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Football League to scrap draws?

Maesknoll Red

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Why don't they just give them helmets and protective body gear, change the shape of the ball, allow handball, play four quarters and have done with it.

Can't believe that American must have a winner mentality is seeping into our game.

Hold up.... That sounds like American football!!!!!!! :surrender:


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Seems to me that the Football League board have too much time on their hands.

If this proposal was taken forward it would de-value league games in the same way that penalty shoot-outs have devalued cup competitions.

If a game needs to be decided, I'd prefer to see extra time starting with a drop-ball on the centre spot and keepers not being permitted to use their hands. At least all the players would be taking part in the match. Maybe the keepers could be removed altogether if the first period of ET produced a stale-mate.



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Surely if they want to try and eliminate draws, points incentives are the way to do it. 5 points for a win, 3 points for the away team for a score draw, 2 points for the home team for a score draw, 1 point each for a 0-0 and no points for a loss.

If they want to eliminate draws then they should get involved with another sport! I would hope that common sense prevails and that the chairman laugh in the face of those that bring a proposal like that to the table.

A draw is as valid a result as any other. Some of the best games that you watch are closely faught draws and to devalue this result any more would a huge attack on the game I love. I can be open minded and accept changes but to even think about this is ludicrous.

This certainly won't attract people to come watch football!

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This is stupid, The only idea I'm slightly interested in is possibly bonus points by say winning by 3 clear goals. And possibly sin bins.

Bonus points?? This ain't egg chasing! If they bring in this crazy idea then where is the reward for a lower side going away from home battling their hearts out and coming home with a well deserved point instead of ending it on a lottery. If we do get promoted a few battling away draws could be the difference. Why do the people in charge feel as if they have to mess with the world's favourite game all the time?

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Sorry I had put this on the Footy talk page as it's not just City who are effected

7.00pm tonight on Radio 5 it was announced the League Chairmen meet on Thursday to discuss ending all drawn League games with a penalty shoot out! You can see it now, majority of teams coming to the Gate, putting 11 men behind the ball and take their chance on picking up all three points on penalty kicks. They reckon the Premiership aren't interested in the idea, but this would increase interest and excitement in the lower two divs which would boost their gates!

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If they want to eliminate draws then they should get involved with another sport! I would hope that common sense prevails and that the chairman laugh in the face of those that bring a proposal like that to the table.

A draw is as valid a result as any other. Some of the best games that you watch are closely faught draws and to devalue this result any more would a huge attack on the game I love. I can be open minded and accept changes but to even think about this is ludicrous.

This certainly won't attract people to come watch football!

Totally agree shocking idea, hope this is nipped in the bud tomorrow.

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Bonus points?? This ain't egg chasing! If they bring in this crazy idea then where is the reward for a lower side going away from home battling their hearts out and coming home with a well deserved point instead of ending it on a lottery. If we do get promoted a few battling away draws could be the difference. Why do the people in charge feel as if they have to mess with the world's favourite game all the time?
So because it happens in Rugby it can't happen in football? They play on grass, So let's not play on grass from now on, They have half time, So once again cos they do it lets not do it.

All ideas that are designed to make the game more attractive for the floating fan's should be investigated IMO.

A bonus point for winning by 3 clear goals could provide that extra excitement. It may not do but it's an idea worth looking at.

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Now, lets not get it wrong I love football. But if any of the rules suggested in this thread come in to the game I would turn my back on it for life.

Utter utter nutters.

I agree, I can't believe they would pass this resolution at any time. It would be interesting to see what the early leavers in the Dolman would do though, half of them probably missed Russells goal Tuesday night as it is. I can't imagine them staying on for a shoot out on a wet Tuesday night.

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in fairness the idea was originally put forward in the recent Football League Fans Survey, it is more of a suggestion from a few fans on a survey than a football league, the football league will mention in their meeting and no doubt instantly dismiss it!

as Holloway said on Sky Sports this morning.........where did they find these fans who suggested it? In a pub!

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SL was interviewed on radio 4 this morning about this idea and asked for his opinion as a chairman, 'its a crackpot idea' said he.

Yes, imagine my surprise when listening to the 'sports section' (snigger) this morning on BBC Radio 4

Only to be stunned/surprised that I heard the name 'Bristol City Football Club' mentioned and our good Chairman was being interviewed.

Mind you I do think he missed a unique opportunity to get Bristol City FC in to the 1st Division (premiership) by not proposing that teams playing us should not be allowed to actually win against us......... the proposal being that only we would be able to take penalty shots.

My only concern would have been that this might not guarantee a win for us?

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For God's sake, why can't those imbeciles concentrate on the issuing that are really ruining today's game?!

Such as the widening gulf between the top teams and the bottom? The fact there's no competition anymore, how it's the same teams winning everything. How the fans are getting ripped off by increased ticket prices and having to pay so much for shirts, etc., why players wages are so goddam high...! Yes, they're celebs, but £100,000 a WEEK?!?!? What about the diving and cheating that takes places over and over again, in more or less every single match? The lack of respect that referees receive and the poor quality of refereeing, as well. What about the calls among a large number of fans to reopen safe standing areas in stands? And what of the quality of the stands, the catering, the entertainment and the general lack of atmosphere at most grounds these days, as well??!?

I could go on as well about the continued racism and sexism that the game in this country still faces, and the lack of really good English players that are being produced and the fact the game at the top level is full of players not from this country. But I won't.

I'll sit here quietly, complaining to myself...

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