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Plea If We Go Up...


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I wasn't lucky (or old) enough to be there when City got to the promised land of the top flight all those years ago, but I've seen the footage.

I was at the Gate when we got to Wembley in 1986 and 1987, and when we did it again at Exeter a few years ago. One of the enduring memories I will take to my grave is one I'm sure all of you there on those days share:

At the end of the game, the players raced off and all the fans went onto the pitch, the players went into the directors box and we all celebrated as one. When I say on the pitch, I mean not the just 18-20 year old lads, but everyone. I was with my dad and when it became clear that it was all okay, he lifted me over the hoardings with the help of a steward and we walked over to be near the players and be part of something very special. Young, old, men, women, all went on the pitch and crowded together over by the directors' box calling for their heroes to appear - and appear they duly did to raucous cheers to spray champers, join in the singing and generally be 'at one' with the fans. When we got to the LDV final away at Exeter, the club there were generous enough in defeat to allow us onto the pitch and allow our players into their directors' box so we could celebrate together. On each occasion there was no trouble, just thousands of elated City fans feeling "at one" with the club and the players. No-one is interested in anything other than enjoying themselves.

By contrast, I also remember the lukewarm 'promotion party' when we last went up, with everyone ordered to stay in their seats, and separated from the players while they stood in front of the Atyeo (nowhere near the rest of us) held hands and shook some champagne. Contrived, embarrassing, the dampest of damp squibs and denying us all one of those precious "I was there" moments.

So if City go up at Ashton Gate, please, please, PLEASE allow us on the pitch at the end to celebrate with the players. Don't spoil one of those few rare moments of shared experience by over-sanitizing it as happened last time. We've all contributed money and emotion over the past nine months and we all deserve a bloody good celebration for our efforts instead of being penned back. It's not a revolution. No-one is going to storm the away end or dig up the pitch and flog it on eBay. All we care about is enjoying something special (and all too rare).

I know the changing rooms are not in the Williams Stand any more, but it is surely possible to get the players round from the Atyeo and up the stairs into the directors box so that they can celebrate with us and enjoy their moment - because I know the players must enjoy it as much as we do.

There will not be any trouble. If you have to, stick some stewards around the team at the away end, but I refuse to believe that the club could not allow us home fans to congregate on the pitch at the end of the season to celebrate promotion. It is a one-off, a special occasion and should be treated as such. It's happened elsewhere (without sanction from the FA, police or council, as far as I'm aware) and I believe it could and SHOULD happen at Ashton Gate. Celebrating the good times is what football is all about. Christ alone knows there are few enough of them so we have to make the most of them when they happen.

So please don't put a dampener on the promotion party. Tell the stewards not to hold people back. Spare us repeated announcements over the PA to stay off/get off the pitch. Let us on the hallowed turf, get the players out on the balcony, give them champagne, let them fling their sweaty shirts/shorts/jock straps into the crowd and give the kids of today the same thrilling, enduring magic memories that I treasure, that will make them feel part of something special and that will encourage them to come back year after year.

It's the sort of thing that can help bring the club and the fans together as we march on into the Championship.

But first we need to get those six precious points...

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I wasn't lucky (or old) enough to be there when City got to the promised land of the top flight all those years ago, but I've seen the footage.

I was at the Gate when we got to Wembley in 1986 and 1987, and when we did it again at Exeter a few years ago. One of the enduring memories I will take to my grave is one I'm sure all of you there on those days share:

At the end of the game, the players raced off and all the fans went onto the pitch, the players went into the directors box and we all celebrated as one. When I say on the pitch, I mean not the just 18-20 year old lads, but everyone. I was with my dad and when it became clear that it was all okay, he lifted me over the hoardings with the help of a steward and we walked over to be near the players and be part of something very special. Young, old, men, women, all went on the pitch and crowded together over by the directors' box calling for their heroes to appear - and appear they duly did to raucous cheers to spray champers, join in the singing and generally be 'at one' with the fans. When we got to the LDV final away at Exeter, the club there were generous enough in defeat to allow us onto the pitch and allow our players into their directors' box so we could celebrate together. On each occasion there was no trouble, just thousands of elated City fans feeling "at one" with the club and the players. No-one is interested in anything other than enjoying themselves.

By contrast, I also remember the lukewarm 'promotion party' when we last went up, with everyone ordered to stay in their seats, and separated from the players while they stood in front of the Atyeo (nowhere near the rest of us) held hands and shook some champagne. Contrived, embarrassing, the dampest of damp squibs and denying us all one of those precious "I was there" moments.

So if City go up at Ashton Gate, please, please, PLEASE allow us on the pitch at the end to celebrate with the players. Don't spoil one of those few rare moments of shared experience by over-sanitizing it as happened last time. We've all contributed money and emotion over the past nine months and we all deserve a bloody good celebration for our efforts instead of being penned back. It's not a revolution. No-one is going to storm the away end or dig up the pitch and flog it on eBay. All we care about is enjoying something special (and all too rare).

I know the changing rooms are not in the Williams Stand any more, but it is surely possible to get the players round from the Atyeo and up the stairs into the directors box so that they can celebrate with us and enjoy their moment - because I know the players must enjoy it as much as we do.

There will not be any trouble. If you have to, stick some stewards around the team at the away end, but I refuse to believe that the club could not allow us home fans to congregate on the pitch at the end of the season to celebrate promotion. It is a one-off, a special occasion and should be treated as such. It's happened elsewhere (without sanction from the FA, police or council, as far as I'm aware) and I believe it could and SHOULD happen at Ashton Gate. Celebrating the good times is what football is all about. Christ alone knows there are few enough of them so we have to make the most of them when they happen.

So please don't put a dampener on the promotion party. Tell the stewards not to hold people back. Spare us repeated announcements over the PA to stay off/get off the pitch. Let us on the hallowed turf, get the players out on the balcony, give them champagne, let them fling their sweaty shirts/shorts/jock straps into the crowd and give the kids of today the same thrilling, enduring magic memories that I treasure, that will make them feel part of something special and that will encourage them to come back year after year.

It's the sort of thing that can help bring the club and the fans together as we march on into the Championship.

But first we need to get those six precious points...

AMEN to that! Unfortunately, i wasnt even a twinkle in my dads eye when we got to the old 1st division in thje 70's. Wasnt 2 years from being born when we got to the Freight Rover final in 86. And wasnt at the Exeter away game. I was at the said game at the end of the last promotion season but was too young to think any different.

The first and only time so far that i have had that chance was against Hartlepool in the play-offs. It still brings tears to my eyes and shivers up my spine etc when i see highlites of that game and the goals.

Hopefully we will have the same against Rotherham (after already clinching promotion). After all, Scunny wont get done after saturday.

Altogether now...


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Great post.

Can't see it being officially sanctioned but hopefully the club, stewards and police will take the common sense approach and turn a blind eye to proceedings.

We've waited many a year for promotion and the club should recognise that we NEED to celebrate.

I'll be on the pitch (if we go up of course). SHOTGUN BASSO'S GLOVES!!! :ph34r:

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Great post.

Can't see it being officially sanctioned but hopefully the club, stewards and police will take the common sense approach and turn a blind eye to proceedings.

We've waited many a year for promotion and the club should recognise that we NEED to celebrate.

I'll be on the pitch (if we go up of course). SHOTGUN BASSO'S GLOVES!!! :ph34r:


Na seriously, i want Noble's shirt!

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No-one is going to dig up the pitch and flog it on eBay.

Bugger. I had planned to - now you've ruined it.

I was on the pitch after the Portsmouth game in 1976 and on many occasions since. Always fabulous, memorable occasions. It's just gotta be done.

One of the best was actually when PNE, rather than BCFC, clinched promotion at AG and our supporters went across to the East End to congratulate their travelling band. Unforgettable.

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I think the reason that no one (bar one fella) went on the last time we went up is because there was more fuss about it that season and that the club had a 2 point deduction hanging over them re the Rovers home game. I distinctly remember people from the Atyeo chanting at people in the Dolman not to go on.

This time however, like Hartlepool, there will be a mass pitch invasion, the club will tell people not to go on and no doubt make Gary Johnson say something in the press leading up to the game about not going on, but it is everyone who pays good money's right to go on and celebrate with the players! get on there lads!! You Reds!

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Can't see it being officially sanctioned but hopefully the club, stewards and police will take the common sense approach and turn a blind eye to proceedings.

I agree. That's what I'm hoping for - a bit of common sense. I don't seriously expect a PA announcement of "And now would everybody please run on the pitch", just an understanding that it is just City fans of all ages and both sexes looking to celebrate with the players, rather than some sort of trouble-making.

It's just that if the club is hostile to it, it can have the effect of preventing the more reticent dads and kids etc from joining in, and risks turning what should be an exciting event into a sour one all round. If the police and stewards can show an understanding of what is going on and go with the flow, it will be smiles all round.

Tell the stewards not to resist the fans, plan for a party and get the players (and GJ) up in the box where we can cheer them. Don't keep the players away from the fans as "punishment" for not staying off the pitch.

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I remember both Jordons team of 89/90 and the John Ward Promo, actually I only remember the 89/90 one when we were allowed on the pitch. It was brillant and we all felt at one and together.

The John Ward time was a farce of the highest order and I am pretty sure alot of the crowd just drifted away. I have little memory of it other them that which tells its on tale!!

ON the pitch, on the pitch no matter what......

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Sorry to be sensible but isn't it a criminal offence to "enter the field of play" Stupid law I know - must have run out of things to do in Parliment!!

The club will make a announcement to stay of the pitch - they have to to keep the FA and the police happy but everyone knows that the fans will rush on and everyone will be happy - Would be good if they could plan a retreat to the Williams stand and not down the tunnel - They would have to have some spare track suits ready as you lot plan to strip them bare!! Otherwise they will have to ask everyone to get off the pitch by then a lot of people have left and the celibration has lost momentum

I for one will be on the pitch!!!

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Sorry to be sensible but isn't it a criminal offence to "enter the field of play" Stupid law I know - must have run out of things to do in Parliment!!

The club will make a announcement to stay of the pitch - they have to to keep the FA and the police happy but everyone knows that the fans will rush on and everyone will be happy - Would be good if they could plan a retreat to the Williams stand and not down the tunnel - They would have to have some spare track suits ready as you lot plan to strip them bare!! Otherwise they will have to ask everyone to get off the pitch by then a lot of people have left and the celibration has lost momentum

I for one will be on the pitch!!!

The police cant arrest 19,000 people can they

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Sorry to be sensible but isn't it a criminal offence to "enter the field of play" Stupid law I know - must have run out of things to do in Parliment!!

The club will make a announcement to stay of the pitch - they have to to keep the FA and the police happy but everyone knows that the fans will rush on and everyone will be happy - Would be good if they could plan a retreat to the Williams stand and not down the tunnel - They would have to have some spare track suits ready as you lot plan to strip them bare!! Otherwise they will have to ask everyone to get off the pitch by then a lot of people have left and the celibration has lost momentum

I for one will be on the pitch!!!

Remember my first promo party at Chester in 1984, and also v Walsall in 1990. Both great adrenalin-rush occasions!

Let`s get there first though.

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We will be on the pitch....

I was there in 1976 (v. Portsmouth) - what a fantastic night. everybody on the pitch - and then the players and manager appeared in the directors box, Alan Dicks had a microphone and addressed the fans..opening his speech with the

never to be forgotten words ...." Ok ! Now that we're in the FIRST DIVISION............" and Ashton Gate went absolutely mental and the celebrations went on - literally - for several days in the pubs of Bristol.

Great times..........


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Sorry to be sensible but isn't it a criminal offence to "enter the field of play" Stupid law I know - must have run out of things to do in Parliment!!

Presumably once the game is over it is no longer a "field of play". Otherwise they'd have to arrest Bristol rugby team when they play there...not to mention Rod Stewart and Meat Loaf, along with all those rock fans stood on the pitch watching the concert. :whistle2:

I just want common sense to prevail all round and to describe the difference in experience between everyone being allowed onto the pitch to join in, and being kept in the stands, piped music and fed a fake 'celebration' at distance.

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I remember both Jordons team of 89/90 and the John Ward Promo, actually I only remember the 89/90 one when we were allowed on the pitch. It was brillant and we all felt at one and together.

The John Ward time was a farce of the highest order and I am pretty sure alot of the crowd just drifted away. I have little memory of it other them that which tells its on tale!!

ON the pitch, on the pitch no matter what......

we wern't exactly allowed on the pitch in 1990, although we kept "entering the field of play" after each city goal.

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I'm pretty sure that the club wouldn't be allowed to let us onto the pitch, even if they wanted to. Isn't it an FA rule rather than a club rule?

Then wouldnt S****horpe get done for their actions on saturday?

Wouldnt every other club that gets promoted or avoids relegation on the last day get done?

The FA use common sense in these situations so nothing to worry about IMO.

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I know exactly what you are saying RedTop. It's hard for me to get it into my head that it isn't an automatic thing to be allowed to do. On the pitch for promotion celebrations, spur of the moment type emotion cannot be done any other way.

As long as the players and fans of the club we are playing are well looked after I cannot see the problem. Was it Preston who got promoted here a few years ago and we respected them, can't see Rotherham wouldn't be as gracious. We all want the same thing and will look after eachother, we don't wish our players any harm.

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