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Wedlocks - Some Good News


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I would love this pub to remain a pub

I just hope naughty persons don't turn up in the middle

of the night(with a gurt big JCB) bulldoze the place down and say we have knocked

the place down by mistake

Does any one know what the residences of the terraced houses think of the campaign?

Maybe we should get some one in the terraced houses to let us know

if a JCB turns up late at night or the early hours of the morning

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Does any one know what the residences of the terraced houses think of the campaign?

Maybe we should get some one in the terraced houses to let us know

if a JCB turns up late at night or the early hours of the morning

The second paragraph of Tompos' post mentions "Local residents" so it looks like they have support there too.

They don't need a JCB though; in Keynsham a local guy wanted to use the land behind an old listed building but couldn't get permission to knock it down. He just sat it out until the thing fell down by itself through neglect and disrepair. Admittedly the Wedlocks isn't as old, but there are ways and means of speeding up that process, like leaving it open "accidentally" to local youths etc.

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The second paragraph of Tompos' post mentions "Local residents" so it looks like they have support there too.

Its not 100% though!

Some of you must have seen the angry letter printed in EP (I think) from one local resident who was very upset at the prospect of the Wedlocks not being re-developed.He was very pissed off.

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Its not 100% though!

Some of you must have seen the angry letter printed in EP (I think) from one local resident who was very upset at the prospect of the Wedlocks not being re-developed.He was very pissed off.

Is the 'very upset' local resident an Adolf Hitler in disguise? The developer is actually trying to destroy what even Adolf Hitler failed to destroy during WWII. Hitler's luftwaffe destroyed two of the main stands at Ashton Gate but failed to destroy the pub outside the ground. No way should the people of Bristol continue to allow profit sucking developers to destroy the pre-war heritage of Bristol that survived Hitler's bombs.

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Its not 100% though!

Some of you must have seen the angry letter printed in EP (I think) from one local resident who was very upset at the prospect of the Wedlocks not being re-developed.He was very pissed off.

To be fair we have never claimed 100% support, unlike the developer who, in an earlier newspaper article, claimed that local residents were 100% behind his plans.

In anything like this you need to be realistic. We could not even claim 100% support for the campaign from City fans let alone local residents.

Is the 'very upset' local resident an Adolf Hitler in disguise? The developer is actually trying to destroy what even Adolf Hitler failed to destroy during WWII. Hitler's luftwaffe destroyed two of the main stands at Ashton Gate but failed to destroy the pub outside the ground. No way should the people of Bristol continue to allow profit sucking developers to destroy the pre-war heritage of Bristol that survived Hitler's bombs.

In the Evening Post today, it says that planning permission was refused on design grounds but concern was also expressed about the future use of the building.

In the same article the developer said he may have to convert the building in to a hostel or rehab accommodation if his application is refused.

Be interesting to see how this develops (no pun intended).

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In the same article the developer said he may have to convert the building in to a hostel or rehab accommodation if his application is refused.

Be interesting to see how this develops (no pun intended).

Given the uproar of the hostel up the road (that funny house on the corner by the start of North Street) - I think he'd get even more objections that currently.

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Not a complete victory I guess as the developer claimed in the local free rag that - and I quote the journalist from the Observer:


Developer John Skinner wants to demolish the old pub in Ashton Road - once a haven for City fans - and build apartments.

"He said if new homes cannot be built, he will consider drawing up plans for a rehab centre on the site."


IMO The Trust has to understand that the pub is derelict and that it is in this condition because it was not a successful business! If a boozer was not successful there then what do they think will work in its place? I know they have the backing of the guy from the tobacco factory but, again IMO, this was just some good free PR for him and nothing else has come of it.

Another quote from the Observer:


Clive Haffner, a 53 year old regional sales manager living in Bower Ashton Terrace, says Wedlock's is frequently vandalised by yobs and he will be glad to see the pub go.

He said: "I have no problem whatsoever with this ugly building and appalling eyesore being demolished.

"The majority of those now bleating for the retention of Wedlocks either do not live in the area or never supported Wedlocks when it was open.

"The idea of a community cafe is laughable - exactly how many cups of tea and slices of cake would be needed to just pay the overheads?"


So you also have to realise that quite a few residents would be happy to see the back of it too.

I wish the trust well in matters concerning the club but really that the plans to stop development of the Wedlocks pub is short sighted and futile. I will be happy to eat my words but feel this is wasting the time and resources of the ST. The pub is owned by the developer and unless the trust could raise enough cash to buy it then what do they expect to happen to it?

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think Clif hafner has a point, how many of the people backing it, actually used the pub when it was open? on matchdays? and how many actually went their on non-matchdays??

personally went their once and it was an utter dive and the beer tasted awful, so never went back, far too many better pubs in the area for matchdays like the Rising Sun, Robins, Hen & Chicken and others......perhaps this campaign to save it should have been started before it actually closed down, not when they were on the verge of redeveloping it.

wedlocks is an relic of a bar which is part of Bristol City history, however that's what it is now, history, perhaps efforts should be concentrated on helping the wedlocks be remembered such as "Wedlock Apartments" or "Wedlock House" re-opening it as a pub/cafe just isn't going to work in the long run

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