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Nathan Jones And Saturday's Match Report


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I agree, the anti City fan stuff in that "paper" is beyond belief. Some who watch us are idiots and overcritical, but do I think it is unrepresentative of football fans in general? Not really.

However, what do we expect? This is the guy who reports on us (like most on that paper who aren't Gas, he's not Bristolian) who wrote an article praising Rovers fans to the hilt only a month or so ago.

By the way, how's their campaign going to identify those who ran on the pitch and taunted us, then?

Don't buy the paper, and if we do make it, as someone has already said stick two fingers up to them.

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He also wrote in the WDP about the internet comments not being helpfull and boardering on slander.Says he couldn't write the same stuff in the paper.

He did point out that its a small minority though' - something I've been saying all along.

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Defo up for bringing banners saying ###### the evening post to the final game! Had enough of this now!

Agreed, this tripe has been going on for too long, no doubt when they interview players at the final game the headline will be City thugs ruin promotion party for City jailbirds by running on the pitch in disgusting scenes of blatant law breaking.

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He also wrote in the WDP about the internet comments not being helpfull and boardering on slander.Says he couldn't write the same stuff in the paper.

He did point out that its a small minority though' - something I've been saying all along.

So who are the small minority of unhelpful posters that make comments bordering on slander that you've been talking about all along then? Can you point me in the direction of any examples?

Or is this just another line you've cast?

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Agreed, this tripe has been going on for too long, no doubt when they interview players at the final game the headline will be City thugs ruin promotion party for City jailbirds by running on the pitch in disgusting scenes of blatant law breaking.

Oh it will be, he's probably already written it.

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So who are the small minority of unhelpful posters that make comments bordering on slander that you've been talking about all along then? Can you point me in the direction of any examples?

Or is this just another line you've cast?

You're nibbling at the wrong bait, Nibor.

I've saying all along that there is a 'small minority' of posters on here who are OTT in their critism of all things City. "Angry heads" I prefer to call them.

They and you know who they are and I won't therefore name names in the interest of forum harmony at this crucial time of the season.

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You're nibbling at the wrong bait, Nibor.

I've saying all along that there is a 'small minority' of posters on here who are OTT in their critism of all things City. "Angry heads" I prefer to call them.

They and you know who they are and I won't therefore name names in the interest of forum harmony at this crucialtime of the season.

One would think that if "forum harmony" were your concern, you'd stop fishing in the first place... but sod it, the traffic is clogged up to the office door so I'll bite.

You won't name names because you know you're talking tosh and if you do you'll get called on it.

I can't think of one poster on here who is critical of all things City. Even the club's harshest critics are not critical on every subject and there's not a single fan who posts on here I can think of who isn't delighted with our league position.

In fact as far as I recall, the only time you've referred to another poster as an Angry Head is when you're pigeon holing people as "One issue activists" because they don't like the unhelpful stance you take on any issue where you disagree with other supporters even if you're in a minority!

Still, I admire your spin doctoring ability. Exaggeration, generalization, trivialization and deflection all in a few lines. It's like a masterclass in how not to say anything helpful or useful. Alistair Campbell could learn a thing or two.

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Still, I admire your spin doctoring ability. Exaggeration, generalization, trivialization and deflection all in a few lines. It's like a masterclass in how not to say anything helpful or useful. Alistair Campbell could learn a thing or two.

What a contradictory post - both a compliment and an insult at the same time!

"Your're good kid, damn good, but as long as I'm around you'll always be second best" :cool:

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He also wrote in the WDP about the internet comments not being helpfull and boardering on slander.Says he couldn't write the same stuff in the paper.

He did point out that its a small minority though' - something I've been saying all along.

c'mon Mr supporters club chairman, name names, I'm intrigued now.

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He also wrote in the WDP about the internet comments not being helpfull and boardering on slander.Says he couldn't write the same stuff in the paper.

He did point out that its a small minority though' - something I've been saying all along.

Comments like our current manager is only fit for the Conference you mean?

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Guest ashtonyate
One would think that if "forum harmony" were your concern, you'd stop fishing in the first place... but sod it, the traffic is clogged up to the office door so I'll bite.

You won't name names because you know you're talking tosh and if you do you'll get called on it.

I can't think of one poster on here who is critical of all things City. Even the club's harshest critics are not critical on every subject and there's not a single fan who posts on here I can think of who isn't delighted with our league position.

In fact as far as I recall, the only time you've referred to another poster as an Angry Head is when you're pigeon holing people as "One issue activists" because they don't like the unhelpful stance you take on any issue where you disagree with other supporters even if you're in a minority!

Still, I admire your spin doctoring ability. Exaggeration, generalization, trivialization and deflection all in a few lines. It's like a masterclass in how not to say anything helpful or useful. Alistair Campbell could learn a thing or two.

I am one of the clubs harsh critics that's not because I don't want them not to do well its because somethings they do I think are wrong and you know what i think about the academy not signing a forward and a few other thinks but they are a big part of my life and i shall have a smile ear to ear if we go up

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Without doubt, there is an issue between the EP & BCFC and that started with the front page banner headlines surrounding the Romeo Browns incident and it didn't help when that dragged on and was therefore resurrected when the case came to court some eleven months later.

In all fairness, neither that or the suplimentary incident at Northampton, the unrelated, yet dragged up incident, with the fan who swung at BO and rowed with LJ during a home game (Huddsfld?) were little to do with Nathan Jones.They were more newsworthy, as opposed to sportsworthy and therefore controlled by the news desk as opposed to the sportsdesk.

That being said, it's the same paper and the same organsation and the lack of mention given to City, as opposed to Rovers that people I know are complaining about, is more to do with this situation than any genuine bias, IMHO.

In essence, if you're the EP BCFC reporter and the manager/chairman won't talk to you, you've got a problem.The news desk have no such problem because something else newsworthy will happen tomorrow, totally un-related to sport, never mind football.

It appears to me that the club seem to have a problem with any kind of criticism-constructive or otherwise, it appears to me to be resented and anyone making a criticism is seen to be undermining the manager & players.Some kind of fifth columnist, if you will.

This creates a bunker mentality which, whilst productive of the playing front as it was for us and has been for Chelsea & Man Utd in the past, tends to become a bit tiresome to fans, who, I must agree with Nibor, all want success for BCFC.

That doesn't mean we all have to agree in a robotic fashion with every tactic, decision or policy or that we aren't entitled to our opinion as a paying supporter.

That's why we'll be here when GJ's gone and that loyalty is to the club-not the manager, chairman or players who we will admire and appreciate while they're here.If you like, it's not about being a Johnson/Lansdown hater or lover, it's about being a BCFC Lover and like a member of our family we may well love them and criticise them in equal measure, when it's due.It is the nearest thing you'll get to unconditional love from a human being.

I criticised GJ when we lost nine on the bounce and I'll stand by that.I've also praised him for the turn around last season, during last seasons run during which I still think we played better football than this season.Whether it was as effective can be argued and I'm more than happy to debate it.

I'll also be the first to congratulate him when we're promoted and, like it or not, results are normally how one is judged in Football.

Then it's onto the Championship and a whole set of different expectations.

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I criticised GJ when we lost nine on the bounce and I'll stand by that.I've also praised him for the turn around last season, during last seasons run during which I still think we played better football than this season.Whether it was as effective can be argued and I'm more than happy to debate it.

I'll also be the first to congratulate him when we're promoted and, like it or not, results are normally how one is judged in Football.

Lots of us critised Johnson when we lost those 9 consequetive games and I too stand by what I said at the time.Fortunately I've been proved wrong but still I get reminded about what has become an infamous thread - even by respected forum users.

The point that maybe Nathan Jones was making was that there are some really OTT threads on here especially so when City have lost or struggled in a game that are truly ridiculous.Most are written as a knee jerk reaction but nonetheless are inexcusable.Some threads are aimed at the clubs executive staff who take so much personal abuse at times that Jones's comment about slander are spot on.

All this when City are 4 points clear in second place!

The other thing about any internet forum is the annonimity.Everyone has a username but not many bother to fill out the personal details option.Because its easy to hide behnd a computer screen some feel untouchable and post angry drivel as a consequence.Some fans have had a pop at the SC or me personally but when you invite them to discuss things further over a friendly pint or two you get no reply - says it all imo.

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I have emailed Nathan Jones and invited him to join this discussion.....

I, and I'm sure others, would be most interested to hear of his views...

Over to you Nathan....



I don't do forums - I don't have time for them.

If you or any of the fans want to pass an opinion write me a letter or e-mail.


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I don't do forums - I don't have time for them.

If you or any of the fans want to pass an opinion write me a letter or e-mail.


I suppose he could have totally ignored it, rather than partially.

Journos don't do forums - rubbish. That's where they get their stories from so they don't have to stray too far from the coffee machine.

(With the honourable exception of news bunny who would never spend his time on a forum!)

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Dear Nathan

You are a ****.

Thank you

Dan :)

That was nice and constructive see.

EP has really gone downhill lately always thought it had more gas than City anyway but is kind of stupid now.

As for people critizicing the club and what not, I think if it is constructive and not just "Johnson is a #### and needs to go" because we did not all agree wtih the selection and shouldnt have lost some game then it is more than valid.

Also if they are willing to listen to other people and maybe even have their views changed then it makes a forum very worthwhile.

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