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Yep, he didn't really get going. But to be fair to him we were pretty bad at playing ball to feet for the forwards. Brooker doesn't mind so much, but Jevo can't really get going with no service to feet. Plus he did at least try hard, even if he wasn't great.

On the flipside, Brooker was back to his best. Looked sharp, keen and very dangerous. Forest were very relived when he went off. Glad he is back to fitness, it really is like having a new signing!

Plus a bit sorry Smith didn't get a place in the squad after his performance against Donny. Still would be interested to see him next to Brooker.

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Thought Jevons was very good today! He squeezed about inside the man marking Forest defence, and with some deft little touches made much of our play in the first half. Disappeared after half time, but with much of our play coming from the wings, he is never going to be a target man.

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Sorry to disagree but i thought Jevons played well today. I thought, in the first half especially, him and Brooker linked up well with some clever passing and i thought he held the ball up well too. Had a good chance to score in the second half but the ball just got away from him before he could get a clean connection on it.

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No... Not another Jevo bashing post.

Jevo today..... Poor, SLOW, and lazy.

IMO if we had a decent front line this season we would have been promoted by now.

Where did we lack today........

Great game/performance nether the less.

one plus point for Jevons, saves having to wash his kit at the end of every game, oh for a proper goalscorer, then again I suppose wen have got Smith to come in for Jevons!

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Jevons has been disapointing all season imo. I can't ever recalling him having an above average game.He's largely anonymous in most matches and has no pace, poor upper body strength and he's no finisher in mold of Thorpe or Goater.

He just doesn't contribute enough to the team effort and although Johnson reckons he's good for 20 goals a season I still don't think he worth a starting place. Johnson frequently talks about players 'effecting the game'.Well, how often does Jevons 'effect the game?'

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Thought Jevons was very good today! He squeezed about inside the man marking Forest defence, and with some deft little touches made much of our play in the first half. Disappeared after half time, but with much of our play coming from the wings, he is never going to be a target man.

Must say i agree, especially his first half performance. I thought he linked up the play quite well. Ok he wasnt very good at holding up the ball but some of his flicks and touches allowed for a lot of our attacks to take place.

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Jevons link play today was excellent and he put in enough work. My only criticism is that he should have scored. I thought overall he had a good game.

To be perfectly frank a striker's job is not to run out on the wing like Enoch and get involved in cute interplay, it's to be on the end of things in the box.

I think in general he needs to be more ruthless and aggressive in and around the 18 yard box, and if he can do that I don't give a monkey's about anything else.

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I think in general he needs to be more ruthless and aggressive in and around the 18 yard box, and if he can do that I don't give a monkey's about anything else.

From where I was sitting I think you can put that down to GJ to an extent, even when Brooker was pulled out wide Jevons was still playing just outside the 18-yard box, so I can only presume that this was part of the tactic.

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In my opinion i thought we played well today......even though we only had 10 men who were willing to put the effort in. How on earth Jevons warrents a first team place is beyond me. In my 30 years of watching City i have never seen a striker with less bottle than him.

Forest's centre halfs were nothing special and if Brooker had had a player willing to share the workload alongside him today there is no doubt we would be 7 points clear of Forest now.

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Well I'm not sorry for disagreeing. Jevons was very good today in my opinion. Linked up very well with midfielders. Some excellent touches. Our balls into the box were nothing short of disgraceful although I thought he could have gambled front post a few more times.

We need wingers who can cross a ball. Jevons isnt the type of player to make his own chances but he was very good today.

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Well I'm not sorry for disagreeing. Jevons was very good today in my opinion. Linked up very well with midfielders. Some excellent touches. Our balls into the box were nothing short of disgraceful although I thought he could have gambled front post a few more times.

We need wingers who can cross a ball. Jevons isnt the type of player to make his own chances but he was very good today.

I agree with you to be honest, made some great touches and many times he helped the Midfield link with the attack in the first half, in fact our movement up front today was something else at times shame this stopped in the second half but I think that Jevons and Brooker are a good partnership they have a good understanding just need to turn it into goals.

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No... Not another Jevo bashing post.

Jevo today..... Poor, SLOW, and lazy.

IMO if we had a decent front line this season we would have been promoted by now.

Where did we lack today........

Great game/performance nether the less.

Were you looking at the same player? We all thought around us that he held the ball up well, brought others into play, and linked up well with Brooker in the first half esp. :noexpression:

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No... Not another Jevo bashing post.

Jevo today..... Poor, SLOW, and lazy.

IMO if we had a decent front line this season we would have been promoted by now.

Where did we lack today........

Great game/performance nether the less.

How is that not another Jevo bashing post?

Criticism of him and blaming him for us not going up looks remarkably like a bashing post to me.

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Isnt it funny how people see the game and have such varying opinions.

Personally i thought jevons was poor. I don't want him doing these stupid flicks, i want him in the box, getting on the end of things, running and pressuring the opposition defenders and generally being a menace. All the things he doesnt do! It drives me bonkers when he will go all out to avoid heading the ball, he jumps with his back FFS!


Hes our top goal scorer so what the hell do i know!

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Can't believe the number of posters on this thread that actually thought Jevons had a good game yesterday !! ( albeit still a minority ). Jevons performance yesterday summed up his whole season for me - no pace, no goal threat,mediocre finnishing and nothing for his colleagues to work off either. Poor again I'm afraid.

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Can't believe the number of posters on this thread that actually thought Jevons had a good game yesterday !! ( albeit still a minority ). Jevons performance yesterday summed up his whole season for me - no pace, no goal threat,mediocre finnishing and nothing for his colleagues to work off either. Poor again I'm afraid.

Spot on

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Can't believe the number of posters on this thread that actually thought Jevons had a good game yesterday !! ( albeit still a minority ). Jevons performance yesterday summed up his whole season for me - no pace, no goal threat,mediocre finnishing and nothing for his colleagues to work off either. Poor again I'm afraid.


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Well I'm not sorry for disagreeing. Jevons was very good today in my opinion. Linked up very well with midfielders. Some excellent touches. Our balls into the box were nothing short of disgraceful although I thought he could have gambled front post a few more times.

We need wingers who can cross a ball. Jevons isnt the type of player to make his own chances but he was very good today.

Perhaps if we had a striker other than Brooker yesterday who actually would put himself in positions to meet crosses he may get better service. The wingers have to look up about 5 times to find someone in the box,thus giving time for defenders time to get back.

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