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Team V Millwall

Bristol Boy

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Surely not, unless Basso returns

I wonder if Thomas has recovered because we can hardly play Ruddy and put him on the bench, can we??

Assuming Basso recovers, we have Brooker, Murray, Partridge & Weale injured

Woodman & JMW omitted

I reckon:













Millwall have some decent, expereienced players up front in Harris & Byfield.Harris knows where the net is and is a clever, fox in the box type player and Byfields quick enough over 5 yards.

Richard Shaw is still a decent player at 38 and has just won their player of the year.

We can't take the game lightly (when can you) but I reckon we'll match the Blackpool & Forest results and do enough.......just!!

With five wins out of six away and good current form the players should have the confidence and mental resilience to get the job done whilst setting up a great last day of the season against Rotherham.


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Surely not, unless Basso returns

I wonder if Thomas has recovered because we can hardly play Ruddy and put him on the bench, can we??

Assuming Basso recovers, we have Brooker, Murray, Partridge & Weale injured

Woodman & JMW omitted

I reckon:













Millwall have some decent, expereienced players up front in Harris & Byfield.Harris knows where the net is and is a clever, fox in the box type player and Byfields quick enough over 5 yards.

Richard Shaw is still a decent player at 38 and has just won their player of the year.

We can't take the game lightly (when can you) but I reckon we'll match the Blackpool & Forest results and do enough.......just!!

With five wins out of six away and good current form the players should have the confidence and mental resilience to get the job done whilst setting up a great last day of the season against Rotherham.


I reckon the important thing Saturday is the prevention of any major colapse, we do that and with already relegated Rotherham at home to come we're almost there.

Millwall though are spoilers, apparently. We'll see - them having nothing to play for and this being 2007 and all....

I'd go with the 4-5-1 Noble too for what it's worth. going to be a test of the mentle capacity more than anything else though.

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Only change I can see other than Basso coming back if he's fit is possibly McAllister coming in for Fontaine. Most likely it will be unchanged though.

I don't think he will start with Mcallister because he hasnt played a first team game for so long. Noble had only manager an hour in the last two matches. No point risking him at this late stage of the season.

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I don't think he will start with Mcallister because he hasnt played a first team game for so long. Noble had only manager an hour in the last two matches. No point risking him at this late stage of the season.

Nobles substitution is also partly tactical to allow Skuse or Keogh to play in front the back four when we're protecting a lead.

The other thing we need to do is have a player who can replace him on a like for like basis if we want to play this formation if Nobles injured/susended and the only attacking player who I think would be capable is Jevons-If that doesn't work then we'll need to thinabout a signing if we're going with that system regularly next season and it seems to work well for us......touch wood!

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Nobles substitution is also partly tactical to allow Skuse or Keogh to play in front the back four when we're protecting a lead.

The other thing we need to do is have a player who can replace him on a like for like basis if we want to play this formation if Nobles injured/susended and the only attacking player who I think would be capable is Jevons-If that doesn't work then we'll need to thinabout a signing if we're going with that system regularly next season and it seems to work well for us......touch wood!

It could work with Jevons but hes been so up and down this season its hard to tell whether he will make a positive impact or not! Hes the only player I cant make my mind over. Is he good enough for the championship?

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GJ does like to have a keeper on the bench. Assuming that Thomas is fit enough then I think, of the subs you've listed, he'll likely omit Smith from the 16. Other than that, I agree that he'll play the same team that started at Carlisle.

BB - Given that you suggest a team and formation in advance of the game every week, I'd be interested to know how many times, through the season, your prediction of the line-up for matches has been proven right. Any idea?

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Only change I can see other than Basso coming back if he's fit is possibly McAllister coming in for Fontaine. Most likely it will be unchanged though.

I doubt he'll make any outfield changes, too, but just wonder whether keeping the same back four, using McAllister on the left of midfield and then having the choice between Betsy and Wilson on the right might go through his mind?

We could then have the novelty of two natural left footers playing on the left, neither January signing has really set the world on fire, to be honest and as we don't really need more than a draw we'd possibly be even more defensively solid, (he hopes).

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It could work with Jevons but hes been so up and down this season its hard to tell whether he will make a positive impact or not! Hes the only player I cant make my mind over. Is he good enough for the championship?

I have to agree

I thought people were saying the same about Jamie Cureton when he signed for Colchester last summer... :blink:

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GJ does like to have a keeper on the bench. Assuming that Thomas is fit enough then I think, of the subs you've listed, he'll likely omit Smith from the 16. Other than that, I agree that he'll play the same team that started at Carlisle.

Trouble is, if Thomas is fit, surely the League will only allow him to play if Basso's in goal and not Ruddy-Why do we need a loan if we already have Thomas??.....I know why, but would the FA go along with it??

BB - Given that you suggest a team and formation in advance of the game every week, I'd be interested to know how many times, through the season, your prediction of the line-up for matches has been proven right. Any idea?

Probably none :innocent06: In fairness, it's what I would suggest, not a prediction of what I think GJ will do, unless I say so specifically.In this case I reckon I'll have about 14 to 15/16 if Basso's fit!!

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I thought people were saying the same about Jamie Cureton when he signed for Colchester last summer... :blink:

Not me, Chief. I remember talking to Binman as he was about to start his first season in charge and he told me he'd been offered Iwelumo by his agent and he told him he wasn't interested as he didn't rate him. He's done alright, too

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I would make one change to Saturday, presuming Basso will reclaim his place between the sticks.













It'd be good if we could get 60-70 minutes from McAllister as he would add balance, experience and a bit of protection to Fontaine IMO

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