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I would like to make an opinion on the post re police Tactics.

I think that the branding of police officers as 'thugs' is over the top,

many police officers do above and beyond what is expected from them.

I'm not for one minute condoning the actions of spraying CS into a

crowd, but had a full scale pitch invasion (with supporters from both

teams) occurred and someone had been killed (we see this abroad from

time to time) the same supporters that are calling the police thugs

would have been the first to throw criticism for the police doing


I like many other people accept and know that the police have a very

difficult and thankless job (especially seeing many posts on this forum)

to do.

Had the 12 year old that got a mouth full of CS been hit by something

throw or crushed by idiots running from the back of the stand to get

onto the pitch then again the police would have been blamed for not

doing anything.

As it happens no one was killed, some were hurt and rightly are voicing

those complaints to the relevant persons. There are however persons who

are making complaints just because it's against the police.

I know police officers who are city through and through, they are good

people who do a difficult job.

Had fans not tried to get onto the pitch to get at the rovers fans this

sad situation would never had arisen. Why are we not getting at the root

of these problems and critising those that put the police officers into

that situation, I would guess that it is because its a lot easier to

criticise the establishment than look at the persons around us.

Again I'm not being obtructive to a person who rightly wants to make a

complaint, just wondering why people seem to want to jump on a band

wagon and seem to be afraid of making statements about the persons who

caused these problems from within our own club.


I agree with the general thrust of this. Yes, one or two of the police behaved over the top, however in my view the reporting of the incident on this forum has exaggerated what happened. Many on here have complained about certain biased Evening Post reporting, I think some of the accounts on here are guilty of the same thing.

You have to put yourselves in their position, which is that they were heavily outnumbered by thousands of Rovers fans running on the pitch behind them, and hundreds of City fans who would be only too happy to run on as well. Under that sort of pressure, it is not hard to see how one or two might over react. In such situations, they don't have the time to enter into reasoned debate, so unfortunately they have to meet agression with agression. It's inevitable that innocent people might unfairly be treated in a way they do not deserve. But the alternative is the police just lets everyone get on with it, in which case a far higher number of innocent people could be in danger.

A mate of mine is a policeman and a City fan, I ocassionally see him at away games because he lives in Buckinghamshire. I'm not sure he would appreciate being branded a thug. Another good mate is a policeman and a gashead, and a thug he certainly he isn't, a gentleman more like.

I have had issues with the police ocassionally, but I think all this hysteria against the police has gone way over the top, and there are lots of people overlooking the fact the police are just ordinary people doing a difficult job, and - apart from the traffic police prats roaming the country with speed guns - in general do it well. And what's more, they are on the side of the law abiding majority.

As MD1 says, nobody was seriously hurt, which given the circumstances, was quite an achievement.

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I would like to make an opinion on the post re police Tactics.

I think that the branding of police officers as 'thugs' is over the top,

many police officers do above and beyond what is expected from them.

Many of us are old enough and wise enough to know different - branding many Police officers as 'thugs' is spot on !!!!!

The Police are all too easily led by their corrupt political and toff/snob Crown Prosecution Service lawyer puppet masters. The unrestricted use of chemical weapons spray against BCFC supporters is unacceptable - and the Police responsible should be severely punished. This chemical weapons incident against our supporters comes after charges were dropped by the Police against the Romeo Brown's bouncers when they are clearly shown on the CCTV 'mixing it' with our players in the street outside the club. The Police's Crown Prosecution Service lawyers should never have prosecuted our players without prosecuting the bouncers as well. However you look at the way our players were fined and imprisoned it stinks of Police corruption. OK, the players should never have been out drinking in mid week as professional footballers - when our club was in relegation trouble - but they didn't deserve prison for merely defending themselves against the oafs that were the bouncers.

1984 - a Royalist Gestapo Police cavalry thug batons a bystander at Orgreave....


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Did this get an airing ?

Cant remember seeing it yesterday ?

No bloody Liz Hurley got married so they have had to delay it. Would you believe they only have one camera to cover the entire "west" area on the weekend.

Lack of cameras meant my interview hasnt been done yet. Will keep you posted.

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No bloody Liz Hurley got married so they have had to delay it. Would you believe they only have one camera to cover the entire "west" area on the weekend.

Lack of cameras meant my interview hasnt been done yet. Will keep you posted.

Well.... I have just got home from work to find an email from the poice inspector now looking after the complaints and wants to meet me to discuss further. So the ball is still rolling.


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I fail to see any connection between Tuesday night and the poll tax protests. Your constant references to gestapo etc trivialises the whole issue and undermines what some people feel very strongly about.

By your argument the police would claim a history of BCFC supporters being violent - the club had one of the more violent "firms", invaded the pitch at Ashton Gate and attacked or attempted to attack Rovers players at the end of a game and were involved in major violence at Nottingham just this season.

You have a selective memory Drew - after Beads equaliser fans of the gas invaded the pitch and threatened Stuart Naylor. Every club has it's idiots.

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You have a selective memory Drew - after Beads equaliser fans of the gas invaded the pitch and threatened Stuart Naylor. Every club has it's idiots.

Indeed, from what I remember it was the Gas that first ran on the pitch in celebration of Beadle's goal. I also seem to remember that the Gas ran off the pitch very quickly when the City came on. :smartass:

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Many of us are old enough and wise enough to know different - branding many Police officers as 'thugs' is spot on !!!!!

The Police are all too easily led by their corrupt political and toff/snob Crown Prosecution Service lawyer puppet masters. The unrestricted use of chemical weapons spray against BCFC supporters is unacceptable - and the Police responsible should be severely punished. This chemical weapons incident against our supporters comes after charges were dropped by the Police against the Romeo Brown's bouncers when they are clearly shown on the CCTV 'mixing it' with our players in the street outside the club. The Police's Crown Prosecution Service lawyers should never have prosecuted our players without prosecuting the bouncers as well. However you look at the way our players were fined and imprisoned it stinks of Police corruption. OK, the players should never have been out drinking in mid week as professional footballers - when our club was in relegation trouble - but they didn't deserve prison for merely defending themselves against the oafs that were the bouncers.

1984 - a Royalist Gestapo Police cavalry thug batons a bystander at Orgreave....


"I'll show you. One day I'll grow up to become a Police Officer and use chemical weapons on your children. Then you will be sorry."


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"I'll show you. One day I'll grow up to become a Police Officer and use chemical weapons on your children. Then you will be sorry."

Red Wardy, some deep psychoanalysis is going on with your quotation and its attached piccie. Are you suggesting, perchance, that Police Officers who were once the bullied become the bullies? :worship2:

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Red Wardy, some deep psychoanalysis is going on with your quotation and its attached piccie. Are you suggesting, perchance, that Police Officers who were once the bullied become the bullies? :worship2:

Aint just pigss who become bullies Gobbers, aint just pigs........

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