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I just had a quick look on the Ask Steve L forum and honestly can't believe why he bothers to reply to some of the rubbish on there. Postings about why John Ward was sacked, Scottish people who think they're best mates with Lee Miller and some kids who want to play footy against them. Countless postings about the same thing (Danny Wilson, etc. etc.) There are a few exceptions (Simply Red's posting in particular) but, come on, we are lucky to have such an outlet for interaction with our Chairman - let's stop abusing it!

On top of that, I've seen postings on the main forum directed against Danny Wilson of a vindicative personal nature. I won't even mention the posting "hoping" that Lee Peacock is badly injured and unable to play for a while (whoops, just did).

Time for a reality check. Would you shout such things at a match? I hope not.


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absolutely agree - read some of them earlier and thought "like he's really going to answer that one". Always amazed at how polite and reasoned Steve's responses are given some of the stupid and rude comments made on there.

Dave L said the same about the comments made on the main forum about Danny and some of the players - again constructive comments, critical comments born out of frustration etc I can understand (even if they don't coincide with my own) but abusive ones about OUR manager and OUR players are downright out of order.

Sadly its one of the problems with a forum where people can hide behind anonymity - I would dare to suggest that most would not be brave enough to raise any of the same comments if they were in a one-on-one discussion face to face with Danny or any of the players! Or if they did they would be a lot more polite about it ;)

Makes me angry :angry::D:blink:

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There is a lot of unnecesary posts on that particular forum, however ones like the John Ward one I wouldn't call "junk".

Granted, a response may not be given due to the nature of the content (termination of someones contract etc.), however there is no harm in asking a certain question is there?

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I agree, some of the posts on that forum are pointless. The idea of it is a good but it's turned into the "Where's my ticket, sign this player and why was my burger cold?" forum. I can understand making complaints but some people seem to expect answers to specific cases when it's obvious that the chairmen won't have an answer. And yeah people asking the same question over and over again is very annoying when all they need to do is take a look at one of the other threads to find the answer.

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I posted the question on the John Ward sacking. Why the hell was he sacked? John Ward got us promotion and we were 6th from bottom of Div 1 with only a few games gone and everything to play for when he was sacked !!!!! We've suffered 6 seasons of torture in Div 2 without John Ward at the helm. I certainly don't think it was a stupid question to ask as John Ward was a good manager in my opinion.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

You are spot on about the Steve L forum, sometimes I cringe. Simply Reds piece however was extremly arrogant and frankly insulting.

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I just had a quick look on the Ask Steve L forum and honestly can't believe why he bothers to reply to some of the rubbish on there. Postings about why John Ward was sacked, Scottish people who think they're best mates with Lee Miller and some kids who want to play footy against them. Countless postings about the same thing (Danny Wilson, etc. etc.)  There are a few exceptions (Simply Red's posting in particular) but, come on, we are lucky to have such an outlet for interaction with our Chairman - let's stop abusing it!

On top of that, I've seen postings on the main forum directed against Danny Wilson of a vindicative personal nature. I won't even mention the posting "hoping" that Lee Peacock is badly injured and unable to play for a while (whoops, just did).

Time for a reality check. Would you shout such things at a match? I hope not.


I agree that personal postings of the nature you mention against LP are beyond the pale.I would never wish physical injury on a player-perhaps a minor mishap just before he plays us if he's a keyplayer....er. sorry ;)

I actually think DW's a nice bloke and a poor manager, as his record shows.

No one will be more pleased than me if I'm proved wrong and we go up. I just can't see it......and I think Steve L is beggining to agree!

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Scottish people who think they're best mates with Lee Miller and some kids who want to play footy against them.
I will take it this comment was pushed in my direction.

If you are refering to when I asked if he was coming along to the game it was only because he was at the game the weekend before, and also its was a chance to meet him.

And as for the " Scottish people who think they are best mates with Lee Miller ", is it my fault I went to school with the guy and am proud he has made it in football??

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I think Steve L is an astute enough person to work out which posts warrant an answer and which he can ignore. I look at the posters on here, some I always read and some I can guess what the content is without looking, so I don't bother! Some people probably see my name and don't read mine, but that is what the forum is all about!

It does seem to have got worse since only Steve can answer the threads, people are starting new threads for the same thing as they have no option. I understand why it is threaded ( is that the word?) that way though.

Hopefully Steve can have a smile to himself about most of them and just be glad he hasn't fallen to the ways of other chairmen not too far away! ;)

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I just had a quick look on the Ask Steve L forum and honestly can't believe why he bothers to reply to some of the rubbish on there. <snip> Scottish people who think they're best mates with Lee Miller and some kids who want to play footy against them. <snip>
So your argumant about banality on the Steve L forum is somewhat underminded by your crass statement below.

Its a forum for ****s sake, people will have different opinions on everything, thats what makes it interesting and why we all contribute.

If Steve doesnt want to reply to a post - he wont - simple as, its his choice.

We all belong to a community, if more people want to join, even if they are Scottish, ;) then thats fine - the more the merrier. ;)

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As long as the 'ask steve' forum isnt used to abuse people then I think anythings fair game.

Its our club, why should we be afraid to ask Colin and Steve difficult questions ? If they dont want to answer them, thats up to them of course and in my experience they've always explained WHY they can't answer some questions.

They're both experienced enough to deal with this sort of thing without losing the plot 'Dunford-style' and I've always been very impressed with the way they've conducted themselves on that forum (even if I dont always agree with them).

And don't forget, something which you find boring might be really interesting to someone else - this is everyones forum and everyone is entitled to ask whatever they like.

Of course outright abuse is out of order and I'm sure the moderators will deal with it.

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