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Just E Mailed Sl

Bristol Boy

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Steve's out of the office but I will contact his PA on Monday and ask her to forward the e mail to CS and get it to Steve.

The debacle with the coaches and the treatment of fans travelling by train needs to be investigated and I have taken the liberty of forwarding comment made on this Forum to him.

I have no doubt the ST will also take the matter up with the club (Not their fault) who should lead that investigation and deal with any subsequent complaints and/or litigation against those responsible.

I hope this helps

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Obviously I won't refuse a refund - but how really is the Club to be heald responsible?

Admittedly I only used CATS for the outward journey and our driver as sociable as he was did strike me as a bit of a nutter. He only really fouled up once though taking a wrong turning up a one way street and so had to perform a crazy 3-point turn in a gert massive coach on this narrow side street - which I found highly entertaining.

To continue, the government themselves are struggling to manage and so have put in measures to tackle London's congestion problems. The Club can't be held accountable for that. There was also an accident post Reading on the M4, luckilly I was in one of the earlier coaches, arriving at 3:15.

It was the Police who demanded we take a round about journey on the South Circular once in London, it was also the Police who demanded we wait for their escort into Millwall.

Tbf to the Police, apparently something elsewhere had made them have to re-focus their attention. Tbf also, once arriving they shut the roads of giving us unlimited freedom to reach the ground as quickly as possible.

In sum, what could the Club itself actually have done to prevent any of this?

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IF we ever played Millwall again,

then why not organise a "Footex".

this can be run on a rail safety case like Victis West links,

can be up to 13 coaches in length,

taking over 600 fans in one hit,

can be safely policed, and take fans to/from South Bermondsey with a lot less policing than yesterday!!.

And i even know of a train driver with the required route knowledge, to take the train to/from Bristol Temple Meads.

Would be cheaper to run, and it would be up to the club to set up the contract.

Just food for thought for the future!!,


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any coach driver who set off without knowing the exact route to the destination plus suitable alternatives in case of emergency is not a professional and shoudl be sacked.

What is it with Bristol and the sacking of bus/coach drivers, i read in the paper only the other day that the TGWU were contemplating industrial action as 14 Bristol bus drivers had been given the heave ho for getting to their destinations too QUICKLY, pity those fellas weren't driving your coaches yesterday?

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  • Admin

We have had contact from the club on this matter and, while the club is keen to hear from anyone with any concerns or complaints about yesterday's events, they would ask that these concerns are made through the correct channels, so that they can be dealt with by the right people.

For that reason, Steve Lansdown's contact details away from the club have been removed, and we would ask people not to post them again or use them to try and contact Steve on club matters.

Anyone who does wish to contact the club should email Colin Sexstone at the following address:


Or you can telephone the club on 0117 963 0630 and ask to be put through to Colin, whose PA, Rita Murgatroyd, will deal with your call.


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I took a chance and guessed at steve.lansdown@bcfc.co.uk. It appears that address is linked to SL's main business, hence the auto reply.

If he doesn't want to mix business with pleasure he should sever the link.

She gets paid to deal with his messages, good or bad. I hope the 600 hundred people who missed the start of the game all call.

The shambles of yesterdays official club transport needs highlighting at the highest level, as quickly as possible.

Presumably you didn't miss the first 40 minutes of the game, due to the sheer incompetence of the coach company appointed by BCFC.

I fully understand that you're angry and that's why I e mailed SL and started this thread.The point is, that this lady, whilst working for Lansdown Hargreaves has nothing to do with BCFC and it's unfair for her to be bombarded with phone calls when all she can do is refer them back to AG, which you can do in the first place.What's happened has happened and it's for the club and the team that oraganised the coaches to reimburse fans where appropriate and seek recompense from those ultimately responsible.

No doubt she will pass the messages on to SL or forward them to CS.

Let me say that I've no doubt that the ST will take up the cudgel on your behalf.What you don't want to do is pi$$ off the very people who will do that by targeting the wrong person in the first instance.

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Who do we need to complain to?

Bakers "Cant run a piss up in a brewery" Dolphins


Bristol "This might be our year" City

Dead simple from a legal standpoint.If you purchase coach travel from BCFC then your contract is with them.They have a contract with Bakers and it is for them to decide the course of action to take with Bakers.

You contact BCFC.

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Steve's out of the office but I will contact his PA on Monday and ask her to forward the e mail to CS and get it to Steve.

The debacle with the coaches and the treatment of fans travelling by train needs to be investigated and I have taken the liberty of forwarding comment made on this Forum to him.

I have no doubt the ST will also take the matter up with the club (Not their fault) who should lead that investigation and deal with any subsequent complaints and/or litigation against those responsible.

I hope this helps

u need to get a MBE.............see you sat

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I took a chance and guessed at steve.lansdown@bcfc.co.uk. It appears that address is linked to SL's main business, hence the auto reply.

If he doesn't want to mix business with pleasure he should sever the link.

She gets paid to deal with his messages, good or bad. I hope the 600 hundred people who missed the start of the game all call.

The shambles of yesterdays official club transport needs highlighting at the highest level, as quickly as possible.

Presumably you didn't miss the first 40 minutes of the game, due to the sheer incompetence of the coach company appointed by BCFC.

No doubt you are frustrated and wish to complain. I do empathise with that as I'm sure we've all felt that way before.

There are ways and means to do this, posting names and telephone numbers of individuals not related to the club and encouraging supporters to call it is not the best option, trust me.

I suggest you contact the club directly as outlined on this thread as the best option. If in doubt in the future, you can email the Trust and we will pass it on.

Suffice to say that having spoken with someone at the club today that information is being gathered about events yesterday and I am sure they will respond to your complaint in due course.

You know, if we'd have scored 12 minutes from time instead of Millwall and been promoted, I'm sure a protracted journey would have felt worthwhile. As it is, I can understand the level of angst... :rolleyes:

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No doubt you are frustrated and wish to complain. I do empathise with that as I'm sure we've all felt that way before.

There are ways and means to do this, posting names and telephone numbers of individuals not related to the club and encouraging supporters to call it is not the best option, trust me.

I suggest you contact the club directly as outlined on this thread as the best option. If in doubt in the future, you can email the Trust and we will pass it on.

Suffice to say that having spoken with someone at the club today that information is being gathered about events yesterday and I am sure they will respond to your complaint in due course.

You know, if we'd have scored 12 minutes from time instead of Millwall and been promoted, I'm sure a protracted journey would have felt worthwhile. As it is, I can understand the level of angst... :rolleyes:

Well TR bit sad .

I don't do coaches but for the big hoards of fans that did, let them moan!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dreadful the way some fans said the driver didnt know the way to the ground!!!!!

I would of had a ###### head fit.

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  • Admin

Have I missed something, who is 'we'?

The club are KEEN to hear from supporters, don't make me laugh!

Haven't they had direct reports back from their 'hired' representatives on each coach?

Are you telling me that the chairman of our club is not to be disturbed by e mails about HIS club?

We can ask for Colin Sexton but will get put through to his PA!!!


I must qualify as someone who can speak to Colin directly....yesterday I bought a prawn sandwich....from Sainsbury's.

MY FOOTBALL CLUB needs to provide some answers and damn quick!!!

'We' are the moderators of this forum, in this instance. Apologies if I didn't make that clear.

The information provided above has been given in order that this issue can be dealt with as efficiently as possible. Contacting Steve through his business is not the most efficient way to do this.

For one, Steve is out of the office next week. For another, his PA will merely refer you back to the club who will refer you to Colin Sexstone.

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Well TR bit sad .

I don't do coaches but for the big hoards of fans that did, let them moan!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dreadful the way some fans said the driver didnt know the way to the ground!!!!!

I would of had a ###### head fit.

There's a big difference between moaning and complaining and in this case proper complaining should see fans get financial recompense which is all that can be done.

The club should reimburse fans and not pay those responsible-Hit them in their pockets.

Nobody can alter history and you're dead right that this was shabby and shameful, but a good financial stuffing and loss of business really concentrates suppliers minds!!

As I always say, Don't just get mad, get even

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There's a big difference between moaning and complaining and in this case proper complaining should see fans get financial recompense which is all that can be done.

The club should reimburse fans and not pay those responsible-Hit them in their pockets.

Nobody can alter history and you're dead right that this was shabby and shameful, but a good financial stuffing and loss of business really concentrates suppliers minds!!

As I always say, Don't just get mad, get even

Thankyou Ian.....but watch the club make excuses..

Ship 12 o clock sat............beers on me

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For what its worth. your drivers werent the only ones who had problems. I went on me works do into london last night (About the same time Millwall scored and onwards, and we had a hell of a journey into the dump, up the M4, A4 and to central London- 1 hour from M25 to Central London. Our driver found several road were one way, and opposite directions to the ones he knew, as well as major roadworks too. It took me half an hour longer to get home at 0030 than it does normally coming back from gigs in London....roads are normally MUCH quieter by then

I was told some coaches were held at Cheively till 1130, then sent up. In my bitter experience of London traffic thats too late to have much safety margin- god knows what it was like if you left much later

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Thanks for this, I'd sort of figured that out for myself! If his PA(like his wife might), gives him earache about the number of calls he is receiving about this issue, it might just focus his mind and Colin Sextone's that the bread and butter fans actually count!

I don't think you can blame SL or CS.In fairness, it seems like the coach company and/or the Police must accept responsibility for what happened.Even with roadworks & accident delays the coaches left in bags of time.

I don't think you should prejudge what they're going to do when they're in full possesion of the facts either.

If they don't act then, IMHO, you have the right to take the matter further and criticise them if you see fit.

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Steve's out of the office but I will contact his PA on Monday and ask her to forward the e mail to CS and get it to Steve.

The debacle with the coaches and the treatment of fans travelling by train needs to be investigated and I have taken the liberty of forwarding comment made on this Forum to him.

I have no doubt the ST will also take the matter up with the club (Not their fault) who should lead that investigation and deal with any subsequent complaints and/or litigation against those responsible.

I hope this helps

Surely, if you buy a coach ticket for a particular event, thay have a legal obligation to get you to that event in time for the start. If you missed the start of the game you must be entitled to a refund, but whether it is from the coach company who took you, or the football club who took the booking is debatable.

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  • SC&T Board Members
Surely, if you buy a coach ticket for a particular event, thay have a legal obligation to get you to that event in time for the start. If you missed the start of the game you must be entitled to a refund, but whether it is from the coach company who took you, or the football club who took the booking is debatable.

Nothing 'debatable' about it - the fans' contract was with the football club. The contract was clearly not fulfilled.

It will be an interesting test of the club's appreciation of its 'customers' tomorrow, when they will undoubtedly make known what action they intend to take. IMHO, they should immediately grant at least a 50% no quibbles refund to all who missed up to 50% of the game, and 100% to those that missed more than that (they will know who was on which coach and what time each coach arrived). It is then for the club to seek redress themselves from the coach operator.

Anything less would be be adding insult to injury ... and show a poor understanding of the concept of 'customer service'.

So, if they don't make such an offer - quickly and without argument - then complain like mad ... but first let's wait and see what they say on Monday.

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Surely, if you buy a coach ticket for a particular event, thay have a legal obligation to get you to that event in time for the start. If you missed the start of the game you must be entitled to a refund, but whether it is from the coach company who took you, or the football club who took the booking is debatable.

It's not debateable.You have a contract with the person/company to whom you paid your money-I assume most people paid BCFC so your contract is with them.What they do with their supplier is a matter for them.

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Ok, you carry on then. I hope you get what you're looking for.

Didn't mean to patronise or get in the way, just some friendly words of advise. Like I said, I'd be angry too............

I can kind of see where Redpaul is going here, it appears to me that there is a body of people moving him aside and acting on his behalf when he hasn't asked for it, stick to being a trust for your members and don't tread on the toes of the ordinary fan. He has a gripe and I'm sure he can handle himself in this.

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I can kind of see where Redpaul is going here, it appears to me that there is a body of people moving him aside and acting on his behalf when he hasn't asked for it, stick to being a trust for your members and don't tread on the toes of the ordinary fan. He has a gripe and I'm sure he can handle himself in this.

I started the original thread after hearing and reading about the plight of the coach fans.I travelled by train and there were a number of issues in doing that but perhaps that's for another day, although I have mentioned the OTT Policing on occassions in my e mail to SL.

I don't think the ST are trying to push anyone aside, they're just trying to help and consolidate the complaints with the views of 100's being stronger than any one contributor, yours truly included.

The Media will contact them as a matter of course, always do and they obviously have some decent contact numbers as a result if their involvement with the club which is no bad thing.

What matters is that an amicable solution is arrived at and that lessons are learnt in the future.

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Heated, folks....

At the end of the day, however we account it: OB, the transport Company or the Club... it was the Club who failed to adequtely provide the service and so failed in the agreed contract that they charged £18 or whatever for. Therefore it is the Club that should be caughing up compensation.

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I know what you're saying, but his complaint is his complaint, it will be lost if joined together with a dozen or more, the guy feels aggrieved, and rightly so, if he wants to make his complaint, let him do so.

His written words on the complaint will reflect his mood, he doesn't want a watered down version from a collection of a hundred or more complaints going to the chairman, he wants his version of events going to the top, so the chairman or whoever gets to read it will take this individual case seriously enough that they'll want to respond to his e-mail to reassure him that his complaint has been read, understood and will be acted upon. That's a personal touch that will go along way to reassure this guy that he isn't just a number.

Not everyone has heard of the supporters trust or want anything to do with them, so why collate his complaint together with as you say, hundreds or so more. I would think a pile of individual letters through CS door would be taken more seriously than one big letter from a body that the club already work with, besides if your already on first name speaking terms with that person, it loses a lot of impact when a serious matter comes along.

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Getting held up as two of our coaches did at Swindon (?) services, for 45 minutes, at 9pm, why did they not anticipate this in advance? We had a pretty clear route out of Millwall and straight onto the motorway... Only to pull into the services and sit around waiting for new drivers, while they didn't know if they'd even left to come and get us when we got there! If we'd won, that would not matter at all. But include this with some idiots deciding to run down to the front, and the Millwall fans winding up everyone for 90 minutes, plus the performance... Bit of a joke, the whole day, really.

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