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Coaches to Millwall (Merged)


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coach 5 got in at 3:35 and dropped us off at the home end!!! where we walked past a group of millwall standing on a hill with a flag, shouting, :laugh: we had to walk round to visitors only to see that a gate was locked and only a few songs and bangin on the fence got them opening it.

coach driver used the excuse that the club had told him to use this route.

SHOCKING I WANT MY MONEY BACK, to be fair this is the first time ive ever known the coaches to fail in their job, normally very reliable. O WELL didnt look as though i missed much and now wish he didnt find the ground at all haha!!

Just have to save the partying till next week, YOU REDS

Alright Mate Kacey Said The Reason It Was S**t Is Cause You Wasnt On Coach Two

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would have got there earlier on coach 2 :laugh: havent been on there for ages, its well annoyin coach two is the place to be :laugh:

Ye Sure Is The Place To Be! Wll Have To Try And Get On There Every Game Next Season!    

There Was 2 Seats On Way Back As Well Kacey Was going to Tell You But You Walked Back To Your Coach       

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My coach got in at about 1.30, but i think only 2 coaches did.. away end was very empty til second half

also our driver had no idea where he was going, just went through red lights etc to make sure he could tail the coach in front, terrible

i heard about an accident on the M5, and we were meant to get a police escort into the ground but our driver ignored that

Sounds like you were on the same coach as me.

I arrived home tonight the same time as I did last Saturday from Carlisle.

It was a complete shambles and I expect everyone to be refunded or at least given a CATS travel voucher of the same value for next season.

Bakers Dolphin have alot of questions to be answered. The driver that eventually arrived said they were waiting for us at Reading, So why did the driver not pull into Reading, We had already been on the coach for 3 and a half hours by then and I couldn't feel my legs.

I hope the supporters trust will be helping us fans' out with this as we didn't deserve this.

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Guest ashtonyate
I actually couldn't believe it when it took us 6 hours to get to Millwall just after finding out 19 bus drivers never new where they were going. I was 20 minutes late coming into the ground, my friend missed the first half. A absaloute disgrace. I'm going to get a refund and it has definitly put me off the coaches again.

Did anyone else get into the ground late ?

I was told they were Polish you were luck not to end up in Walsal

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At least your driver didnt take a detour home via Surrey and Reading, after realising he had surpassed his legitimate number of driving hours for the month..

Leaving us stranded for an hour waiting for new drivers.

Getting home 10pm from London?!


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I totally agree. I never use the CATS, but did this once as my old man (who doesnt get the opportunity to come to many away games) came with me, and as he is on crutches with a broken leg, thought that CATS would be the easiest and safest option!

What a joke! Got in the ground at half time!

The reason being, the coaches were under instructions to get off at Chiswick, near Brentford, trawl through London and meet at a "Rendezvouz Point" for a police escort. The driver said that the escort was due at about 1.30pm

Well, you never would belie it....but trying to go through the centre of London, about 20+ miles, on a Saturday, is actually quite hard considering its one of the busiest Cities in the World. We got to the "meeting place" at 3pm....but and wait for it, NO POLICE.

The poor guy who ran our coach (remember this chap is only a volunteer) phones round the organisers and eventually phones the police contact number he has, who kindly informs him "oh you missed your escort, you have to make your own way to the ground..."

What the hell! Apparently the escort had about 7 coaches in it....they were expecting 19.....ummmmm you do the Maths!

So he we are, at this R.V.P....the driver didnt know how to get to the ground from here. Like I said, We EVENTUALLY got there at half time....its a disgrace

I'm not sure who's fault it is, the polices mostly by the seem of it....but surely when the police discussed the route with the club (surely they discuss these things) someone should have used their brain and realised that trawling through London like that would be a disaster.

Our driver, fair play to the chap, said loooooong before that he couldnt understand why the police wouldnt let us use the M25

So, for the £70 I spent on two coach and match tickets....I endured best part of 10 hours on the coach.....and 45 minutes of football.....and we lost


Oh and one more thing, when we did eventually find the ground, the driver didnt know where the car park was, so dropped us off at the Cold Blow Lane end. Thanks for that........I loved walking past their most notorious end, being shouted at by the 8 chavs on the railings "you farmer ****" and "what the ###### you looking at" I was actually glad to have my old man there as when they seen him on crutches they actually left us alone

the exact words from the Steward when I walked round the corner was "why the hell have you been made to walk past there, you should never be dropped off there".....

no sh*t sherlock

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By Police advice we went on the South Circular as opposed to the more obvious straight forward route.

By Police advice we waited for Police escort into the Underclassers teritory that at 14:55 was still not present.....

By mate's advice I went : ''sod this boring bollox on the way home'' and managed to blag train's from there back to here completely complimentary of British Rail. Fun was had too, as opposed to the outward journey.

Shambles though, agreed.

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The words Brewery and Piss up spring to mind about cats.

I was lucky, caught train to paddington from Weston 9.30 into paddington at 11.14, on tube and got to station near ground bang on 1 o'clock.

met mates in ground who drove up, gone by 5.35 back home around 7.45

much easier than the coach i take it.

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I didn't really care about the journey back because i had no where to get to (other than match of the day). I was on coach 7 and turned up to the match around 3.35. I can understand that the drivers cannot do anything about crashes on the motorway, but they could at least actually know where they are going. Six hours to get to millwall! :grr: The most frustrating thing was knowing that you were near, but nobody knew where it was!

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coach 5 got in at 3:35 and dropped us off at the home end!!! where we walked past a group of millwall standing on a hill with a flag, shouting, :laugh: we had to walk round to visitors only to see that a gate was locked and only a few songs and bangin on the fence got them opening it.

coach driver used the excuse that the club had told him to use this route.

SHOCKING I WANT MY MONEY BACK, to be fair this is the first time ive ever known the coaches to fail in their job, normally very reliable. O WELL didnt look as though i missed much and now wish he didnt find the ground at all haha!!

Just have to save the partying till next week, YOU REDS

i was also on coach 5 it was a disgrace we took the long way round london. the steward apologises and tells us were goin to wait for the police escort but everyone just told him to drive.

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Pathetic - I advice anyone who was on these over priced coaches to complain.

............ after yesterday's crap, lacklustre performance, every City supporter should get a refund!!,

Hearing about the coaches was a joke!!,

after all, how long did CATS have to organise it??.

even coaches from Albania can find London!!.


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(train).....much easier than the coach i take it.

NOT if you came down from the North!!,

2 hrs to cross London from St Pancras,

As no direct Northern Line tube,

then delays and cancellations on First Capital Connect!!,

diverted onto the Jubilee Line, and train held at Southwark because of footy fans at Canada Wharf, then train NOT allowed to stop at London Bridge!!,

Got chatting to a lovely Millwall MILF, who wasn't going to the match, who advised me to go on the East London Line to Surrey Quays, and walk from there!!, (had invite to join her and her son (Chelsea supporter) at a soft drink party in nearby Docklands park, wish i had gone now!!).

Got into the open air at 14:45 after getting on the old Thameslink at 13:00, have had no beer, or any other drink, and had to follow drunken Neanderthals to the Ground, and low and behold, i arrive at Cold Blow Lane, and have to circumnavigate the New Den to get to the Away end!!,

Police line stops me, (first old bill i have seen today) thinking i was Millwall, so waved my ticket at an officer, who say's;

"Bloody Hell, why have you come from that direction!", "you had better slip through!".


Thinking what a crap journey, and was it worth the aggro,

Then you hear the nightmare journeys of those who came by coach,

and now you read about how crap the return journeys were!!.

Mind you though, getting from the ground to South Bermondsey station was another matter, thanks to the Old Bill!!.

Made the 18:55 train to Nottingham, with just 5 mins to spare!!.

Hopefully, we won't be playing Millwall next season........

But after watching the players yesterday,

I have a funny feeling that we will!!,


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What an absolutely shocking day at the office. I was on Coach 4 and got into the ground about 3:15... I'm not sure I have to add a great deal on top of what everyone else has said. Our driver had a complete 'mare like many others. On top of everything else, he kept ferking around with their air con and the key for the toilet seemed to go missing on a regular basis.

Saying that, I'm not entirely sure I blame our driver completely for what happened. The way the Police organised it was completely shambolic. He looked as pissed off as everyone else about what was going on. On the other hand... there's absolutely no excuse for getting lost!

Two highlights of my day;

1) The banter on the coach when we realised what was going on. To be fair, pretty much everyone on the coach seemed to take it well and laugh at the situation.

2) For the first time I found someone with Skuse 14 on their shirt. Other than Cole Skuse and me, obviously.

Apart from that, it was pretty dire.

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Not surprised the coaches got lost. When we went to Forest, the coach driver didn't have a clue where the ground was and we kept stopping to ask home supporters. Even this didn't stop him from trying to go to the County Ground.

The coach steward on that day was a real thicko who didn't even know who Brian Clough was.

It is time City took control of organising the away day travel and making sure all the drivers have sat nav or at least the couriers. It only costs about £125 for petes sake for a hand held device.

Can't believe what I am hearing.

At least the beam back worked, even with a couple of hiccups.

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