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Freedom Of Speech


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This is my last post on this board - having been harassed just for putting a point of view across that people don't agree with.

I value freedom of speech, but unfortunately the pack of wolves on this board don't seem to. They are in the minority thankfully, but they hunt together, and I'm not strong enough to make a stand against them myself.

I've been staying at my best mates house whilst this has been going on, and I showed him the thread this afternoon and he agrees with me that it has gone too far beyond a constuctive discussion.

It's a real shame 'cause I enjoyed reading others posts - just a pity they didn't take the same level of enjoyment from my contribution.

Subcider, here I come........ :city:

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This is my last post on this board - having been harassed just for putting a point of view across that people don't agree with.

I value freedom of speech, but unfortunately the pack of wolves on this board don't seem to. They are in the minority thankfully, but they hunt together, and I'm not strong enough to make a stand against them myself.

I've been staying at my best mates house whilst this has been going on, and I showed him the thread this afternoon and he agrees with me that it has gone too far beyond a constuctive discussion.

It's a real shame 'cause I enjoyed reading others posts - just a pity they didn't take the same level of enjoyment from my contribution.

Subcider, here I come........ :city:


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This is my last post on this board - having been harassed just for putting a point of view across that people don't agree with.

I value freedom of speech, but unfortunately the pack of wolves on this board don't seem to. They are in the minority thankfully, but they hunt together, and I'm not strong enough to make a stand against them myself.

I've been staying at my best mates house whilst this has been going on, and I showed him the thread this afternoon and he agrees with me that it has gone too far beyond a constuctive discussion.

It's a real shame 'cause I enjoyed reading others posts - just a pity they didn't take the same level of enjoyment from my contribution.

Subcider, here I come........ :city:

so just to clarify your going to subbers so you don't get abuse??????????

yikes! :sofa:

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I value freedom of speech, but unfortunately the pack of wolves on this board don't seem to. They are in the minority thankfully, but they hunt together, and I'm not strong enough to make a stand against them myself.

Not having a go, but i hope you are aware that the whole idea of freedom of speach is one of the most fundamentally flawed concept in society today.

Plain and simple.......it rarely exists and when it does.....it is selective as some people are allowed to say what others can't

for example a policeman can call you a #### but if you return the compliment you will probably be arrested.

Unfortunately we can't rely on freedom of speech because there are so many limitations to it.

it was fairly harsh how some people slated you without giving any proper argument to it, but that's what people can be like.

if you post something contraversial you are feeding the wolves

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This is my last post on this board - having been harassed just for putting a point of view across that people don't agree with.

I value freedom of speech, but unfortunately the pack of wolves on this board don't seem to. They are in the minority thankfully, but they hunt together, and I'm not strong enough to make a stand against them myself.

I've been staying at my best mates house whilst this has been going on, and I showed him the thread this afternoon and he agrees with me that it has gone too far beyond a constuctive discussion.

It's a real shame 'cause I enjoyed reading others posts - just a pity they didn't take the same level of enjoyment from my contribution.

Subcider, here I come........ :city:

Don't give up so easily - there are three sets of people on this board - the happy clappies, GJ is God etc - the critics ( of which I am one ) - and the voice of reason ( Nibor 99% of the time ) !

You will get insulted, derided, messages of support, praised, agreed with, ridiculed and all the rest.

It doesn't really matter

Say what you think anyway and remember that there are no breath tests on a board like this, so a vast percentage of posts are done under the influence ( including me sometimes ).

Just a bit of fun !!

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Having read the thread I have to say that your post may be well intentioned, but playing players out of position is a recipe for disaster, and even Andy Smith is a better option up-front than any of our midfielders (As proved by Betsys effort!). He may look like 'The Striker Ability Forgot', but at least he understands the role, and who knows, given a goal he may improve greatly.

Also, perhaps 'Sack the Board' was not the best name, as Lansdowne has come into wealth, and City fans are hoping that he wastes... I mean invests some of this on City!

Goodbye :sub:

Now, will my description of Smith get the bullies chasing me, trying to steal my dinner money????

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This is my last post on this board - having been harassed just for putting a point of view across that people don't agree with.

I value freedom of speech, but unfortunately the pack of wolves on this board don't seem to. They are in the minority thankfully, but they hunt together, and I'm not strong enough to make a stand against them myself.

I've been staying at my best mates house whilst this has been going on, and I showed him the thread this afternoon and he agrees with me that it has gone too far beyond a constuctive discussion.

It's a real shame 'cause I enjoyed reading others posts - just a pity they didn't take the same level of enjoyment from my contribution.

Subcider, here I come........ :city:

You,ll be back..its a drug, take abuse give it back twice as much, you,ll soon take note of the ones you,ll like to communicate with and the ones you wont!

At the end of the day, lifes to short to worry about it

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This is my last post on this board - having been harassed just for putting a point of view across that people don't agree with.

I value freedom of speech, but unfortunately the pack of wolves on this board don't seem to. They are in the minority thankfully, but they hunt together, and I'm not strong enough to make a stand against them myself.

I've been staying at my best mates house whilst this has been going on, and I showed him the thread this afternoon and he agrees with me that it has gone too far beyond a constuctive discussion.

It's a real shame 'cause I enjoyed reading others posts - just a pity they didn't take the same level of enjoyment from my contribution.

Subcider, here I come........ :city:

Paul, pm Robbered alias Alan, or Bristol Boy alais Ian.

They run classes for the "otib abused" three nights of the week and both have a degree in it!

Worth the £4 a session they charge, listen and learn, come back refreshed to tackle all...... :rolleyes:

Ps, refrain from their dressing up parties though.......... :crying:

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Chappers offered her to Johnson before the 5pm deadline, was,nt interested saying Brooker has a bigger chest than her..... :innocent06:

You mean he/she/it isn't Brooker? :huh:

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So you've come on here, written some stuff that most people have labelled as daft.

Blamed the responses on a conspiracy theory where other members don't get abuse (which was quickly debunked - the "elite" you referred to get more abuse than anyone else)

Then you said it wasn't freedom of speech, even though nothing's been censored and you've got the right to reply.

Then you threw your toys out the pram and are leaving the board, even though I notice you're reading this post right now.


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So you've come on here, written some stuff that most people have labelled as daft.

Blamed the responses on a conspiracy theory where other members don't get abuse (which was quickly debunked - the "elite" you referred to get more abuse than anyone else)

Then you said it wasn't freedom of speech, even though nothing's been censored and you've got the right to reply.

Then you threw your toys out the pram and are leaving the board, even though I notice you're reading this post right now.


He still is. :preacher:

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If you don't mind me asking - how old are you?

I guess if your're showing this site to your Mum you must be a youngster.Btw ,whats she doing at yer best mates house?

To be 'respected' or despised on this forum you have to have the courage of your convictions but remain open to persuasion if a superior arguement comes your way. Sadly there are very few who this maxim applies to.

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I'm just flabbergasted by these responses. I've just shown this page to my mum and she's gob smacked by the behavior.

You're like wolves ripping raw meat from a dead carcass :disapointed2se:

to be honest i'm not sure what the fuss is as i've not got around to reading your posts.

it's a bit of banter fella' don't take it to heart.

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I'm just flabbergasted by these responses. I've just shown this page to my mum and she's gob smacked by the behavior.

You're like wolves ripping raw meat from a dead carcass :disapointed2se:

You still here? :fastasleep:

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Why care about what anyone else thinks its what you think that matters; fightback; we are all the same apart from me who is a bit better than most and RR whos a bit worse than most; oh and of course Neo whos a bit...... well quite a lot actually. :yahoo:

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Guest ashtonyate
This is my last post on this board - having been harassed just for putting a point of view across that people don't agree with.

I value freedom of speech, but unfortunately the pack of wolves on this board don't seem to. They are in the minority thankfully, but they hunt together, and I'm not strong enough to make a stand against them myself.

I've been staying at my best mates house whilst this has been going on, and I showed him the thread this afternoon and he agrees with me that it has gone too far beyond a constuctive discussion.

It's a real shame 'cause I enjoyed reading others posts - just a pity they didn't take the same level of enjoyment from my contribution.

Subcider, here I come........ :city:

Don't give up I keep on about the Academy now I got most of the happy crapes agree with me

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