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Beware Arrogance

Bristol Boy

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The last time we played Yeovil there were lots of dafty posts about farmers, inbreeding etc, etc, etc.

That bit us in the arse and they won a poor game, in which they were the better team, it has to be said, 2-1.

Whether that cocky attitude got through to the players, I don't know but, admittedly with a team weakened by the inclusion of Barry Corr & Nick Wright and the expulsion of Louis Carey, we blew it.

This time lets just display quiet confidence, a pile of hard work and get all three points, as I don't fancy going to Carlisle with a one point lead over the chasing pack.

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Its very different this time around BB. City haven't scored a goal in 180+ mins and the arrival of Yeovil at AG on Saturday won't fill many City fans with optimism that that statistic will change much.

Many of us can't see where the next goal is coming from and when its all square in a game any lucky break or mistake can lead to losing out on points as it did and Gillingham on monday.

Lets hope that our reasonabily secure defence can keep Yeovil at bay and that this time its City that nick the game by the odd goal.

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Its very different this time around BB. City haven't scored a goal in 180+ mins and the arrival of Yeovil at AG on Saturday won't fill many City fans with optimism that that statistic will change much.

Many of us can't see where the next goal is coming from and when its all square in a game any lucky break or mistake can lead to losing out on points as it did and Gillingham on monday.

Lets hope that our reasonabily secure defence can keep Yeovil at bay and that this time its City that nick the game by the odd goal.

Wouldn't it be nice (just for once) if we went out and decimated the oppo in a game that matters - ala Manure last night

But I guess looking at nicking the game by the "odd goal" is all we have to look forward to....

Real shame...but if thats the way we have to do it then so be it

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The last time we played Yeovil there were lots of dafty posts about farmers, inbreeding etc, etc, etc.

That bit us in the arse and they won a poor game, in which they were the better team, it has to be said, 2-1.

Whether that cocky attitude got through to the players, I don't know but, admittedly with a team weakened by the inclusion of Barry Corr & Nick Wright and the expulsion of Louis Carey, we blew it.

This time lets just display quiet confidence, a pile of hard work and get all three points, as I don't fancy going to Carlisle with a one point lead over the chasing pack.

Arrogance,cocky?? are they not just other words for confidence and belief; maybe we should encourage this nervy, oh where will the next goal come from or watch out behind us, posts that are streaming out. :disapointed2se:

Nah sorry mate don't subscribe to this to scared to fart attitude, lets just take them apart and send them back down south; or not.

We will have the players to scared to pass the ball at this rate;

If we lose we lose and...... theres always the road to Wembly route. :winner_third_h4h::winner_third_h4h::winner_third_h4h::winner_third_h4h:

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Arrogance,cocky?? are they not just other words for confidence and belief;

Massive difference-Respect everyone, fear no one

maybe we should encourage this nervy, oh where will the next goal come from or watch out behind us, posts that are streaming out. :disapointed2se:

No we shouldn't however, neither we should just think we have to turn up to win and perhaps one point from six will wake the players up a bit

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Arrogance,cocky?? are they not just other words for confidence and belief; maybe we should encourage this nervy, oh where will the next goal come from or watch out behind us, posts that are streaming out. :disapointed2se:

Nah sorry mate don't subscribe to this to scared to fart attitude, lets just take them apart and send them back down south; or not.

We will have the players to scared to pass the ball at this rate;

If we lose we lose and...... theres always the road to Wembly route. :winner_third_h4h::winner_third_h4h::winner_third_h4h::winner_third_h4h:

Nah man, ''arrogance and cocky'' to me means 'putting it about' - baiting - 'givin' it the big one'. It antagonises and provoke's the opponent, it spices them up into thinking: ''come on then - let's ##### have it you #####'s!''. We don't need that man.

''Confidence and belief'' to me means: well folks, whatever they throw at us - let them bring it on - we ain't worried.

How much of an influence online fans have as to whether one set of 11 bloke's beat's another set of 11 blokes in a game of Football is another issue. But I didn't start this thread, BB who did admit he too wasn't sure how much ''filter's through to the players'' did.

But for a bit of cheap fun, I can't be bothered to take the risk.

We will have the players to scared to pass the ball at this rate;

You think they take ultimate influence from a peripheral bunch of internet dwellers then?

If we lose we lose and...... theres always the road to Wembly

Mate and fellow EE enthusiast, I think even you've surpassed my up-beat outlook with that comment.

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Will 7 points be enough? If we beat Yeovil, draw in Carlisle, lose at Millwall and beat Rotherham. Thats 4+7=11 to Forest would have to win all 4 to catch us. 5+7=12 so Blackpool would also HAVE to win all 4.

I know we still have to score to win and Yeovil are a good side. But 7 points could do it...

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