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Stop this "Come on you reds" nonsense from the tanoy

Barrs Court Red

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I was defending Mark Wederell, because I happen to think he does a good job, which may go against the grain of opinion on this forum, but so be it. You on the other hand just want to slag Mark off and offer vitriolic insults.

I haven't posted an insult let alone a vitriolic one, don't talk rubbish.

You can think he does a good job all you like, I don't care, I don't share that opinion and you're in a minority. I'm quite happy to debate it. But you posted in this thread criticising someone else for not offering an alternative, when a) an alternative isn't necessary and b) you hadn't offered anything like a view on the subject, let alone an alternative - just name calling. That is extremely silly.

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I haven't posted an insult let alone a vitriolic one, don't talk rubbish.

You can think he does a good job all you like, I don't care, I don't share that opinion and you're in a minority. I'm quite happy to debate it. But you posted in this thread criticising someone else for not offering an alternative, when a) an alternative isn't necessary and b) you hadn't offered anything like a view on the subject, let alone an alternative - just name calling. That is extremely silly.

What does STFU stand for then?

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What does STFU stand for then?

Suggesting that the announcer should STFU is not an insult, you're clutching at straws.

It's not personal, I'm sure the blokes a great fan and he's just doing a job, but I want him to shut up because I hate the way it kills the atmosphere and I'm not alone.

Perhaps you should just realise that you should have posted your views on the thread instead of criticising others for posting theirs.

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Shut the f.ck up :noexpression:

I know, but apparently, that sort of language isn't an insult according to Mr Nibor. I was being ironic earler in this thread, but irony is wasted on people like him who just want to slag people off for trying to do their job.

It just goes to prove that you can never win with forums.

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I know, but apparently, that sort of language isn't an insult according to Mr Nibor. I was being ironic earler in this thread, but irony is wasted on people like him who just want to slag people off for trying to do their job.

It just goes to prove that you can never win with forums.

Suggesting that someone STFU isn't an insult.

I'm criticising the JOB not the person doing it. That's wasted on people like yourself who like to slag posters off instead of contributing to the debate.

It just goes to to prove that you can never win a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

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Here's my two penneth worth:

I miss the days when I would walk to the football with my old man &, upon approach of Ashton Gate (from Winterstoke Road) all I could hear was crowd noise & chants from ground. No music, no annoucements, just pure & passionate singing from the City faithful.

Maybe the question here is 'what has changed since then?' Do the Club feel the need for a matchday announcer in order to try & warm up the crowd? If they were to stop this for a match or two, would the noise come back &/or the atmosphere be improved?

I can't see it happening for a few reasons. Some people like to hear the team line up, some like the 'entertainment' aspect, sponsors want their company info called out, the Club use it to annouce & advertise forthcoming events etc.

As for the 'americanisation' aspect, I, being a member of the Trust and being involved in the foam hands/hats/balloons arrangements, am partially responsible for this. However, people do not have to possess a hand if they don;t want, nor do they have to take a hat or balloon. The choice is that of the individual. All of this was done to help promote the Red & White night. Are people against themed evenings too? The idea was to inject a little 'fun' in to a person's matchday experience. OK, so some people's definition of 'fun' is not having foam hands etc but being able to soak up a pre-match atmosphere without having to listen to announcements, music or motions of crowd participation. What is a fair balance or compromise?

I'd love to be on my feet & singing/chanting/cheering before, during and even after a match. Do I accept that this can no longer be the case or do I hold out hope?

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This is your quote.

An alternative to doing something is doing nothing. And Nibor's clearly insulting the ridiculous cheerleading not the bloke himself.

If fans want to sing they'll sing, they won't be told. In fact it's worse than that, in the middle of keep the red flag flying high on comes the tannoy to "Give us a C" and kills it.

Greenun, you're clearly a mate of this bloke, be a mate and tell him to stop embarassing himself and our club.

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This is your quote.

Yes, I'm criticising the job.

It's not like my view on it is hard to comprehend or hasn't been stated clearly, and I've explained more than once that it's nothing against the bloke.

I'm sure you do understand it you're just avoiding answering the other points I made about your petty digs you're now trying to disguise as irony.

I'll try and be more careful with the phrasing I use in future so I can't get picked up by the pedants.

I suggest you take a leaf out of Jay's book in future Mr Communications Officer.

Here's my two penneth worth:

I miss the days when I would walk to the football with my old man &, upon approach of Ashton Gate (from Winterstoke Road) all I could hear was crowd noise & chants from ground. No music, no annoucements, just pure & passionate singing from the City faithful.

Maybe the question here is 'what has changed since then?' Do the Club feel the need for a matchday announcer in order to try & warm up the crowd? If they were to stop this for a match or two, would the noise come back &/or the atmosphere be improved?

I can't see it happening for a few reasons. Some people like to hear the team line up, some like the 'entertainment' aspect, sponsors want their company info called out, the Club use it to annouce & advertise forthcoming events etc.

As for the 'americanisation' aspect, I, being a member of the Trust and being involved in the foam hands/hats/balloons arrangements, am partially responsible for this. However, people do not have to possess a hand if they don;t want, nor do they have to take a hat or balloon. The choice is that of the individual. All of this was done to help promote the Red & White night. Are people against themed evenings too? The idea was to inject a little 'fun' in to a person's matchday experience. OK, so some people's definition of 'fun' is not having foam hands etc but being able to soak up a pre-match atmosphere without having to listen to announcements, music or motions of crowd participation. What is a fair balance or compromise?

I'd love to be on my feet & singing/chanting/cheering before, during and even after a match. Do I accept that this can no longer be the case or do I hold out hope?

I don't care about foam hands, hats or balloons because as you say they're a choice. I don't think they're a problem.

The tannoy rubbish makes me cringe and looking around me I'm not alone - and I have no choice in that really do I?

Just look at last night. Got into the ground and it was reverbating already like I haven't heard in a long, long time. Gas are getting booed, songs being sung, there's a real feeling building up - the lot.

Once the announcer started that all stopped. There were brief cheers from each stand in answer to the "round the stands" but it had just killed off the atmosphere completely and it didn't build back up again until briefly in the second half. If you tell people when to cheer then what do you think they will do the rest of the time?

My suggestion is, kill off the cheerleading aspect of it and stick to announcing the teams, the sponsors where we have to and whatever else needs to be announced

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As for the 'americanisation' aspect, I, being a member of the Trust and being involved in the foam hands/hats/balloons arrangements, am partially responsible for this. However, people do not have to possess a hand if they don;t want, nor do they have to take a hat or balloon. The choice is that of the individual.

Yes the hat/hand/balloon thing is cheesy but it's ok because if you don't want one you don't have to.

I don't have the choice of turning the PA off, it intrudes on my enjoyment. Thats the difference.

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Guest ashtonyate
listen what ever happens to you lot this season i hope and i really mean this that you come down to earth a bit,respect to you as i note you have supported the reds from 1950,loadsa good times and bad..when you were in the basement league your true fans seen you through,now is the time to be and i know its going to be hard..patient,weve been 6 yrs in that league but its taught us to be more realistic in more ways than one..keep the faith in your team mate it will happen eventually,oh for the game of football eh?..take care and respect to you.

When I look at the two teams last night I wonder what has hap pend to Bristol Football. We all can kid ourselves and take the water out of each other.but it was a poor advert for the City of Bristol.I look at City and can,t believe where we are in the league i think we are going to be lucky to go up and even luckier to stay up if we go up

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In last nights game, ashton gate was creating a brilliant atmosphere about 10 minutes before kick off, if this was continued it would have been a very hostile atmosphere for the whole game because the players would have reacted.

First of all it is like the club don't want the fans to be heard, is this to portray the family image! They turned the music up as soon as the crowd made a real racket which drowned us out, and lets face it who wants to sing when all you can here is the s#£$ tune of MOTD. Its disgraceful and without the crowd make a hell of a lot of noise.

Secondly the announcer is awful, we don't need him to shout come on you reds get the mexican wave going, does he know we are at a football game with passion not the superbowl!! It turns the loud, passionate and hostile atmosphere which is the pride and passion of football into a cheer for two seconds, it is dreadful!!

Without either of them Ashton Gate would have been a very loud and hostile place and away teams would not want to go but its like a trip to the fair at the moment. Now we are being laughed at by the gas, BBC points west and radio bristol. Get rid of the music and the announcer and we can have some passion back at the gate!!!


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There were brief cheers from each stand in answer to the "round the stands" but it had just killed off the atmosphere completely and it didn't build back up again until briefly in the second half. If you tell people when to cheer then what do you think they will do the rest of the time?

It's a kind of 'Sheppard & Flock' situation. The problem is, if you treat people like sheep for long enough, they become like them in the worst sense. However, I remember many occasions when Tinnion would urge on the crowd before taking a corner etc which is possibly an arguement for 'cues' now & again. I'd like to think that us fans of BCFC could make enough noise and build atmosphere pre-match and during but I'm currently unsure. IMO, atmosphere at AG isn't the strongest aspect of our matchday experience. It's a chicken & egg thing for me - the team perform well, we make noise yet it seems that the team want the noise first in order to perform well. I hope that the opening of the East End in March will offer an insight in to the potential of the fans as a positive collective.

As previously mentioned, I can't see the announcements side of things being eliminated - there's money to be had in every crevise of football these days plus we need the sponsors.

I've met Mark, he strikes me as a good chap and he's employed to do a job. He does it well but the question is how necessary the fans & Club feel it is for him to start the singing, waves etc?

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I was defending Mark Wederell, because I happen to think he does a good job, which may go against the grain of opinion on this forum, but so be it. You on the other hand just want to slag Mark off and offer vitriolic insults.

TBH Mark, i have to agree with Nibor.

I find the guy a tad embarassing, and does NOT go to create a better atmosphere.

You could sense the Gas laughing at us when he started "Give us the CCCCC, Give us the IIIIIIIII".

Not that i give a mothers monkey what the Gas think.

Oh and mexican waves...........70,s comes to mind.

As for your comment on defending the guy, well thats fine,he is only trying his best, but it is cheesy mate and i cant see it improves anything.

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Stop it please

I agree. It's embarrassing, naff and does not create a real atmosphere.

Worst of all, last night it actually killed off the atmosphere that was building up before kick off.

The same goes for the ridiculous " GOOAALLLLLLL...." announcement. I don't need to be told by the announcer that we've scored! I also don't want to hear "Amarillo" at the moment the crowd noise is loudest.

Please no more. The fans don't want it.

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It was extremely embarrassing and had me wishing for a power cut.

There was an atmosphere building up before the game and the inane american cheerleading killed it off.

It's disgraceful.

I don't think I have EVER agreed with a post more than this - well said that man - it is an embarrassment

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Nibor is right.

last night was embarrassing. Listening to the mexican wave pleads was awful.

stop it; you are making a joke out of the club.

just introduce the mascots, read out the team sheet, play some wurzels' records

bit of northen soul, bit of ska, maybe a couple of jam/specials/clash records.

one or two announcements, i.e east end open for the brentford game

not too loud

hey presto

problem solved.

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Jesus that was awful last night, when the announcement that a Mexican wave was on its way, scores of people around me hid in their jackets and laughed nervously. Surely we all thought, not tonight, not in front of our little cousins from up the way.

Whoever is in charge of the sound at the gate, why oh bloody why do you have to turn the music up so loud when their is a slight chance of an atmosphere building, I hate this falseness at football matches, let the fans get on with singing/celebrating a goal so you can put your headphones on and listen to bloody Amarillo if you wish too.

We need the bloke on the tannoy to announce the teams, announce the scores at ht and renounce all staged atmosphere building, the alternative is to call ourselves the Red Bristol Robins and play soccer in the england minor 3rd grade and play at the South Bristol Superdome. And you can suck my fat one if you think I will have anything to do with that.

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I would have prefered a few clenched fists/badge kisses and similar motivating gestures from our team than the current cross between Mr Motivator/Timmy Goddamned Mallet.

Mexican waves, spelling City, its all so juvenile safe and incredibly naff, especially combined with the music that would make Smashey and Nicey squirm.

I thought Sam Mason was dreadful but this is getting to be like a p*ss poor pantomime without Penrice as the horses a*se.

I'm with Moomin and Nibor 100%

LEAVE IT OUT IT'S CRAP :grr::grr::grr:

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What do you suggest as a constructive alternative?

A Wicker Man type sacrifice perhaps, with druids clad in bed sheets herding poultry onto the burning monolith?

Perhaps Mark Wederell could could sip from a glass goblet overflowing with blood, before smashing it into a roaring hearth, strategically placed on the halfway line, whilst invoking the spirit of the great god At Yeo.

The bloke is only trying to instill some passion into what is usually a tad timid atmosphere at Ashton Gate. I'm sorry if this annoys your delicate ears Mr Sobersides.

I have Seen this debate continue but I have to say I think you are missing the point Green,un. The fans (most of them) are saying we just don't want this sort of thing at all and find it embarrassing - sometimes cringeworthy. it is not a personal attack ( although I personally find it hard to believe that the guy himself is not wallowing in being the centre of attention and as such does not see that most fans just don't want it) but give him credit fine, but that is all, and then say it is not what we want cheerio

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