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City thank supporters

kingswood red

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Just when we need every City supporter to turn up to create the atmosphere and make the gate intimidating, City in their wisdom have actually increased the prices for these games as a BIG thankyou for the support for all the crap games we have suffered, we didn't get offered a refund for those!. Prices for the Bradford game have been reduced so whats the logic? is it just the money? Christ they make enough out of us ordinarilly, or is it to make up the JPT final shortfall? We want full houses now for the run in, OK we probably will sell out against Yeovil, but Forest and the Swans not so sure. Just another superb greedy money grabbing marketing ploy by 'you know who' :disapointed2se:

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Just when we need every City supporter to turn up to create the atmosphere and make the gate intimidating, City in their wisdom have actually increased the prices for these games as a BIG thankyou for the support for all the crap games we have suffered, we didn't get offered a refund for those!. Prices for the Bradford game have been reduced so whats the logic? is it just the money? Christ they make enough out of us ordinarilly, or is it to make up the JPT final shortfall? We want full houses now for the run in, OK we probably will sell out against Yeovil, but Forest and the Swans not so sure. Just another superb greedy money grabbing marketing ploy by 'you know who' :disapointed2se:

to think he woul :disapointed2se: d try to regain any of his money he has spent to keep this club in top form is just unbeliveble..i want a full explantion!!

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The season ticket holders technically pay the same for each game. The part timers who can only be bothered to watch the "bigger" games will have to pay more. It is the " home against teams like Bradford on a cold tuesday night" that City need the support, not just the Big games.

It makes marketing sense to me.

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The season ticket holders technically pay the same for each game. The part timers who can only be bothered to watch the "bigger" games will have to pay more. It is the " home against teams like Bradford on a cold tuesday night" that City need the support, not just the Big games.

It makes marketing sense to me.

And me - you're spot on. All clubs do it and they'd all be stupid not to imo.

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Given that we have a category system for tickets I can't think why anyone would expect those games against fellow promotion candidates or the Jacks to be anything other than higher category.

In fact, I don't see that as a price increase at all, I'm sure if you asked Colin Sexstone at the start of the season which three home games were the most likely to be higher category those were the three he'd have picked.

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The season ticket holders technically pay the same for each game. The part timers who can only be bothered to watch the "bigger" games will have to pay more. It is the " home against teams like Bradford on a cold tuesday night" that City need the support, not just the Big games.

It makes marketing sense to me.

What about fans like me who get to as many games as they can afford to? I couldnt afford a ST at the start of the season but have still managed to get to as many home as away games as possible. Why should loyal fans like us suffer as well? Having a season ticket doesnt make you "loyal".

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What about fans like me who get to as many games as they can afford to? I couldnt afford a ST at the start of the season but have still managed to get to as many home as away games as possible. Why should loyal fans like us suffer as well? Having a season ticket doesnt make you "loyal".

Of course having a season ticket makes you loyal.... Why shouldn't it?

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What about fans like me who get to as many games as they can afford to? I couldnt afford a ST at the start of the season but have still managed to get to as many home as away games as possible. Why should loyal fans like us suffer as well? Having a season ticket doesnt make you "loyal".

I agree that having a season ticket doesn't make you loyal nor does not having one mean you're not loyal but I don't think it's a case of loyal fans that can't/don't buy a season ticket having to suffer, I think it's a case of the people who agree to part with their cash at the start of the season getting a benefit. The club encourages this because it helps with budgeting since revenue is less dependent on league position and their cash flow is more predictable.

I would say that the club should (if they don't already?) offer season tickets for payments in installments to make them more easily affordable. They do do a good job with offers during the season like half season tickets and deals for xx number of games.

If the point was being made that prices in general could do with being lower I'd agree, because we're still not filling the ground, but I can't understand the particular complaint about these games being category B.

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I agree that having a season ticket doesn't make you loyal nor does not having one mean you're not loyal but I don't think it's a case of loyal fans that can't/don't buy a season ticket having to suffer, I think it's a case of the people who agree to part with their cash at the start of the season getting a benefit. The club encourages this because it helps with budgeting since revenue is less dependent on league position and their cash flow is more predictable.

I would say that the club should (if they don't already?) offer season tickets for payments in installments to make them more easily affordable. They do do a good job with offers during the season like half season tickets and deals for xx number of games.

If the point was being made that prices in general could do with being lower I'd agree, because we're still not filling the ground, but I can't understand the particular complaint about these games being category B.

Agree 100% with you on all points. I can totally understand why they make it that little bit more (and it is a little bit more). These bigger games have a bigger appeal. There will be a bigger home crowd, a bigger away support and therfore more staff/police will be required. The club have to meet these extra costs somehow. I cant remember off the top of my head how much extra cat B games are, £4-£5 maybe? Hardly bank breaking for what is at stake.....

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There was a recent offer for the last 7 games of the season, if I didn't have an ST and lived locally I'd have bought one. Plus it means we can make extra money out of the 2,000 plus away supporters for each game.

Plus I'd make Forest cat A to fleece the buggers who fleeced us all at £26 a ticket. Robin Hood indeed.

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Agree 100% with you on all points. I can totally understand why they make it that little bit more (and it is a little bit more). These bigger games have a bigger appeal. There will be a bigger home crowd, a bigger away support and therfore more staff/police will be required. The club have to meet these extra costs somehow. I cant remember off the top of my head how much extra cat B games are, £4-£5 maybe? Hardly bank breaking for what is at stake.....

£1* on advance prices and £2* on POTD prices.

* excluding Juniors who remain unchanged

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I think he means loyal in that he turns up - hundreds of ST holders don't turn up to support at every game or go to away games. In that sense, having a ST doesn't automatically make the holder a loyal supporter (other than in a monetary sense).

I don't want to open up the old debate over this loyalty thing - just saying that it takes all sorts.

Fair enough, I too know lads who don't have a season tickets but still make all but a few home games plus the away ones.

Not overly bothered with all this 'I'm more loyal than you na na na' bollox and I'm not sure why others are, if you turn up you turn up.

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Sorry old chap, but I disagree.

Don't forget that any reductions for us have to be passed on to Forest, Yeovil & Swansea, who will surely bring 3,000 if we give them that allocation.I can't remember what we paid at Swansea but Forest was £23/24 so there's no way that we should turn down this opportunity to earn some money

With 7,600 City ST Holders, that leaves about 8,400 left to sell (Assuming EE overflow and I wouldn't depend on that) and if we can't sell them we need shooting.

Swansea may bring less due to travel restrictions and depending on their form.

We'll all be quick enough to ask the club to shell out millions on players IF we're promoted, so we need to keep it real.

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I think the supply and demand argument is a little lop-sided in this case. The last 3 home games have each had 8000 empty seats!

Er, no it's very balanced indeed. If demand is low and supply (of seats in this case) is higher, then the commodity has a lower value. When that balance swings the other way and demand matches or exceeds supply, the commodity increases in value.

It could be argued that by offering everyone the opportunity to pay up front for a season ticket the club are protecting its regulars from these market forces.

On the other hand you'd have to say that 20-quid-plus to watch 3rd tier football is an outrageously inflated price, but that's a different argument altogether.

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Of course it makes you loyal, you're going to every game and have paid out alot of money to do so. I'm not saying that though if you READ my post!

The ST Holders are the life blood of the club financially, particulary if the EE is redeveloped and we are promoted, we should sell around 10,000 next season.The fact that Crewe is now all ticket shows the interest and passion of supporters based on decent results.

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The ST Holders are the life blood of the club financially, particulary if the EE is redeveloped and we are promoted, we should sell around 10,000 next season.The fact that Crewe is now all ticket shows the interest and passion of supporters based on decent results.

on this subject.. IF we go up how much more would the season tickets cost??

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To save a few pounds if you attend all games but have no ST, just buy your tickets a game in advance that way you save £2 on cat C and £3 on Cat B. Is that not a soluotion to saving a few pounds. Not trying to upset anyone just seems sensible solution.

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