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What will you do?

I mean at the final whistle, I really don't know if i'll stand and clap as they do a lap of 'honour', or just walk out...or hell, even boo for the first time.

If such a horrible occurance does happen, I wont judge anyone who does any of the above.

The chances we would have blown this season, eg. chances to go 7 points clear, not taking them at home to Cheltenham or Bradford, 2 chances to go up, blown at Milwall and home to Rotherham, just arent excusable in the bigger picture, considering what the team is trying to achieve.

I know Rotherham will have 11 men trying to stop us from winning, but we are better at football than them, by far, so it should be our 11 who stop them from winning or drawing.

As BB says when picking the team, there has to be 100% commitment, there just has to be. Its one game to seal our fate.

We probably couldnt have a more ideal scenario.

Home crowd, poor opposition, win and go up.

For the record, I think we'll win, and rightly so being the better team overall and on the day.

If we fail to win and literally throw this away to Forest or Blackpool, then I know I will get stick from about 30 odd people at least, let alone BCFC being the laughing stock of League 1 and our old friends in the Championship yet again.

I will see this season's result (over 46 games only) as a disaster if we're 3rd or 4th next week, based purely on opportunities wasted.

I will literally come home and cry, and will then grudgingly queue 5 hours for a skanky playoff ticket.

My question?

What attitude will you have 5.00pm next Sat if we've blown it?

Which we wont..


Disclaimer: I'm not trying to get a negative vibe on this board, just saying right now, my emotions, if angry next week will not be fickle ones in the heat of the moment, but justified in my eyes.

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Quite a good post, this one!

Was thinking just the same thing on the way home from Millwall yesterday.

Obviously throughout what will feel like the longest, slowest week in history, ill be keeping everything crossed that justice is done and we are, finally, at long last promoted to where i think pretty much everyone in England believes we deserve to be - the Championship.

However, should next saturday turn into one of the greyest days in the clubs rollercoaster recent history and we do blow it, then i don't mind admitting that ill probably stand and ruefully applaud the boys for their by and large, good efforts, but will probably have tears pouring down my face!!

Trying desperatly to convince myself that we might just do it in the play offs - but knowing damn well that more dissappointment is just around the corner!

So, come on CITY. do what you know needs to be done, just a scappy 1-0 win in the worst game ever. that will do nicely!!




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Quite a good post, this one!

Was thinking just the same thing on the way home from Millwall yesterday.

Obviously throughout what will feel like the longest, slowest week in history, ill be keeping everything crossed that justice is done and we are, finally, at long last promoted to where i think pretty much everyone in England believes we deserve to be - the Championship.

However, should next saturday turn into one of the greyest days in the clubs rollercoaster recent history and we do blow it, then i don't mind admitting that ill probably stand and ruefully applaud the boys for their by and large, good efforts, but will probably have tears pouring down my face!!

Trying desperatly to convince myself that we might just do it in the play offs - but knowing damn well that more dissappointment is just around the corner!

So, come on CITY. do what you know needs to be done, just a scappy 1-0 win in the worst game ever. that will do nicely!!




It can't come soon enough, wife say i've been in a bad mood since saturday, and she reckons the next week will be murder !!!! Don't know what she means ? :whistle2:

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I am genuinely shitting it.

All you need to do is look at the Bradford and Cheltenham games where we dropped points at home to dyer opposition.

I personally think we should be going all out attack from the off on Saturday because if its 0 - 0 at half time the pressure is going to be immense and it could just be one of those games.

Charge!!!!!!!! :bruce_h4h: :bruce_h4h: :bruce_h4h: :bruce_h4h:

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What will you do?

............. look at yesterday, :fish:

people by me were swearing and having a go at certain players throughout the match, saying what a waste of money it was, and that the team were NOT up for getting promotion, and how angry they were with certain players who didn't deserve to wear the City shirt. :argh:

The Ref blows the final whistle...... :redcard:

And they cheer and clap the players!!. :clap:

To me that is sending out the wrong message!!. :gaah:

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Sit down head in hands, in total disbelief; remembering what it was like to run on the pitch and applaud the great team/squad that got us to the real first division many moons ago; but then relising that I had better get in the queque for the play off tickets and then prepare myself for a Wembley visit :winner_third_h4h:

That WILL NOT HAPPEN; :no: the fans, us, will drag our team over the finishing line if we have to suck/blow the ball into the net ourselves. :Believe: :goingup:

we are going up,we are going up :banana:

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If we lose against Rotherham then we will have to somehow raise ourselves and the players for the two games against either Swansea or Oldham.

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If we lose against Rotherham then we will have to somehow raise ourselves and the players for the two games against either Swansea or Oldham.

Swansea or Oldham assuming we don't lose and Blackpool and Forest both win. That would then see us in fourth with a play-off game against Yeovil (probably). If it has to be the play-offs, WHICH IT WONT BE, I would be happy with facing Yeovil.

Too many ifs and buts there - all we have to do is win. How hard can that be??? :fingerscrossed:

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City lose 1-0 to Rotherham, we all trudge off in dejection and then the other scores come through. Forest also lost and Blackpool were held to a draw; City are promoted after all!!!!

For the other two to overtake City they have to get a better result than City.

1. we lose, Forest would need a draw (as they have a better goal diff) and Black Poo would need a win.

2. City draw; the others both need a win (dunno BPs GD)

3. City win and the other two start selling play off tickets.

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What will you do?

I mean at the final whistle, I really don't know if i'll stand and clap as they do a lap of 'honour', or just walk out...or hell, even boo for the first time.

If such a horrible occurance does happen, I wont judge anyone who does any of the above.

The chances we would have blown this season, eg. chances to go 7 points clear, not taking them at home to Cheltenham or Bradford, 2 chances to go up, blown at Milwall and home to Rotherham, just arent excusable in the bigger picture, considering what the team is trying to achieve.

I know Rotherham will have 11 men trying to stop us from winning, but we are better at football than them, by far, so it should be our 11 who stop them from winning or drawing.

As BB says when picking the team, there has to be 100% commitment, there just has to be. Its one game to seal our fate.

We probably couldnt have a more ideal scenario.

Home crowd, poor opposition, win and go up.

For the record, I think we'll win, and rightly so being the better team overall and on the day.

If we fail to win and literally throw this away to Forest or Blackpool, then I know I will get stick from about 30 odd people at least, let alone BCFC being the laughing stock of League 1 and our old friends in the Championship yet again.

I will see this season's result (over 46 games only) as a disaster if we're 3rd or 4th next week, based purely on opportunities wasted.

I will literally come home and cry, and will then grudgingly queue 5 hours for a skanky playoff ticket.

My question?

What attitude will you have 5.00pm next Sat if we've blown it?

Which we wont..


Disclaimer: I'm not trying to get a negative vibe on this board, just saying right now, my emotions, if angry next week will not be fickle ones in the heat of the moment, but justified in my eyes.

Bloody hell..............feel s h i t e now........W E WILL WIN...........

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What will you do?

I mean at the final whistle, I really don't know if i'll stand and clap as they do a lap of 'honour', or just walk out...or hell, even boo for the first time.

If such a horrible occurance does happen, I wont judge anyone who does any of the above.

The chances we would have blown this season, eg. chances to go 7 points clear, not taking them at home to Cheltenham or Bradford, 2 chances to go up, blown at Milwall and home to Rotherham, just arent excusable in the bigger picture, considering what the team is trying to achieve.

I know Rotherham will have 11 men trying to stop us from winning, but we are better at football than them, by far, so it should be our 11 who stop them from winning or drawing.

As BB says when picking the team, there has to be 100% commitment, there just has to be. Its one game to seal our fate.

We probably couldnt have a more ideal scenario.

Home crowd, poor opposition, win and go up.

For the record, I think we'll win, and rightly so being the better team overall and on the day.

If we fail to win and literally throw this away to Forest or Blackpool, then I know I will get stick from about 30 odd people at least, let alone BCFC being the laughing stock of League 1 and our old friends in the Championship yet again.

I will see this season's result (over 46 games only) as a disaster if we're 3rd or 4th next week, based purely on opportunities wasted.

I will literally come home and cry, and will then grudgingly queue 5 hours for a skanky playoff ticket.

My question?

What attitude will you have 5.00pm next Sat if we've blown it?

Which we wont..


Disclaimer: I'm not trying to get a negative vibe on this board, just saying right now, my emotions, if angry next week will not be fickle ones in the heat of the moment, but justified in my eyes.

i'll bloody sulk and sulk and sulk...........

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I'll do a Steve Phillips big time. All the toys will come out of the pram, in fact, I'll nick other babbers toys and throw them out as well.

It'll be like an explosion at Mothercare around me.

I also fear that I will have an uncontrolable Tourettes attack that will last for at least a few hours, followed by a stony silence before I realise that, it's only a game. Yeah right.

We'd best win.

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Every single person needs to believe on saturday. No looking behind us at what is happening with Forest or Blacpool. Truth is our destiny is in OUR hands, sure we would all love to already be promoted and be getting ready to turn up for what would be a formality. However, as i previously stated we all need to believe together, AG needs to return the vocal fortress it has been before. If you want to turn up and whinge and whine as soon as a player puts in one bad pass, i urge you, don't BOTHER. Negativity is transferable and we need the whole squad to be focused and running headlong into the CHAMPIONSHIP.

Sure, your idea of attending a football match may not be to sing, clap, wave scarves/flags and thats fine but for one last game this season let that kiddy who sits behind you and unfortunately smacks you across the back of the head have his fun and work towards a day he will remember forever, the day BCFC finally get out of this cess pit, hell, join in with him!!!!

So sing, cheer, wave, clap anything we have will help the team. Eastend, Dolman, Williams & Ateyo whatever your views are on where other people sit and what they do, forget it. All four sides of the ground need to be one........

don't get me wrong, if we fail to make it,i will be one of the quietest grumpy buggers under the sun....til the next game.

Saturday, lets make it happen and start the celebrations. No more hypothetical questions etc just 100% belief


:englandsmile4wf::preacher::bruce_h4h::englandflag::winner_third_h4h::banana: :Believe:

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Every single person needs to believe on saturday. No looking behind us at what is happening with Forest or Blacpool. Truth is our destiny is in OUR hands, sure we would all love to already be promoted and be getting ready to turn up for what would be a formality. However, as i previously stated we all need to believe together, AG needs to return the vocal fortress it has been before. If you want to turn up and whinge and whine as soon as a player puts in one bad pass, i urge you, don't BOTHER. Negativity is transferable and we need the whole squad to be focused and running headlong into the CHAMPIONSHIP.

Sure, your idea of attending a football match may not be to sing, clap, wave scarves/flags and thats fine but for one last game this season let that kiddy who sits behind you and unfortunately smacks you across the back of the head have his fun and work towards a day he will remember forever, the day BCFC finally get out of this cess pit, hell, join in with him!!!!

So sing, cheer, wave, clap anything we have will help the team. Eastend, Dolman, Williams & Ateyo whatever your views are on where other people sit and what they do, forget it. All four sides of the ground need to be one........

don't get me wrong, if we fail to make it,i will be one of the quietest grumpy buggers under the sun....til the next game.

Saturday, lets make it happen and start the celebrations. No more hypothetical questions etc just 100% belief


:englandsmile4wf::preacher::bruce_h4h::englandflag::winner_third_h4h::banana: :Believe:

Congratulations, you clearly read this thread and understood it thoroughly.


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Failure next week would make us the laughing stock of the football league. I really don't know if I could go on after another heartbreak....

....... i've told the wife, kids, and local Tree Huggers that we are going to lose, and that way, i won't feel sad or dejected when the inevitable happens!!,

and it won't be a lonely trip back up north to face a summer of piss taking from the Forest fans i work with!!.

Following City is a roller coaster ride of disappointment,

But Hey! Ho!

C'est la vie!!.


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To be honest, I would rather us just go for it, hell for leather!!!! Never mind taking your time, don't panic etc etc! Just go out there and attack attack attack like you needed the goals to stay up never mind go up!

This is there defining moment, no places to hide, time to step up and put in the performance of their season, if not their lives!!!

We can do it, We will do.....COME ON AND GET BEHIND OUR BOYS!


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Congratulations, you clearly read this thread and understood it thoroughly.


Can i just add that i did read the thread clearly and i know the thread is called "Hypothetically......." but to be honest i for one am up to the eyeballs with people doubting our current squad. Sure they may not be the team to carry us through next season but they sure as hell are the team that are going to get us there. No ifs, buts or hypertheticallys about it and now is the time for every bcfc fan to stand up and be counted and do their bit! So, in or out? :shutup:

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....... i've told the wife, kids, and local Tree Huggers that we are going to lose, and that way, i won't feel sad or dejected when the inevitable happens!!,

and it won't be a lonely trip back up north to face a summer of piss taking from the Forest fans i work with!!.

Following City is a roller coaster ride of disappointment,

But Hey! Ho!

C'est la vie!!.


I know how you feel Duke, i work in s****horpe! It's been murder for me these past few months. No one used to mention the football till it looked like they were going to win promotion, then they all crept out of the woodwork !! :Believe: :goingup: :Believe:

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