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History In The Making?


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If City gain promotion this term and Rovers fail to do so, season 2007-2008 will be the first campaign ever in which the red half are two League divisions above their neighbours.

Fascinating, 'innit?

:fingerscrossed: would be amazing

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Before the season started I posted that although we may joke about it, every gas head's nightmare is City getting promoted and gas relegated.

50% came up! Now (assuming we are promoted to the Championship) imagine the reactions if in 12 months time City were promoted whilst the gas were relegated! Unlikely I agree, but that would be a gas nightmare.

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Before the season started I posted that although we may joke about it, every gas head's nightmare is City getting promoted and gas relegated.

50% came up! Now (assuming we are promoted to the Championship) imagine the reactions if in 12 months time City were promoted whilst the gas were relegated! Unlikely I agree, but that would be a gas nightmare.

If, somehow, we got promoted from the championship to the premiership next season, i will buy every single person on here a pint!

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