't many other people watching the football and instead they had lot's of people in their 60s playing in the local Cribbage league. When we scored the 1st goal I started cheering and then realised that the entire pub was looking at me and then had to say sorry. 2nd goal went completely mental and I think the landlady thought I was having a nervous break down. Managed to get some of the locals on our side though for the penalty shoot out.

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I was in the County Arms, Reading. Unfortunately there weren't many other people watching the football and instead they had lot's of people in their 60s playing in the local Cribbage league. When we scored the 1st goal I started cheering and then realised that the entire pub was looking at me and then had to say sorry. 2nd goal went completely mental and I think the landlady thought I was having a nervous break down. Managed to get some of the locals on our side though for the penalty shoot out.

I was watching at the maltshovel in bridgwater, about 20 city fans and about 5 boro fans, went absolutely crazy when jamie boom boom mccombe scored, there was actual pandemonium, i realy thought we were going to win then, but what a performance, lets hope we can play like that on saturday.

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I am at Reading Uni and about 5 or 6 City fans were watching it on the TV and when McCombe snuck that ball in we went absolutely mental - it was quality, people came out wondering what was going on! Yakubu's 2 penalty misses were also well cheered, as was Noble's first goal!! Great night's entertainment. You Reds!!!

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Sports Cafe in the Centre, crammed full of City fans upstairs and down..

Singing all night, 1 Boro fan!

When McCombe scored the entire upstairs contingent just went mental, must have jumped and hugged a dozen chaps I don't even know!

Best match/atmosphere ive ever seen on sky in a pub!

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Also watched it in Sports cafe in London with a load of City fans. When it went in I was jumping around so much I fell over and sprained my ankle - had to take the day off work as I can't walk today. Ah well.

Did a similar thing for the home match against 'brough when Murray scored, I was in the East End and got my foot caught in the gap between the seat in front and the step - was jumping up and down and that didn't help. Worth it though!

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BCFC Phoenix and I were in a local pub in Aberystwyth called Downeys.

When we got there we were the only 2 people in the pub, by full time it was rammed and there was a university sports science social taking place with nearly 30 hot uni birds dressed as bunny girls walking around!!! We didn't know where to look! To be fair they even joined in with some of the cheering when boom boom equalised!! Brilliant night!

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BCFC Phoenix and I were in a local pub in Aberystwyth called Downeys.

When we got there we were the only 2 people in the pub, by full time it was rammed and there was a university sports science social taking place with nearly 30 hot uni birds dressed as bunny girls walking around!!! We didn't know where to look! To be fair they even joined in with some of the cheering when boom boom equalised!! Brilliant night!

It was great yesterday as we were snowed in here and I got to see the game live on Fox Soccer Channel. My wife was on the blower to her sister whittering away about knitting and hairdos and stuff and nearly shat herself from the primal scream that I emitted when we scored. Briz-Cidered jumping about with no shrirt on made her laugh though.

It's not often I get to see City now, but that was a game I will watch again and again. Awesome stuff.

For the record, I thought Lee Johnson played very well and was very impressed with Weale's psychological warfare tactics!

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I was in a pub in Cardiff with 10 or so city fans, when McCombes goal went in I leapt up in front of the t.v with my hands flailing everywhere, like a man possessed!

The scary thing is, although it was an amazing feeling, I had no control whatsoever during those few seconds!! :city:

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I was led on the sofa with me Rovers supporting bird led behind me.

Went absolutely beserk, when we lost on pens told the missus " go on take the piss"

She said " I cant, you were brilliant, if you play like that, you'll stuff us"

Fair play!

To the 1000 plus who travelled last night and the 14 who did our football club proud, I salute you one and all!

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Watched on Big Screen in Bradford with a number of Bradford and Leeds fans. Went mad when McCombe scored spraying half digested Chicken Ceasar salad over the guy oppositite.

All Bradford and Leeds fans had total respect for the way we matched Boro. Were all on our side near the end against one Boro fan. Handshakes and hugs all round at the end.

Quality and highly memorable night.

Keep it up lads

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I was at home with my 14 year old son so couldn't go down to the pub - managed to sink a good half bottle of sainsbury's finest Merlot - lucky my glass was empty when Boom Boom scored or I'd have been wearing it and red wine is a B****r to get out! I yelled so much that I reckon you could have heard me at the Riverside. Even my G*s head mate sent me an email saying how well we played!! :rolleyes:

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