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Bristol Boy

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Away:North, Tran, Black (4 points)

Home:Hudd, Carl (4/6 Points)


Away:Gill, Car, Mill (4 points)

Home:Yeo, Roth (4 points)


Away:Brent, Orient (4 points)

Home:Roth, Bmth, Crewe (6 points)

Looking at the games I can see S****horpe & Forest getting 10 points and City getting 8.That means Scunny are up already and we should join them in second place barring major disasters.

I've heard a lot of stuff about Forest winning all their remaining games but I heard that before their game against us and yesterdays against Millwall.

Simply put, it's not a sensible assumption based on their current form, particularly away, or even their form over the season.




Squeaky bum time all round :D

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Away:North, Tran, Black (4 points)

Home:Hudd, Carl (4/6 Points)


Away:Gill, Car, Mill (4 points)

Home:Yeo, Roth (4 points)


Away:Brent, Orient (4 points)

Home:Roth, Bmth, Crewe (6 points)

Looking at the games I can see S****horpe & Forest getting 10 points and City getting 8.That means Scunny are up already and we should join them in second place barring major disasters.

I've heard a lot of stuff about Forest winning all their remaining games but I heard that before their game against us and yesterdays against Millwall.

Simply put, it's not a sensible assumption based on their current form, particularly away, or even their form over the season.

City might just get the one point on their travels. Four at home yes.

Not interested in Scunny.

Forest's toughest game could be Orient away, possibly a draw with Brentford, but I see 9 points from the home games.

So for me, being a pessimistic about our lack off firepower, that's 10 for Forest and 5 for City. Could be down to goal difference. That would just about cap this topsy turvy season.

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City might just get the one point on their travels. Four at home yes.

Not interested in Scunny.

Forest's toughest game could be Orient away, possibly a draw with Brentford, but I see 9 points from the home games.

So for me, being a pessimistic about our lack off firepower, that's 10 for Forest and 5 for City. Could be down to goal difference. That would just about cap this topsy turvy season.

OK Let's look at current form (Home & Away)

Forest P6 W2 D2 L2 F6 A4 Pts8

Points Per Game 1.3 You're saying that they'll move to 13 points from 5 that's twice as good. Why?

Over the last six games away they've averaged a point a game and at home about 2 so that's eight points.

Anything could happen and, over the season they're averaging 1.73 a game, that's less than nine as well.

I'm not 100% confident about our lot but then again I'm not 100% confident about Forest either.

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Even though Rotherham appear to be pretty much down and that most have Forest down as certs for the win...

I'd just like to add that Rotherham still have some fight left in them; they came back to win from being 2 - 1 down against Gillingham on saturday.

Saying that, I think Forest will prove too strong for them. Hopefully i'm wrong. :fingerscrossed:

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Oh please make it all go away.

Wake me up in June, on me hols and tell me we went up 2nd please.

It's great all the speculation, but the only way I can deal with it is to take one game at a time.

In saying that, with 10 games to go I calculated us and Forest to both finish on 81 points, Scunny out of sight with 91. We're doing about 3 points better than I calculated, Forest are 1 BELOW par for the course at the moment.

I hope City can prove me wrong and do better than my estimation H 3 POINTS from 2 GAMES


That would give us 84 Points, I would hope that was enough for 2nd spot. Forest still have to catch us and even though our run-in is harder on paper, I wouldn't swap places with anyone - apart from Scunny, but they might say no!.

Not even thinking of bringing Oldham etc into the reckoning, hope that's not tempting fate.


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OK Let's look at current form (Home & Away)

Forest P6 W2 D2 L2 F6 A4 Pts8

Points Per Game 1.3 You're saying that they'll move to 13 points from 5 that's twice as good. Why?

Over the last six games away they've averaged a point a game and at home about 2 so that's eight points.

Anything could happen and, over the season they're averaging 1.73 a game, that's less than nine as well.

I'm not 100% confident about our lot but then again I'm not 100% confident about Forest either.

Just because the stats say they wont win all 5 doesnt mean they wont. That is a very dangerous assumption. In my opinion I think they will pick up 12 points, There home form has picked up just recently since the donny defeat and I think they will win all 3 remaining home games. Brentford are to put it mildly - Awful at the moment and even with Forests poor away record, They should win. I think we have just enough left in the tank to see us over the line, but I do hope it doesnt come down to goal difference.

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City might just get the one point on their travels. Four at home yes.

Not interested in Scunny.

Forest's toughest game could be Orient away, possibly a draw with Brentford, but I see 9 points from the home games.

So for me, being a pessimistic about our lack off firepower, that's 10 for Forest and 5 for City. Could be down to goal difference. That would just about cap this topsy turvy season.

Agreed Scunny are up as Champions so forget about them, now just down to us and Forest for that second spot,we should all be quietly confident about the second spot but with with no strikers of any pedigree or form you do worry about where the goals are going to come from.

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The max points that Forest can now get is 86 and on paper they are capable of beating all 5 of their remaining opponants.Saturdays game at Millwall was their toughest game.

After today City face two more difficult away fixtures at Carlilse and Millwall.

Imo City need another 10 points from 5 games.Three wins and a draw.

It ain't over yet....If I was a Forest fan I'd think we were still in with a good chance of nicking second spot.

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Away:Tran, Black (1 point)

Home:Hudd, Carl (4 Points)



Away:Car, Mill (2 points)

Home:Yeo, Roth (4 points)



Away:Brent, Orient (4 points)

Home:Bmth, Crewe (4 points)


After todays results, it just shows how the unexpected can happen with S****horpe losing a game from which I thought they'd get three points and a draw for Forest when most of us had a win nailed on.

I've revised the points totals above & below.




I'd still settle for our fate being in our own hands when the Rotherham game takes place.

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I think now really should look at Blackpool's fixtures as they are comming up the table fast, and i would imagine will soon be in 3rd spot the rate Forsest are going.

At home remaining got Northampton and s****horpe, and away Cheltenham and swansea.

Really they should win 2 of them againt northampton and cheltenham. and their playing scunny after they will almost be promoted and prob already got the title or may be the game to win the title, so either going to not bother or be up for it, so prob a draw there, and away at swansea who's play off bid may be over by last game, so possibly another 3 points. Thats possibly 10 points they could pick up, so we'd need 6 points to beat that, as there goal difference is only one worse and if they win 3 games will have a far better GD.

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I believe we will need to score a miniumum of 6 goals in the next 4 games, we have scored 2 in the last 4 games and had plenty of possession and plenty of chances.

Our two main fit strikers are not the sort to go gung ho instead they have hid. GJ has said as much in his post match interview. We are only hitting the target once in every four attempts at goal probably because we are snatching at the ball.

Our wingers are NOT getting the crosses into the right areas and certainly aren't getting to the byeline by beating their man. Our strikers are NOT getting across / in front of their markers to get to the ball first. They are not natural goalscorers in this mode. Only one of our central midfield shoots on sight and that is now and again, LJ is usually looking to set someone up, and Cole hasn't got the shooting ability. We tend to try and walk the ball into the net.

I've read all the stuff about 2 more wins but to get them we have to score goals and I can't see four goals let alone six from our current playing staff. Absolutely desperate to be proved wrong.

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i think wel be 3 points clear of forest after today, them to win and us to draw,i hope we can sneek a goal from somewhere,but cant see it,saturday will be tense.

I think that was the forecast of quite a few.

So although we lost, we are a point better in relation to Forest than was expected.

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I think now really should look at Blackpool's fixtures as they are comming up the table fast, and i would imagine will soon be in 3rd spot the rate Forsest are going.

At home remaining got Northampton and s****horpe, and away Cheltenham and swansea.

Really they should win 2 of them againt northampton and cheltenham. and their playing scunny after they will almost be promoted and prob already got the title or may be the game to win the title, so either going to not bother or be up for it, so prob a draw there, and away at swansea who's play off bid may be over by last game, so possibly another 3 points. Thats possibly 10 points they could pick up, so we'd need 6 points to beat that, as there goal difference is only one worse and if they win 3 games will have a far better GD.

Excellent points and we could well want S****horpe to do us a favour at Blackpool by winning or indeed, viva versa

Before the weekend I would have taken 4 points ahead of forest as on paper they had the easier games. Come on lets get behind the lads and cheer them on to second place.

That's all well and good but it's our performances not just the results I'm concerned about.How do you win games without scoring goals??

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Excellent points and we could well want S****horpe to do us a favour at Blackpool by winning or indeed, viva versa

That's all well and good but it's our performances not just the results I'm concerned about.How do you win games without scoring goals??

we should not be worrying about performance at the moment lets just get over the finish line any which way we can. The performances will come after.

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We must not panic anyway, Just look around the divisions top to bottom, How many of the top teams from each division have had a bad run of results over easter? Quite a few I would say. Its what happens at this time of year, Its all about grinding out the results but obviously it helps if you are scoring goals!

The one thing we do have is a fantastic defence which I believe will see us through.

Come on you reds!

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I would be more worried if i was a Forest fan. They look very poor going forward. I think that the last few games are just a blip for us.

Realisticly, 2 home wins for us should be enough. We should beat Rotherham, and get at least a point from the 2 away games so the game on Saturday is the big one. If we win, the pressure will be off us. If we lose then we need somthing from Carlise or Milwall.


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IMHO we need 2 wins and a draw to take us to 83 pts. Forest would then require 4 wins from their last 4 games.

We need to beat Yeovil and Rotherham at home, I think Carlisle are the form team in league1, so I expect nothing there and hopefully a point @ the New Den.

It's still in our hands and as the fans support has been so much more united and less critical than earlier in the season, its up to the players to show us that they really want IT!! God only knows we do!!!!!!

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I don't think you lot have anything to worry about. Although mathematically 2nd spot is still open to takers, I can tell you Forest will not be anywhere near it ... Blackpool are a bigger threat at the moment.

I saw Forest V Rotherham yesterday (300 mile round trip for me) and it was a very poor performance. Nearly 28k fans to cheer on a team who just don't look interested. They just seem out of ideas on how to break teams down and defensively we are a shambles. If you can't put in a decent performance in your own back yard in front of a huge crowd, they don't deserve to go up.

It now looks a certainty that Tyson will be joining Agogo and Dobie in the treatment table for the remainder of the season after suffering medial ligament damage to his knee yesterday so that leaves us with 2 fit strikers for the run-in.

I wish your boys well, you have a decent stadium, good squad and an excellent manager. You've also been stuck in this poxy league longer than most so the very best of luck for the closing stages.

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I don't think you lot have anything to worry about. Although mathematically 2nd spot is still open to takers, I can tell you Forest will not be anywhere near it ... Blackpool are a bigger threat at the moment.

I saw Forest V Rotherham yesterday (300 mile round trip for me) and it was a very poor performance. Nearly 28k fans to cheer on a team who just don't look interested. They just seem out of ideas on how to break teams down and defensively we are a shambles. If you can't put in a decent performance in your own back yard in front of a huge crowd, they don't deserve to go up.

It now looks a certainty that Tyson will be joining Agogo and Dobie in the treatment table for the remainder of the season after suffering medial ligament damage to his knee yesterday so that leaves us with 2 fit strikers for the run-in.

I wish your boys well, you have a decent stadium, good squad and an excellent manager. You've also been stuck in this poxy league longer than most so the very best of luck for the closing stages.

Thanks kind words from a true sport. Naturally alliegiances dictate that we have to be parochial, but hopefully Forest will go up through the p/offs as your loyal support and legacy deserve better than League 1 football.(That's hoping we finish 2nd!!) :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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Blackpool anyone?

Home to Northampton next, on paper 3 points

Away to Cheltenham, while they are fighting you'd think they'd have enough class for 3 points

Home to Scunny, will Scunthorpe care by this point? They'll be Champions. No bigger incentive for Blackpool

Away to Swansea, possibly this could be the tricky one - they could still be in with a shout of a PO spot, if not though....

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Blackpool anyone?

Home to Northampton next, on paper 3 points

Away to Cheltenham, while they are fighting you'd think they'd have enough class for 3 points

Home to Scunny, will S****horpe care by this point? They'll be Champions. No bigger incentive for Blackpool

Away to Swansea, possibly this could be the tricky one - they could still be in with a shout of a PO spot, if not though....

Friday, 15 December 2006

Coca-Cola Football League One


S****horpe 1-3 Blackpool

Baraclough 90 Morrell 27

...........Hoolahan (pen) 58

...........Parker 88


Murphy 57

Foster 65


Hoolahan 73

Sent off:

Hoolahan 73

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Blackpool anyone?

Well YOU for sure, Tom

Home to Northampton next, on paper 3 points.

So was S****horpe (Lost 2-1) and Rotherham 1 v 0 Blackpool

Away to Cheltenham, while they are fighting you'd think they'd have enough class for 3 points.

Cheltenham won't be easy as we well know!

Home to Scunny, will S****horpe care by this point? They'll be Champions. No bigger incentive for Blackpool.

Maybe they won't.Huddsfld under a new manager this Saturday.Come 5pm we could be 3pts adrift!

Away to Swansea, possibly this could be the tricky one - they could still be in with a shout of a PO spot, if not though....

That will be tough and one their day Swansea can beat anyone in this Division.......and by a few goals.

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I think 5 might well do it and I'll vow now to eat my shoe if 7+ doesn't.

To get the maximum there (7) we only need to score 2 goals.

Stay calm, folks.

Last season 79 got second place and that could still be enough with all of the top sides having a wobble.Two wins would take us to 82 and we can do that against Yeovil & Rotherham.As you say, a point away would then do it.

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