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The east end has never been the key to sucess

Guest ashtonyate

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Guest ashtonyate

All this East End hype all we get is that has a magic cure that makes the players play better. If you had the East End full up and the team were playing crap it would be the same as any part of the ground

Point in case, when we played Hartlepool it was only when we got a goal back that there was any noise at all, Some people have delusion of grandeur that its the cop at Liverpool

To get the crowd going start playing free flowing football like the last time we went up under Ward then the whole of the ground would be singing

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It makes me laugh reading all the EE threads. There's even an EE sub forum. WTF?????

Personally I couldn't give a toss if I never sat in there again in its current format. I sat there for the Rovers game and the last time before that was against Swindon several years back and I just can not see the appeal AT ALL! Either for fans or any so called effect it has on the players on the pitch. It doesn't! Not a jot! The whole EE things is a myth and I can-not believe how passionately some people feel about the second rate dump of a stand. It's like believing in ghosts, or aliens at Area 51.

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All this East End hype all we get is that has a magic cure that makes the players play better. If you had the East End full up and the team were playing crap it would be the same as any part of the ground

Point in case, when we played Hartlepool it was only when we got a goal back that there was any noise at all, Some people have delusion of grandeur that its the cop at Liverpool

To get the crowd going start playing free flowing football like the last time we went up under Ward then the whole of the ground would be singing

Wasn't the EE opened as an overspill for the Hartlepool match?

The point of the EE being open for many is so that fans have an unreserved area in which to congregate. I think that you're wrong & that, if given another chance, the EE faithful will make yet more noise & grow in numbers. The area of the ground isn't as important as the opportunity to have an unreserved area so that fans from all over the ground can join force to show their support in a way that best suits them.

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It makes me laugh reading all the EE threads. There's even an EE sub forum. WTF?????

Personally I couldn't give a toss if I never sat in there again in its current format. I sat there for the Rovers game and the last time before that was against Swindon several years back and I just can not see the appeal AT ALL! Either for fans or any so called effect it has on the players on the pitch. It doesn't! Not a jot! The whole EE things is a myth and I can-not believe how passionately some people feel about the second rate dump of a stand. It's like believing in ghosts, or aliens at Area 51.

You may well not like it. thats YOUR choice, quite a few (ok a fair sized number!) do like it and want it to be open. as fans they have their view on where they want to sit/stand/jump all about.

WTF are you denigrating their idea for?

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Guest ashtonyate
You may well not like it. thats YOUR choice, quite a few (ok a fair sized number!) do like it and want it to be open. as fans they have their view on where they want to sit/stand/jump all about.

WTF are you denigrating their idea for?

That would be ok if It did not cost 5k a time to open I like the ideal that walk up fans could pay but I don't think to club wants that

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You may well not like it. thats YOUR choice, quite a few (ok a fair sized number!) do like it and want it to be open. as fans they have their view on where they want to sit/stand/jump all about.

WTF are you denigrating their idea for?

I'm not speaking for anyone else. That's my point of view. Like it or lump it

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Yawn, Ashtonyate still fishing.

Didn't you try this in a thread yesterday?

I can't belive my national insurance pays for your employment. Out of interest, do you work with the ginger one, and does he get you to post this crap?

FAO Matty H, the fact that both Tinns AND Johnson have spoken about the posative impact of the East End kind of makes your point sound even more niave than it already is.

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It makes me laugh reading all the EE threads. There's even an EE sub forum. WTF?????

Personally I couldn't give a toss if I never sat in there again in its current format. I sat there for the Rovers game and the last time before that was against Swindon several years back and I just can not see the appeal AT ALL! Either for fans or any so called effect it has on the players on the pitch. It doesn't! Not a jot! The whole EE things is a myth and I can-not believe how passionately some people feel about the second rate dump of a stand. It's like believing in ghosts, or aliens at Area 51.

Am i gobbing off at you becuse where you want to sit? nope.

so why moan to where i want to sit?

What i don't get is why fans want to oppose the choice of others?

you don't want to sit there fine, but i do you have your choice i don't.

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Wasn't the EE opened as an overspill for the Hartlepool match?

yes and those in the EE against brentford was also in there for hartlepool.

Another point again is unreserved seating, the EE was picked out as a empty area

so like minded people could sit together without upsetting those who don't want

to support the club vocally, i really don't see the problem with that.

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All this East End hype all we get is that has a magic cure that makes the players play better. If you had the East End full up and the team were playing crap it would be the same as any part of the ground

Point in case, when we played Hartlepool it was only when we got a goal back that there was any noise at all, Some people have delusion of grandeur that its the cop at Liverpool

To get the crowd going start playing free flowing football like the last time we went up under Ward then the whole of the ground would be singing

It's not about the East End, it's about an area of unreserved seating for like minded fans to congregate and give 90 minutes of positive support.

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Sorry, I thought sussies was suspenders.

After reading the posts it's just another football related thingy. Then again, how about a stocking wearing section of the ground, Franknfurter or babe style, ding dong.

Yes, I have been drinking.

susses, tch!.

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It would be far more popular if it wasnt such a pain in the arse to get in there.I wouldnt mind going back in there now and again but i simply cant be arsed to go to the club midweek to swap my season ticket for the day.

Now if they allowed people to just go in on any season ticket on a "first come first in" basis I think it would fill out more

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It's not about the East End, it's about an area of unreserved seating for like minded fans to congregate and give 90 minutes of positive support.

Yet another slant on the EE debate....its not about the EE at all - its about an area of unreserved area of seating......that broadens the arguement no end.

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It would be far more popular if it wasnt such a pain in the arse to get in there.I wouldnt mind going back in there now and again but i simply cant be arsed to go to the club midweek to swap my season ticket for the day.

Now if they allowed people to just go in on any season ticket on a "first come first in" basis I think it would fill out more

For the Brentford game you could phone up in advance to swap your season ticket, and collect the EE tickets on the day. If you got there in plenty of time it was fine, although if you left it a little later you were cutting it fine-only one window open, tsk.

I think it was Southville Kiddy (from what i've read) who sorted things though by kicking up a fuss and getting the woman to bring all the tickets out, meaning i and my brothers got in just in time for kick off. Thankyou kiddy :chant6ez:

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Yet another slant on the EE debate....its not about the EE at all - its about an area of unreserved area of seating......that broadens the arguement no end.

Ah, but at this very moment it has to be about the EE because that is the only part of the ground with a significant number of seats not already reserved for season ticket holders.

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Not another forum user with a 'different' view dismissed with a throwaway remark? What ever happened to an alternative view?

Not about alternative views, everyone know's this is an intense and sensitive issue to many and how you get your petulent kicks - phony and pompous sense of self importance and attention through sticking your awe in.

Save us your bollox reply.

You're on 'ignore'.


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I bin in the east end each time it was open over last few seasons and the ONLY reason why is cause i can stand up with lots of others and shout my mouth off in company :englandsmile4wf:

its a crap place to watch footbal but a reminder of what it used to be like to watch on a terrace ( yes i am old enough to remember watching on a terrace).

drink up thee zider

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All this East End hype all we get is that has a magic cure that makes the players play better. If you had the East End full up and the team were playing crap it would be the same as any part of the ground

Point in case, when we played Hartlepool it was only when we got a goal back that there was any noise at all, Some people have delusion of grandeur that its the cop at Liverpool

To get the crowd going start playing free flowing football like the last time we went up under Ward then the whole of the ground would be singing

Well GJ and the players appreciated it.... We sang all the way through. Its better for us fans to have all the singers together. I have nothing against people who don't want to sing, but getting behind the team and creating an intimidating atmosphere does help the team. Why else does GJ talk about 'the 12th man' as he has done?

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About 650? from a gate of approx 11000...Hmmmmm

You`ve done this before,wind up merchant, and the reply is still the same if the turnstiles were open on the day and you could of booked on line and a bit more notice was given and a bit more advertisement there WOULD OF been a few more in there;

That number would certainly increased if it had been open for Bradford; the pictures of an almost empty end were heartbreaking.

Now IF mr S.L and co was serious about remarks in Tues programm and he expects almost certain sell outs for the up coming CRUCIAL GAMES why on earth arent tickets for the E.E. on sale already?????? As they are and have been to the away fans;


This COULD make all the difference and for you to be constantly knocking it down is terrible MR CHAIRMAN. :disapointed2se:

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All this East End hype all we get is that has a magic cure that makes the players play better. If you had the East End full up and the team were playing crap it would be the same as any part of the ground

Point in case, when we played Hartlepool it was only when we got a goal back that there was any noise at all, Some people have delusion of grandeur that its the cop at Liverpool

To get the crowd going start playing free flowing football like the last time we went up under Ward then the whole of the ground would be singing

You`re a bigger wind up merchant than R.R

Its important now we need everything we have; G.J and the players and EVEN S.L said it made a difference and yours and others constant knocking it is terrible at what is a crucail time of the season.

There is no harm at all in opening up an area where all singers and all like minded people can join in one united front for the rest of the games;everyday wasted now gives more advantage to the away fans and team and less chance to get a sizable City in there :disapointed2se:

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Guest ashtonyate
You`re a bigger wind up merchant than R.R

Its important now we need everything we have; G.J and the players and EVEN S.L said it made a difference and yours and others constant knocking it is terrible at what is a crucail time of the season.

There is no harm at all in opening up an area where all singers and all like minded people can join in one united front for the rest of the games;everyday wasted now gives more advantage to the away fans and team and less chance to get a sizable City in there :disapointed2se:

Why am I a wind up merchant because I hold a different view to some of you.This is a forum to discuss issues about Bristol City we live in a country where free speech is allowed

What I am saying is true Tuesday Night it would have made no different we played crap had the east end had been full of supporter of the general public it would have the same as the rest of the ground.

Unless you are going to restrict it to signing fans only then I suppose you would need an ordination before entry.

At 5K a time I must agree with the board that its not viable just to keep a couple of hundred fans happy

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Why am I a wind up merchant because I hold a different view to some of you.This is a forum to discuss issues about Bristol City we live in a country where free speech is allowed

What I am saying is true Tuesday Night it would have made no different we played crap had the east end had been full of supporter of the general public it would have the same as the rest of the ground.

Unless you are going to restrict it to signing fans only then I suppose you would need an ordination before entry.

At 5K a time I must agree with the board that its not viable just to keep a couple of hundred fans happy

Hey mate we played crap v Brentford and won, the difference was???

You again with your "couple of hundred" in my book thats 2 or 3 not 6 to 7 hundred that were there;reasons for which have been stated elsewhere; your figures on costings are wrong as they do not take into account Police costs that will be there for the next big 3 home games ANYWAY and there will be no need for any extra. The catering is paid for by the caters so the actual costing would be negligable therefore;

There are some fans who wont be part of the library expierence and many others who are losing interest.

Your statement that "it would of made no difference" is wrong ask the players manager or S.L; it may not of but it may also have, cuts both ways.

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It makes me laugh reading all the EE threads. There's even an EE sub forum. WTF?????

Personally I couldn't give a toss if I never sat in there again in its current format. I sat there for the Rovers game and the last time before that was against Swindon several years back and I just can not see the appeal AT ALL! Either for fans or any so called effect it has on the players on the pitch. It doesn't! Not a jot! The whole EE things is a myth and I can-not believe how passionately some people feel about the second rate dump of a stand. It's like believing in ghosts, or aliens at Area 51.

"the effect" did you not read what G.J./ S.L. and the players themselves have said; IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE :disapointed2se:

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Guest ashtonyate
Hey mate we played crap v Brentford and won, the difference was???

You again with your "couple of hundred" in my book thats 2 or 3 not 6 to 7 hundred that were there;reasons for which have been stated elsewhere; your figures on costings are wrong as they do not take into account Police costs that will be there for the next big 3 home games ANYWAY and there will be no need for any extra. The catering is paid for by the caters so the actual costing would be negligable therefore;

There are some fans who wont be part of the library expierence and many others who are losing interest.

Your statement that "it would of made no difference" is wrong ask the players manager or S.L; it may not of but it may also have, cuts both ways.

If the east end is needed to seat extra fan to watch the next few games that's bringing extra money to the club which is good. But to seat fans so they can transfer from other parts of the ground is a unnecessary expense and the figure of 5K in extra policing cannot be justified I believe

Also I cannot agree that the singing made a great deal of difference in the Brentford game I think you are getting carried away a bit

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Guest North Street
About 650? from a gate of approx 11000...Hmmmmm

Allied to a petition and the supporters trust survey.

Heres one you ignored earlier in the week

"FANS" had only two weeks to promote this game.

150 supporters were attracted to the East End who were not season ticket holders at £17 a head; this may have some bearing on your figures.

Despite the "club" putting restrictions on this match you are quoting figures for policing which is not at the lower rate, why?

Fans after meeting the Chairman on the 29th Jan had to wait until Feb 22nd for the club to announce the East End was open before promoting this match themselves. Why if the club where working in partnership with support did this announcement take so long?

Fans had to press the club to promote the opening of the East End.

I think v Brentford the supporters of Bristol City earned and deserve another opportunity to show their loyalty and passion for the club in the East End again.

You as Chairman and representative of the "Supporters" club attending club board meetings can help facilitate the above process.

You are supposed to be representing fans.


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Allied to a petition and the supporters trust survey.

Heres one you ignored earlier in the week

"FANS" had only two weeks to promote this game.

150 supporters were attracted to the East End who were not season ticket holders at £17 a head; this may have some bearing on your figures.

Despite the "club" putting restrictions on this match you are quoting figures for policing which is not at the lower rate, why?

Fans after meeting the Chairman on the 29th Jan had to wait until Feb 22nd for the club to announce the East End was open before promoting this match themselves. Why if the club where working in partnership with support did this announcement take so long?

Fans had to press the club to promote the opening of the East End.

I think v Brentford the supporters of Bristol City earned and deserve another opportunity to show their loyalty and passion for the club in the East End again.

You as Chairman and representative of the "Supporters" club attending club board meetings can help facilitate the above process.

You are supposed to be representing fans.



I am ambivalent about sitting in the EE, but strongly support those who want to sit there. ,The acoustics are undoubtly better, and the atmosphere created vs Brentford, despite the carefully and forensically restricted numbers for which the club MUST take the blame, was fantastic.

Robbored the SC seems to be less about supporters and more about kissing the boards butt.

Like a shop steward on the board of directors!!!! How can an organisation which claims to represent supporters seem so ineffective, complacent and obsolete.

Viva the Trust and Keep the fight up for supporters to be listened to

It seems obvious why attendances are lower than we all expect. This world, and football is no different, is now more and more consumer led.

Ignore your consumers and the consequences are dire.

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