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Plea If We Go Up...


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When we got to the LDV final away at Exeter, the club there were generous enough in defeat to allow us onto the pitch and allow our players into their directors' box so we could celebrate together. On each occasion there was no trouble, just thousands of elated City fans feeling "at one" with the club and the players. No-one is interested in anything other than enjoying themselves.

Do you mean the 2 legged semi-final where we won 4-0 at the gate and drew 1-1 in Exeter? If so I was there in Exeter but have no memory of anything out of the ordinary...

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I can remember being on there when we won promotion around 91-92, i think the match was against Walsall, we won 4-0?? Anyway was brilliant, loads of people stood around the edge of the pitch with a min or so to go. The ball flew into the crowd, whoever caught it stuffed it up his jumper and vanished, leaving only the stadium announcer to ask for the ball back! This being before teams have 10 balls or so on the sidelines.

Its a great perspective being stood on the pitch, can remember looking up at the stands and thinking, "so thats what it looks like from down here". My final memory from that day was half a dozen or so city fans all having a hand on (I think it was Super Bobs) a City players shirt. Hillarious seeing go from size L to XL to XXL and fading to pink as it was streched out like a deflated balloon.

:fingerscrossed: to the chance to do it all again!

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I remember both Jordons team of 89/90 and the John Ward Promo, actually I only remember the 89/90 one when we were allowed on the pitch. It was brillant and we all felt at one and together.

That was a fantastic time. I was stood next to Bob 'God' Taylor on the sidelines (he was injured) waiting for the final whistle ready to celebrate with the players.

Great post Redtop.

Come on if we do this there is going to be a lot emotion and years of hurt to finally release. There will be no problem. I remember the pitch invasion by both City and Preston fans when they won the league and Rovers fluffed reaching the play-offs on the final day. It was one big party in the centre spot amongst the two fans.

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Top on the pitch celebrations:

1) Portsmouth (H) :yahoo:

2) Chester (A) :yahoo:

3) Coventry (A) :yahoo:

4) Walsall (H) :yahoo:

Only problem - as it's not officially allowed the stewards/police always go for the first few who go on and arrest them.

I remember at both Coventry and Chester blokes running next to me being rugby tackled and dragged off, it was only when the surge of the crowd onto the pitch was so huge the stewards couldn't grab anyone else that they gave up the ghost. We thought it was funny at the time and were so hyped up we couldn't have cared less but it might be a 3 year ban now. :angry:

There were even City fans arrested during the Portsmouth celebration and the repeat against Notts. County the following Saturday.

It's got to be "on the pitch"at the last home game if we've clinched it, surely, just watch out if you're one of the fans to lead the charge.

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I have little doubt that if (when!) we get promotion, the Rotherham game will be followed by an on the pitch experience, either allowed or not! My best on the pitch moment has to be at Coventry when we drew 2-2 to stay in the top flight! Mad final few minutes as neither side wanted the ball 'cause a point each was enough for both sides to stay up and Sunderland to go down. :city:

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I wasn't lucky (or old) enough to be there when City got to the promised land of the top flight all those years ago, but I've seen the footage.

I was at the Gate when we got to Wembley in 1986 and 1987, and when we did it again at Exeter a few years ago. One of the enduring memories I will take to my grave is one I'm sure all of you there on those days share:

At the end of the game, the players raced off and all the fans went onto the pitch, the players went into the directors box and we all celebrated as one. When I say on the pitch, I mean not the just 18-20 year old lads, but everyone. I was with my dad and when it became clear that it was all okay, he lifted me over the hoardings with the help of a steward and we walked over to be near the players and be part of something very special. Young, old, men, women, all went on the pitch and crowded together over by the directors' box calling for their heroes to appear - and appear they duly did to raucous cheers to spray champers, join in the singing and generally be 'at one' with the fans. When we got to the LDV final away at Exeter, the club there were generous enough in defeat to allow us onto the pitch and allow our players into their directors' box so we could celebrate together. On each occasion there was no trouble, just thousands of elated City fans feeling "at one" with the club and the players. No-one is interested in anything other than enjoying themselves.

By contrast, I also remember the lukewarm 'promotion party' when we last went up, with everyone ordered to stay in their seats, and separated from the players while they stood in front of the Atyeo (nowhere near the rest of us) held hands and shook some champagne. Contrived, embarrassing, the dampest of damp squibs and denying us all one of those precious "I was there" moments.

So if City go up at Ashton Gate, please, please, PLEASE allow us on the pitch at the end to celebrate with the players. Don't spoil one of those few rare moments of shared experience by over-sanitizing it as happened last time. We've all contributed money and emotion over the past nine months and we all deserve a bloody good celebration for our efforts instead of being penned back. It's not a revolution. No-one is going to storm the away end or dig up the pitch and flog it on eBay. All we care about is enjoying something special (and all too rare).

I know the changing rooms are not in the Williams Stand any more, but it is surely possible to get the players round from the Atyeo and up the stairs into the directors box so that they can celebrate with us and enjoy their moment - because I know the players must enjoy it as much as we do.

There will not be any trouble. If you have to, stick some stewards around the team at the away end, but I refuse to believe that the club could not allow us home fans to congregate on the pitch at the end of the season to celebrate promotion. It is a one-off, a special occasion and should be treated as such. It's happened elsewhere (without sanction from the FA, police or council, as far as I'm aware) and I believe it could and SHOULD happen at Ashton Gate. Celebrating the good times is what football is all about. Christ alone knows there are few enough of them so we have to make the most of them when they happen.

So please don't put a dampener on the promotion party. Tell the stewards not to hold people back. Spare us repeated announcements over the PA to stay off/get off the pitch. Let us on the hallowed turf, get the players out on the balcony, give them champagne, let them fling their sweaty shirts/shorts/jock straps into the crowd and give the kids of today the same thrilling, enduring magic memories that I treasure, that will make them feel part of something special and that will encourage them to come back year after year.

It's the sort of thing that can help bring the club and the fans together as we march on into the Championship.

But first we need to get those six precious points...

Nice plea and a view many fans would support but at the end of the day its a health and safety issue.Its not the fault of the clubs - they are just following the rules and regulations.

Worse case scenario - someone falls over a hoarding in an attempt to get onto the pitch which causes others to fall and the person gets seriously injured or worse as a result.

City's licence revoked - end of.

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Think the reason the last promotion celebration ('98?) was a bit of an anti-climax was that we were promoted without even playing at about Easter and there was no real clinching game at AG.

I imagine that about 5 mins before full time against Rotherham the PA will start repeating again and again how GJ and the players will only come out of the dressing room if everyone stays off the pitch. We should of course ignore this and invade the pitch anyway (which I would guess is what GJ and the players would want)

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I want Bradley's to hang along side Hill's in the VIP suite of my bedroom.

ps/The health and safety beurocratic rules and nonsense; these things are usually best ignored I find. Revoked licenses, points deducted - do people seriously believe this bollox? The Club will take the official line: ''Will all fans kindly remember bla blah blah'' and all fans will hopefully kindly forget. Is my contribution to the Mother's meeting.

You've gotta fight, for your RIGHT - To Party !!!

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The health and safety beurocratic rules and nonsense; these things are usually best ignored I find. Revoked licenses, points deducted - do people seriously believe this bollox? The Club will take the official line: ''Will all fans kindly remember bla blah blah'' and all fans will hopefully kindly forget.

Are you a numpty by chance or did you get proper training?

It irresposnible to encourage fans to ignore the health and safety regs.

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Your right robbored, maybe someone will get hurt running onto the pitch and we will get out license revoked.

Maybe we should protest to the government to make celebrating goals at football against the rules. Make it so you cannot stand up and celebrate when a goal goes in, someone might get hurt jumping around.

I didn't make the rules but after Hillsborough you can understand why the regulations around football stadiums is so stringent.

Even if the club wanted to allow fans onto the pitch to celebrate they wouldn't be allowed to do so.

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Yes hillsborough was due to police over filling the end.

Open the yellow emergency gates that they have, let the fans walk trough them, Problem Solved.

If questions are asked why the gates were open, response could be "So they stewards could enter and exit the field of play easier"

I still haven't seen rovers get in trouble over there aggressive pitch invasion.

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Are you a numpty by chance or did you get proper training?

It irresposnible to encourage fans to ignore the health and safety regs.

Surprise, surprise.

Are you a boring old fart by chance or did you get proper training?

As I take such pride in my resposnible behaviour I have revised my advice.

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Can anyone think of an instance where a pitch invasion has led to a club being punished?? (and I mean punished properly, not a 5k slap on the wrist).

By the way I'm not referring to the type of pitch invasion we had against the gas in the 90s, which was basically assault, I'm talking about pitch invasions following promotions/cup victories, i.e. celebratory ones.

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Are you a numpty by chance or did you get proper training?

It irresposnible to encourage fans to ignore the health and safety regs.

I hate you, i really do.

Your the most Boring city fan i've ever met. :fastasleep:

One day you'll wake up and have some fun.

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:laugh: At Robbored.

It could be just as dangrous if the police or stewards stopped us as this would mean phiscal contact and could cause "Unsavory scenes." its not like we are running on to hurt anyone.

I will probably be up for it, I went on a few years back cant really remember it that well though.

Watching scenes like those at West Brom when they beat the drop and held Richardson up in the air was great to see. Do we really want to lose that from football? Its a farce that players can hardly celebrate a goal anymore lets not stop the people that will still be following the club long after MP's get replaced by other MP's from celebrating to.

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Are you a numpty by chance or did you get proper training?

It irresposnible to encourage fans to ignore the health and safety regs.

A great positive post by RedTop being soured by the only nob capable of it.

And you want to know why nobody wants to discuss issues with you over a pint?

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A great positive post by RedTop being soured by the only nob capable of it.

And you want to know why nobody wants to discuss issues with you over a pint?

Personally I didn't see Redtops post a 'positve'.In fact he should know better than to implore the club to allow fans onto the pitch when any self respecting journo would be very aware of the potential problems that it could cause for the club - let alone the fans and the players who would likely get mobbed and be at risk of getting accidently hurt.

I'll admit that if the health and safetly regs allowed it I would the first onto the pitch but I can understand why its not permitted.Why can't some fans respect the law?

I guess the the bottom line is that the players won't be allowed to come back out after the game for a lap of honour and to applaud the fans if the pitch is invaded.

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Personally I didn't see Redtops post a 'positve'.In fact he should know better than to implore the club to allow fans onto the pitch when any self respecting journo would be very aware of the potential problems that it could cause for the club - let alone the fans and the players who would likely get mobbed and be at risk of getting accidently hurt.

I'll admit that if the health and safetly regs allowed it I would the first onto the pitch but I can understand why its not permitted.Why can't some fans respect the law?

I guess the the bottom line is that the players won't be allowed to come back out after the game for a lap of honour and to applaud the fans if the pitch is invaded.

Your just one excitable cool cat aren't you :protest:

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Top on the pitch celebrations:

1) Portsmouth (H) :yahoo:

2) Chester (A) :yahoo:

3) Coventry (A) :yahoo:

4) Walsall (H) :yahoo:

Only problem - as it's not officially allowed the stewards/police always go for the first few who go on and arrest them.

I remember at both Coventry and Chester blokes running next to me being rugby tackled and dragged off, it was only when the surge of the crowd onto the pitch was so huge the stewards couldn't grab anyone else that they gave up the ghost. We thought it was funny at the time and were so hyped up we couldn't have cared less but it might be a 3 year ban now. :angry:

There were even City fans arrested during the Portsmouth celebration and the repeat against Notts. County the following Saturday.

It's got to be "on the pitch"at the last home game if we've clinched it, surely, just watch out if you're one of the fans to lead the charge.

At Chester on the way in a Copper said - "So all you lot will be on the pitch then!!" They knew we would, City know we will but they got to pretend to try to stop it

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Your just one excitable cool cat aren't you :protest:

I think what it is goes along something like this:

The Club have to abide to the law of the higher authoreties > To keep in favour of the month with The Club Robbored has to support every word it says - only alledged conflict ever between The Club and Robbored have conveniently been 'confidential matters'.

I think in reality even the higher authoreties turn a blind eye and allow for common sense to cater for human nature during exceptional circumstances such as end of season celebrations, hence no Club ever being docked points or having licences revoked following such occasions > they must still 'on the record' be seen to toe the party line though, as must The Club, as must Robbored.

So I get called a numpty due to not having these constrainst on my honesty.

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Personally I didn't see Redtops post a 'positve'.In fact he should know better than to implore the club to allow fans onto the pitch when any self respecting journo would be very aware of the potential problems that it could cause for the club - let alone the fans and the players who would likely get mobbed and be at risk of getting accidently hurt.

I'll admit that if the health and safetly regs allowed it I would the first onto the pitch but I can understand why its not permitted.Why can't some fans respect the law?

I guess the the bottom line is that the players won't be allowed to come back out after the game for a lap of honour and to applaud the fans if the pitch is invaded.

Alan, my post is not aimed at encouraging numpties to run onto the pitch two minutes before the end, or to taunt rival fans or to fight stewards to invade the pitch, or anything else.

But surely you must remember those wonderful celebrations in front of the directors' box when we felt "at one" with the players? Surely you'd like another one of those days, and to let some of the youngsters sample what it's like? It's the sort of thing that turns youngsters into fans for life, in the hope of experiencing it again one day. I don't care what anyone tries to tell me, it knocks a "lap of honour and applauding the fans" into a cocked hat. As I've already said, the 'celebrations' when we last went up were embarrassing and very disappointing. Did I feel part of it? No. Did I feel it was contrived? Yes. Was it a let-down? Sure as hell it was. We all (including the players etc) deserved better after a stonking season. It's the sort of thing that brings everyone together ready to pull ahead as one in the coming season.

My post is aimed at suggesting there is no genuine health and safety reason - short of sanitizing the game by preventing anything even theoretically risky - why we couldn't all be allowed onto the pitch at the end of the game to celebrate with the players. I am suggesting that it happens at other clubs without incident, that it happens without any comeback (so suggesting we'd lose points or get banned is a red herring) and that it would be great if it could happen again. In the past, once it's clear that people are streaming on and nothing of any concern is happening, I've seen stewards helping lads over the hoardings and opening up the gates. And I don't see any reasonable impediment to stop it happening again.

It's time for the authorities to use a bit of common sense, for a change.

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Alan, my post is not aimed at encouraging numpties to run onto the pitch two minutes before the end, or to taunt rival fans or to fight stewards to invade the pitch, or anything else.

But surely you must remember those wonderful celebrations in front of the directors' box when we felt "at one" with the players? Surely you'd like another one of those days, and to let some of the youngsters sample what it's like? It's the sort of thing that turns youngsters into fans for life, in the hope of experiencing it again one day. I don't care what anyone tries to tell me, it knocks a "lap of honour and applauding the fans" into a cocked hat. As I've already said, the 'celebrations' when we last went up were embarrassing and very disappointing. Did I feel part of it? No. Did I feel it was contrived? Yes. Was it a let-down? Sure as hell it was. We all (including the players etc) deserved better after a stonking season. It's the sort of thing that brings everyone together ready to pull ahead as one in the coming season.

My post is aimed at suggesting there is no genuine health and safety reason - short of sanitizing the game by preventing anything even theoretically risky - why we couldn't all be allowed onto the pitch at the end of the game to celebrate with the players. I am suggesting that it happens at other clubs without incident, that it happens without any comeback (so suggesting we'd lose points or get banned is a red herring) and that it would be great if it could happen again. In the past, once it's clear that people are streaming on and nothing of any concern is happening, I've seen stewards helping lads over the hoardings and opening up the gates. And I don't see any reasonable impediment to stop it happening again.

It's time for the authorities to use a bit of common sense, for a change.

Of course I remember those days - but for better or for worse those days are gone - strangled by Health and Safety regs.

Many would agree that there may well be no genuine health and safety reason - but its not upto the club to make an independant decision which contravenes the regulations.The penalties for doing so can be very severe.The risks are too great.

Its the world we live in.Seemingly silly regulations apply everywhere.In the building in which I work all the windows have stoppers on them so that they can only be open approx 6 inches.Fine in the winter but come the summer we'll all be boiling.

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Of course I remember those days - but for better or for worse those days are gone - strangled by Health and Safety regs.

Many would agree that there may well be no genuine health and safety reason - but its not upto the club to make an independant decision which contravenes the regulations.The penalties for doing so can be very severe.The risks are too great.

Its the world we live in.Seemingly silly regulations apply everywhere.In the building in which I work all the windows have stoppers on them so that they can only be open approx 6 inches.Fine in the winter but come the summer we'll all be boiling.

Are you really this dull, boring and void of life or is it an act?


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Of course I remember those days - but for better or for worse those days are gone - strangled by Health and Safety regs.

Many would agree that there may well be no genuine health and safety reason - but its not upto the club to make an independant decision which contravenes the regulations.The penalties for doing so can be very severe.The risks are too great.

Its the world we live in.Seemingly silly regulations apply everywhere.In the building in which I work all the windows have stoppers on them so that they can only be open approx 6 inches.Fine in the winter but come the summer we'll all be boiling.

Do u think the reason the windows only open six inches is to stop people jumping out of them after talking to you


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