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Coaches to Millwall (Merged)


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I actually couldn't believe it when it took us 6 hours to get to Millwall just after finding out 19 bus drivers never new where they were going. I was 20 minutes late coming into the ground, my friend missed the first half. A absaloute disgrace. I'm going to get a refund and it has definitly put me off the coaches again.

Did anyone else get into the ground late ?

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just gt bak and it was a disgrace. i was on coach 5 and we arrrived at 3 30. are driver didnt no were he was goin. we were practically directing him. when we gtr near we jumped off the coach and ran through a part of the gorund wich was a millwall end so we banged on the gates but they wouldnt let us thorugh for ages. leaving at 9 30 and not getting to the ground until 3 30 IS NOT good enough. i hope for an apoloogy and some sort of refund.

rant over

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Robins got into the ground 20 mins late, and she said she'd heard one coach didnt turn up until 4pm and that another had turned around and gone back. Wouldnt have liked to have been on that one.

(mind you it would have been nice not to have been stuck in Nottingham while all this was going on :surrender: )

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just gt bak and it was a disgrace. i was on coach 5 and we arrrived at 3 30. are driver didnt no were he was goin. we were practically directing him. when we gtr near we jumped off the coach and ran through a part of the gorund wich was a millwall end so we banged on the gates but they wouldnt let us thorugh for ages. leaving at 9 30 and not getting to the ground until 3 30 IS NOT good enough. i hope for an apoloogy and some sort of refund.

rant over


I've commented on a similar post

Complain to the club mate - they have had this organised for weeks!! - for a driver to not know where he's going is not good enough. If people don't complain nothing will happen

They wanted fans to go by coaches to reduce potential bother..... and this is what happens

In the days of sat nav and Internet travel roues there's no excuse

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What a day by the coaches!!

We left london at 5.50 and i have just got home!!

Left Bristol at 9.30am, stopped in the services for 45 minutes fair enough had lots of time to burn.

Then this is where it all starts to get a bit bad, We had 3 near crashes on the way to london not only did we nearly crash we also needed to turn around in central london about 3 times!!!

Didnt get to the ground untill 4.40!!!

Did not expect to take over 7 hours to get to millwall!!

Now i thought, the day couldnt get any worse, just get home and forget about the day.

We then go around the m25 passed just places as Brands Hatch and Legoland!!! What were they trying to do to us, anyway finally get on the motorway thought good were on the way home.

Then we pull into the services and have another 20 minutes break, thought not again but o well.

Came back after the 20 minute break and the polish driver who didnt speak good english said that his hours had ran and we needed to wait for another driver to get there. Every single bakers dolphins driver had ran out of hours and needed to stop.

We finally left reading services at 9.10 nearly 12 hours after we had left bristol.

Talk about £40 well spent!! :argh:

O also, two mates went on megabus, they left central london at 7.15 and were at reading services the same time as us and left before us!!

Never ever using cats again!!

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My coach got in at about 1.30, but i think only 2 coaches did.. away end was very empty til second half

also our driver had no idea where he was going, just went through red lights etc to make sure he could tail the coach in front, terrible

i heard about an accident on the M5, and we were meant to get a police escort into the ground but our driver ignored that

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coach 5 got in at 3:35 and dropped us off at the home end!!! where we walked past a group of millwall standing on a hill with a flag, shouting, :laugh: we had to walk round to visitors only to see that a gate was locked and only a few songs and bangin on the fence got them opening it.

coach driver used the excuse that the club had told him to use this route.

SHOCKING I WANT MY MONEY BACK, to be fair this is the first time ive ever known the coaches to fail in their job, normally very reliable. O WELL didnt look as though i missed much and now wish he didnt find the ground at all haha!!

Just have to save the partying till next week, YOU REDS

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what a load of b#####ks ..been waiting for today for ages with eager anticipation..only to be stuck on coach 5 losing the will to live!! As mentioned in previous posts we got there at 3.30 and were dropped off at the millwall end leaving us in a potentially vulnerable situation ..especially as the gates were locked!! The club employs the coach company to get us there in time for the game and they failed miserably ...somebody has to take responsibility for the c**k-up and i for one will be contacting the club and demanding some recompense..

From a very weary very disappointed very out of pocket travelling fan!

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I Thought I Had A Bad Day But Wen My M8s Knew People Who Werent In The Ground Till Just Before Have Time I Relised I Didnt Have It That Bad

I Feel Realli Sorry For The Coach That Got Turned Away After Travelling All That Way And Realli Sorry For The Coaches Which Stopped On The Way back To Call New Drives Out As They Couldnt Drive Anymore Also One Of Them Coaches So Say Left Someone In The Services As They Couldnt B Bothered To Wait For Them

This Was Very Unorgainsed

Hopefully We Wont B Going back There Again Next Season!

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I think i was on that coach that left without someone on.

To be fair he did have enough time to get back to the coach, we had about 45 minutes in the services it was near 9 o clock and people had had enough.

No one knew where he was, if he left with someone else.

Somebody did get out the coach to have a look but he was nowhere to be seen.

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Got into Ashton Gate 10.35pm on what must of been the last coach.

Left along with 900 other at '9.30 sharp' as put by the club for trip to Millwall, then after 1 hour and 20 mins stopped at Reading services for a 45 minute stop off (we had a toilet on the coach) no need to stop especially only hour an a half in, got back onto motorway and got caught up in traffic delay due to accident on M4, can't be helped hope all involved in accident are fine and well, cost us a further 40minutes until we got through cones, so if we hadn't stopped wouldn't of got caught up in trafffic delay.

Arrive at Hammersmith Driver hasn't got a clue asking the, I use this loosely, coach steward if he can read the map,on the phone to other stewards on coaches they haven't got any ideal, spoke to the police they give us another route different to the one they originally wanted us to take.

Police still insist on us going to the meeting place to be escorted in, we arrive at meeting place along with two other coaches at 2.54pm, and guess what no police, makethe decision to carry on, luckily driver now listens to several of us on the coach who have been to Millwall before and follows our directions, get spotted and pulled over by six, non less, but six police bikes, we are now one coach with a six bike escort who get us through the traffic for a 3.35pm arrival, superb, 6 hours from Ashton Gate to Millwall, can't wait for the trips to the London clubs next year if we go up!

Left ground, held in pen until 5.30, then get directed by Police back up the A202 onto the M25, then proceed allthe way round London back to the M4 junction t be told by the drive that we will be stopping at Reading to have a driver transfer . . . . get to Reading, and guess what the drivers aren't there yet, but our Driver spoke to his controller at 5.45 from the M25.

Get new driver depart Reading 8.50 and to top it all actually find out that we have the slowest coach in the fleet with a restricter on it and watch all the other coaches who had the same problem overtake us . . .!

Think I might sign up for a lifetime membership to CATS (City Alf Time Service)

Expect I wouldn't be asking for a refund then . . . .!

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What a day by the coaches!!

We left london at 5.50 and i have just got home!!

Left Bristol at 9.30am, stopped in the services for 45 minutes fair enough had lots of time to burn.

Then this is where it all starts to get a bit bad, We had 3 near crashes on the way to london not only did we nearly crash we also needed to turn around in central london about 3 times!!!

Didnt get to the ground untill 4.40!!!

Did not expect to take over 7 hours to get to millwall!!

Now i thought, the day couldnt get any worse, just get home and forget about the day.

We then go around the m25 passed just places as Brands Hatch and Legoland!!! What were they trying to do to us, anyway finally get on the motorway thought good were on the way home.

Then we pull into the services and have another 20 minutes break, thought not again but o well.

Came back after the 20 minute break and the polish driver who didnt speak good english said that his hours had ran and we needed to wait for another driver to get there. Every single bakers dolphins driver had ran out of hours and needed to stop.

We finally left reading services at 9.10 nearly 12 hours after we had left bristol.

Talk about £40 well spent!! :argh:

O also, two mates went on megabus, they left central london at 7.15 and were at reading services the same time as us and left before us!!

Never ever using cats again!!

I totally agree. I never use the CATS, but did this once as my old man (who doesnt get the opportunity to come to many away games) came with me, and as he is on crutches with a broken leg, thought that CATS would be the easiest and safest option!

What a joke! Got in the ground at half time!

The reason being, the coaches were under instructions to get off at Chiswick, near Brentford, trawl through London and meet at a "Rendezvouz Point" for a police escort. The driver said that the escort was due at about 1.30pm

Well, you never would belie it....but trying to go through the centre of London, about 20+ miles, on a Saturday, is actually quite hard considering its one of the busiest Cities in the World. We got to the "meeting place" at 3pm....but and wait for it, NO POLICE.

The poor guy who ran our coach (remember this chap is only a volunteer) phones round the organisers and eventually phones the police contact number he has, who kindly informs him "oh you missed your escort, you have to make your own way to the ground..."

What the hell! Apparently the escort had about 7 coaches in it....they were expecting 19.....ummmmm you do the Maths!

So he we are, at this R.V.P....the driver didnt know how to get to the ground from here. Like I said, We EVENTUALLY got there at half time....its a disgrace

I'm not sure who's fault it is, the polices mostly by the seem of it....but surely when the police discussed the route with the club (surely they discuss these things) someone should have used their brain and realised that trawling through London like that would be a disaster.

Our driver, fair play to the chap, said loooooong before that he couldnt understand why the police wouldnt let us use the M25

So, for the £70 I spent on two coach and match tickets....I endured best part of 10 hours on the coach.....and 45 minutes of football.....and we lost


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