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What Will You Miss About The Lower Leagues ?

andy g

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Ok, most of us will probably say "nothing", but there must have been some bits you enjoyed ?


Being able to enter a cup you could realistically hope to win.

Not having to drive around for ages finding somewhere to park.

Not having to queue for a ticket.

Going to most matches knowing you're a bigger club with better support.

Trips to funny little grounds like Chesterfield.

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Ok, most of us will probably say "nothing", but there must have been some bits you enjoyed ?


Being able to enter a cup you could realistically hope to win.

Not having to drive around for ages finding somewhere to park.

Not having to queue for a ticket.

Going to most matches knowing you're a bigger club with better support.

Trips to funny little grounds like Chesterfield.

Another premature Topic on the Forum! :punish:

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Was all I could think of!!! I must admit the football league grounds are much better than the prem. My uncle always says he loves the lower leagues as the fans are more passionate. Too many prawn sarnies in the premiership you see.

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Well IF and thats still a very big IF we go up i will miss all the arrogant people on here posting like we are alreayd up when we are not.

Pride come before a fall, the Rotherham game will be an incredibly nervy affair if we don't beat Milwall and Forest and Blackpool win so don't think that we are anywhere near close to promotion yet.

I seem to rememeber everyone saying "we will beat the Gas easy" and look what happend there.

Lets just look at the Milwall game-also "lower leagues" it aint exactly as if we would get promoted into the premiership. Obv Champ better than L1 but hardly that low.

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Ok, most of us will probably say "nothing", but there must have been some bits you enjoyed ?


Being able to enter a cup you could realistically hope to win.

Not having to drive around for ages finding somewhere to park.

Not having to queue for a ticket.

Going to most matches knowing you're a bigger club with better support.

Trips to funny little grounds like Chesterfield.

We aint forkin there yet! remember that plonker with the Good luck in League 1 next season Brighton banner at the mad stad?

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IF........then I will quite miss the excitement generated by the opposition supporters at the prospect of beating a "big club". I guess that will be us next season, I would like to think the supporters will be more vocal than ever rather than just waiting for the supposed "inevitable" win!

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Wow, I didnt think some people would get so worked up about a light-hearted post like this one !

But, yes you're quite right, we've not been promoted yet. How dare I suggest that we might be playing in the Championship next season !

Still, look on the bright side, next season will be a tough one. So there will be no more of this careless promotion talk...

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Making it harder to get tickets will be a pain and like you say parking at grounds is harder but who cares the fotball will be of abetter standard. Am looking frward to goig to colchester next season was always one of my favourite away games

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Having a great day out at Griffin Park with a kebab with lashings of garlic sauce from the same shop washed down with a few pints of London Pride. Apart from AG and the County Ground, Griffin Park is the ground I've been to most over the years and I'll miss it next season.

I hope we draw them in a the Cup next season.

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