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Should Colin Sexstone Apologise To City Fans...


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...for not checking the facts before commenting on the coach fiasco in the Evening Post yesterday.?

Kirsty Pugh, the article's author confirmed to me earlier today, that she spoke with Colin at around 5.00 pm on Sunday, April 29th and that before making the following statement, City's CEO mentioned that he didn't have the full details:

"I understand that there was an accident on the M4 which held up the coaches.

"They did not get lost. Peter Carol has moved Bristol City supporters around the country for more than 15 years and they have been to Millwall many times.

"Some fans missed as much as 30 minutes of the game, but the coach drivers had to follow police instructions."

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...for not checking the facts before commenting on the coach fiasco in the Evening Post yesterday.

Kirsty Pugh, the article's author confirmed to me earlier today, that she spoke with Colin at around 5.00 pm on Sunday, April 29th and that before making the following statement, City's CEO mentioned that he didn't have the full details:

"I understand that there was an accident on the M4 which held up the coaches.

"They did not get lost. Peter Carol has moved Bristol City supporters around the country for more than 15 years and they have been to Millwall many times.

"Some fans missed as much as 30 minutes of the game, but the coach drivers had to follow police instructions."

And you believe her?? :10_1_108:

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I think what is now needed is the appropriate action.

IMHO that is:

1.Fully Reimburse all of those that arrived late with a full cash refund.It is for them to decide whether they use CATS again not be levered into that by what has been offered and before someone mentions Swansea, Cardiff or, potentially both, what if they don't want to go because it would appear to me that that is where these fixtures are heading.No away fans and a live beam back.

2.Realise that some people need that £16/18 back in cash.By all means offer an equivalent voucher as an alternative.

3.For those fans that arrived late, offer a % refund based on the arrival time of their coach that will be available from the drivers tachograph, falsification of which is a criminal offence as is not being able to supply one.

4.Publish details of the action taken, if any, against those responsible whether that be Peter Carroll or Met Police/Both.

The above will satisfy the majority of fans that have complained on here and show that the club cares more than any apology from CS or anyone else.For example, "We're sorry, but a tenner is all you're getting," won't placate many as this Forum has shown.For the purposes of clarity let me say again the club did not cause this and should offset any financial costs against those who did.

People are quick enough to slaughter fans who misbehave in any way and in this case the vast majority of our fans, both train, car & coach, behaved in an exemplary fashion under severe levels of stress.

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I think what is now needed is the appropriate action.

IMHO that is:

1.Fully Reimburse all of those that arrived late with a full cash refund.It is for them to decide whether they use CATS again not be levered into that by what has been offered and before someone mentions Swansea, Cardiff or, potentially both, what if they don't want to go because it would appear to me that that is where these fixtures are heading.No away fans and a live beam back.

2.Realise that some people need that £16/18 back in cash.By all means offer an equivalent voucher as an alternative.

3.For those fans that arrived late, offer a % refund based on the arrival time of their coach that will be available from the drivers tachograph, falsification of which is a criminal offence as is not being able to supply one.

4.Publish details of the action taken, if any, against those responsible whether that be Peter Carroll or Met Police/Both.

The above will satisfy the majority of fans that have complained on here and show that the club cares more than any apology from CS or anyone else.For example, "We're sorry, but a tenner is all you're getting," won't placate many as this Forum has shown.For the purposes of clarity let me say again the club did not cause this and should offset any financial costs against those who did.

People are quick enough to slaughter fans who misbehave in any way and in this case the vast majority of our fans, both train, car & coach, behaved in an exemplary fashion under severe levels of stress.

That sounds good, top post, and would be a professional way of dealing with the matter. I have a feeling though that nothing more may happen, and that will not be an adequate response in my opinion.

Whilst I appreciate the gesture by the club, again, the PR with regard to the fans - paying customers - is really not good enough. Has there been anywhere an apology from the club to it's supporters, or any empathy shown with regard to the events of that day? If I've missed it, I apologise, but I can't remember seeing one.

I hope that this post doesn't distract the players or coaches ( not Peter Carroll) from their preparation for the Rotherham game.

I am positive and fully focused on that.

Perhaps other, non-playing staff at the club could still work on this. BCFC do the right thing.

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Mark, lets just leave it hey. I apologised the other day if I upset you, Colin Sextone made a mistake (and believe me I'm hardly his biggest fan) he shouldnt have spoken to the EP, when he clearly didnt know the whole story, but he did, and theres nothing we can do to change that now. To be honest with the EP's record when it comes to City can you blame me for doubting the story?

I think the fact the club mentioned that drivers were lost is as much of an apology as your going to get.

Lets just focus on the game on Saturday, carrying this on isnt going to help, or change anything, nor are the club going to change their minds about how much to refund etc because they have already made their statement and from reading the posts on here, most people seem happy with it.

Once again I'm sorry if I upset you, but like I said lets just concentrate on Saturday. :city:

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Mark, lets just leave it hey. I apologised the other day if I upset you, Colin Sextone made a mistake (and believe me I'm hardly his biggest fan) he shouldnt have spoken to the EP, when he clearly didnt know the whole story, but he did, and theres nothing we can do to change that now. To be honest with the EP's record when it comes to City can you blame me for doubting the story?

I think the fact the club mentioned that drivers were lost is as much of an apology as your going to get.

Lets just focus on the game on Saturday, carrying this on isnt going to help, or change anything, nor are the club going to change their minds about how much to refund etc because they have already made their statement and from reading the posts on here, most people seem happy with it.

Once again I'm sorry if I upset you, but like I said lets just concentrate on Saturday. :city:

Marie, all I am doing is asking for people's opinion about a fundamental issue.

I wholeheartedly accept your apologies, but this has nothing to do with that argument.

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Yes, I do.

However, if you want to call her a liar for confirming a direct quote and Colin Sexstone's comments, then why not find her number on thisisbristol.com and tell her yourself?

If Kirsty Pugh was told by Colin Sexstone that he was making a comment despite not being fully aware of all of the facts and details surely she should have reported that as well.

It was not mentioned in the article that I read


My personal opinion is that I think she should have recorded something that was very relevant to the quote attributed to Colin Sexstone.

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Marie, all I am doing is asking for people's opinion about a fundamental issue.

I wholeheartedly accept your apologies, but this has nothing to do with that argument.


I think it's worth pointing out that these are your personal views and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Supporters Trust :rolleyes:

My own view on this is that nothing much can be gained from pursuing this line. I would hope that the club will learn from this and be better prepared if something like this happens again. Some individuals are pursuing their case directly with the club, as is their right. I too would be more than upset if I'd been delayed. On balance, I think the club at least acted as quickly as possible and in so doing, may have got caught out in the process.

Now, let's get back to talking about our club's biggest game for 8 years :whistle2:

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I think it's worth pointing out that these are your personal views and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Supporters Trust :rolleyes:

My own view on this is that nothing much can be gained from pursuing this line. I would hope that the club will learn from this and be better prepared if something like this happens again. Some individuals are pursuing their case directly with the club, as is their right. I too would be more than upset if I'd been delayed. On balance, I think the club at least acted as quickly as possible and in so doing, may have got caught out in the process.

Now, let's get back to talking about our club's biggest game for 8 years :whistle2:

I'm getting a touch dissatisfield with all this "Count yourselves lucky you're getting anything, let's move on" attitude.

What I've set out above sounds fair & equitable to me and will, I'm sure, stop some, if not all of the letigious approaches being suggested by some forum members.

Please also don't fall for the spin about putting this to bed and preparing for Saturday.Tickets are all sold, we are told they'll be no more, so what is there to do in terms of preparation? There is actually less for some people to do than normal (Ticket Office?)The issues are entirely separate and if GJ saw fit to mention this in his most recent interview, then it's probably fair to say that he believes the matter was important and cares about what he has called the 12th man effect being absent.

Apologies whilst right & proper won't help pay for a play off ticket if we miss out Saturday and this is a major customer service issue.

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I'm getting a touch dissatisfield with all this "Count yourselves lucky you're getting anything, let's move on" attitude.

What I've set out above sounds fair & equitable to me and will, I'm sure, stop some, if not all of the letigious approaches being suggested by some forum members.

Please also don't fall for the spin about putting this to bed and preparing for Saturday.Tickets are all sold, we are told they'll be no more, so what is there to do in terms of preparation? There is actually less for some people to do than normal (Ticket Office?)The issues are entirely separate and if GJ saw fit to mention this in his most recent interview, then it's probably fair to say that he believes the matter was important and cares about what he has called the 12th man effect being absent.

Apologies whilst right & proper won't help pay for a play off ticket if we miss out Saturday and this is a major customer service issue.

I don't think anyone is saying "Count yourselves lucky you're getting anything, let's move on" Ian. I do think that individuals should pursue complaints if they feel aggrieved. My main point was about going over the same old ground about the EP report.

As for preparing for Saturday, I meant us, the fans, not the club :whistle2:

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I think there is an underlying and bigger issue here, being the fans dissatisfaction with the disdain with which our Chief Executive has for the supporters of this club. Because we are not supporters in his eyes, merely customers. There is a huge difference which is not understood, and indeed I believe that attitude is fostered from the very top, and by that I mean things which SL has said.

This is just the latest in a very long line of incidents, which we are all aware of, and people are getting fed up with it.

This shouldnt be taking away from the pleasure we all will hopefully have after Saturday, but until attitudes change, that is very much the case.

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I think there is an underlying and bigger issue here, being the fans dissatisfaction with the disdain with which our Chief Executive has for the supporters of this club. Because we are not supporters in his eyes, merely customers. There is a huge difference which is not understood, and indeed I believe that attitude is fostered from the very top, and by that I mean things which SL has said.

This is just the latest in a very long line of incidents, which we are all aware of, and people are getting fed up with it.

This shouldnt be taking away from the pleasure we all will hopefully have after Saturday, but until attitudes change, that is very much the case.


This is a feeling that I've had for a while and others have mentioned it on here and in unrelated conversations. I feel there is something of a disconnect between club & fans in comparision to previous years, which is a bit odd given our League Position.

Have I got this wrong?

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This is a feeling that I've had for a while and others have mentioned it on here and in unrelated conversations. I feel there is something of a disconnect between club & fans in comparision to previous years, which is a bit odd given our League Position.

Have I got this wrong?

Its nothing new.

The first season back in the old First division the game against Leeds was abandoned because of fog. As the game had reached half time (it should never have started) City did not refund any money or offer any discounts for the replayed game.

They then went on to announce that it was good news for City fan as the club would have the takings from an extra match which would boost the transfer kitty.

I think what is different is that this forum helps spread rumour and dissent far quicker.

Oh, and the fact that Sexstone is a ####. (although poor EP reporting doesn't help)

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Pr and Colin Sextone don't really mix do they? I heard he accounted the same problems when he was in his previous job. The man doesnt seem interested in the real fans (ie us) and he only seeems to be interested in £ signs infront of him. Upset your customers Colin and you will end up losing in the long wrong.

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This is a feeling that I've had for a while and others have mentioned it on here and in unrelated conversations. I feel there is something of a disconnect between club & fans in comparision to previous years, which is a bit odd given our League Position.

Have I got this wrong?

No Ian, I do not believe you are, and I don't think the league position has anything to with it.

What we have is a situation where to begin with our chairman and biggest shareholder spent the first 30-odd years of his life supporting Bristol Rovers and switched to City when he couldnt be bothered to stick with his life long club. don't get me wrong, SL is in my opinion a far better chairman and indeed man than buffoons like Bates and Risdale who seem to take delight in their egos demolishing clubs to which they have no prior affinity, but nevertheless a chairman who has told me that Bristol City is first and foremost a business, and has appointed a "professional" chief executive to run our club in line purely with business principles - we all have our own opinions as to how succesfully that has been achieved.

A chief executive who so far as I am aware had little interest in football let alone Bristol City before his appointment to a bigger job than his previous position.

The appointment of a stadium manager who in my opinion spends his time jobsworthing about and alienating the most vocal and loyal of our supporters over perceived safety issues where 99% of fans do not see them.

A significant shareholder and director who is invisible and, I am reliably (I think) informed, would invest in his first team, Tottenham, if only he could afford to do so.

A long line of incidents which can only lead you to conclude that the club has no respect for its supporters - although in club-speak this would be described as "poor customer relations".

A supporters club chairman who creates ill feeling on this forum with constant attacks on City supporters who feel let down by the current regime, as opposed to attempts at mediation and conflict resolution. Luckily, and this is the one silver lining, the supporters trust has stepped into the breach and will become increasingly more relevant than the supporters club - despite in my opinion the clubs attempts to maintain the status quo.

Stewarding which is very often petty in the extreme. I always laugh at the little charade played out in front of us in the Dolman when the steward closes the yellow gates leading down the steps with precisely 12 minutes to go and then opens them again with precisely 7 minutes to go. (See stadium safety manager).

The lack of support for away games this season - Swansea coach only; Crewe and Gillingham ticket sales ceased with hundreds remaining but many fans belatedly deciding they wanted to travel and simultaneous messages on the official site for ticketless fans not to travel; Millwall no representations or attempt to find a way to allow more City fans to attend in the bottom tier for what was potentially our promotion clinching game.

Compare all that to the Scott Davidson days. You felt he was one of us, because he was. And, even if he was out of his depth, that was important.

Before that, the band of small time local businessmen who got together as shareholders to save our club and rally the supporters to subscribe for shares to do likewise.

You could go back to the days of Harry Dolman, Alan Dicks and Betty Fudge, when the entire club, from top to bottom including players and fans, felt like one big family.

Maybe the price of eventual success is that we have to permamently lose all of that.

I accept that things are different now and many of the issues I perceive as being problems are caused by factors outside the clubs control - but not entirely so and that is why so many of us feel the way we do.

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I think there is an underlying and bigger issue here, being the fans dissatisfaction with the disdain with which our Chief Executive has for the supporters of this club.

I had reason to send some correspondence to Colin Sexstone in the past and not only was the response extremely professional and detailed but by chance I then bumped into him outside Ashton Gate soon after and he took a considerable amount of time out to follow up the conversation and I found him to be very genuine and courteous.

I appreciate that often things happen which we don't all like, particularly in relation to administrative, operational and ticketing matters, at which point it is generally given that the Chief Executive will be held to account because he responsible for all the staff and operations at the club, but I think some of the personal perceptions people have of him are misplaced.

As a Chief Executive he is invariably going to have to deal with issues in a formal and business-oriented manner, which means erring on the side of supporting the actions of his staff and promoting decisions taken by the club as correct. The way he deals with these situations is actually vitally important to attracting confidence and serious investment in the club.

We could have someone who was popular and open and just told everyone that things were a shambles and made a song and dance as a knee-jerk reaction to every problem which occurs simply to appease fans, but I doubt Steve Lansdown would consider that person an effective Chief Executive as far as running our club and increasing its value.

Whatever you think about football as a business, sustained success we crave relies on business acumen and professionalism and unfortunately those things aren't always going to go hand in hand with saying and doing all the things fans expect on each occasion something doesn't go right. The club has a duty to maintain a strong line, not simply accept failings out of hand.

In the example given, I really cannot fathom using an Evening Post journalists version of events on a story they themselves were seeking as evidence of any intention to mislead or lie to supporters by Colin Sexstone. Clearly it's an unfortunate issue but not reflective of his or the club's formal stance, it says more about the EP's willingness to print an ill-prepared story.

I know Mark and completely understand his frustration and interest in pursuing this point, I simply wanted to relate my brief experiences of the Chief Executive and try to promote a little bit of reality about club operations, it seems to be all too easy to regularly paint Sexstone as an overpaid blunderer without club interests at heart, I don't think that's helpful to anyone.

And I'm saying this all as the person who made Cheshire Red's avatar..... :D

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Pretty fair analysis. On the point about the Trust:

The Supporters Trust has actively campaigned on a number of issues this season, including ticket sales for big matches and supporting the re-opening of the East End. When unexpected issues like this arise, it's difficult to fully canvas views of members and get a consensus very quickly. In this instance, the club's response was very quick. On balance, those Trust members that expressed an opinion felt that the compensation would be acceptable, however, recognised that some individuals would also consider it woefully inadequate. I think that has been borne out so far.

The Trust always looks to present evidence based arguments to improve situations, so back this up with views expressed directly by members or via surveys. It must be very careful of expressing personal opinions (unless it's expressed as such) or trying to represent views of supporters who want nothing to do with the Trust. If you look at the early threads on this subject you will see that despite encouraging a supporter to talk directly to the club and use the Trust as an optional fallback, it was still taken as the Trust trying to get between the fan and his club. In our most recent fans survey, Fans Representation came out as the number one requirement for the trust to concentrate effort on. Interestingly, most respondents to the survey weren't even members, but the need is there. So, you can appreciate the challenge. :rolleyes:

I do understand you are very much piggy in the middle, To make the trust work you have to be onside with the board but also be seen to be fighting the good fight by the supporters when required.

I just wish that just occasionally the club could come out and admit a mistake, For me the matter of compensation is not the crux of the matter. Colin Sexton needs to be accountable for what he says to the local media.

I would hope that the unhappiness of a number of fans on the comments made are passed to him and its simply in that capacity I would like to see the ST get involved. I do fully understand you cannot (and nor would I want you too) get involved in the compensation issue. But pointing out public opinion about those comments hurts no one. As a club feedback like that is invaluable.

I find it worrying that a man charged with increasing revenue within the club can go someway to aggravating a member of the clubs supporter base. There will be an even bigger spotlight on the club should we gain promotion on Saturday and as such using the media will become an even bigger priority.

Personally if I was him, I would have been at Ashton Gate on Saturday talking to supporters as they got back. I would have gained all the information there and then and released a statement the next day. Yes its above and beyond but at least it makes those that feel hard done by feel like there opinion matters. Simple things like that go a long way.

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The club has a duty to maintain a strong line, not simply accept failings out of hand.

Couldn't agree more and that's why they should take up the cudgel on behalf of their supporters and offer proper compensation.I'll say again, whilst City should pay that compensation they should pursue those responsible for recompense.

In the example given, I really cannot fathom using an Evening Post journalists version of events on a story they themselves were seeking as evidence of any intention to mislead or lie to supporters by Colin Sexstone. Clearly it's an unfortunate issue but not reflective of his or the club's formal stance, it says more about the EP's willingness to print an ill-prepared story.

What the EP printed was a direct quotation from CS.It was clearly wrong and, it would appear to me that CS was misinformed.What he should have done was tell them how horrified he was by what had happened, that he was going to speak to supporters and then hold a full investigation at which point the club would make a statement.Dealing with it quickly, isn't the same as dealing with it properly.I for one didn't expect resolution by 10.00am Monday.

I know Mark and completely understand his frustration and interest in pursuing this point, I simply wanted to relate my brief experiences of the Chief Executive and try to promote a little bit of reality about club operations, it seems to be all too easy to regularly paint Sexstone as an overpaid blunderer without club interests at heart, I don't think that's helpful to anyone.

I think you are correct to point out your experience in the interests of balance however, that may not ultimately correct the fans perception.This is a PR blunder that can be easily cured by revisiting the issue at source.

It was not the clubs fault that it happened, it was their supplier and, possibly, The Met.Those people should be brought to book and financially penailised, not 1,000 long suffering City Fans who, it should also be made clear, were not at fault either.

And I'm saying this all as the person who made Cheshire Red's avatar..... :D

Turncoat :D

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I had reason to send some correspondence to Colin Sexstone in the past and not only was the response extremely professional and detailed but by chance I then bumped into him outside Ashton Gate soon after and he took a considerable amount of time out to follow up the conversation and I found him to be very genuine and courteous.

I appreciate that often things happen which we don't all like, particularly in relation to administrative, operational and ticketing matters, at which point it is generally given that the Chief Executive will be held to account because he responsible for all the staff and operations at the club, but I think some of the personal perceptions people have of him are misplaced.

As a Chief Executive he is invariably going to have to deal with issues in a formal and business-oriented manner, which means erring on the side of supporting the actions of his staff and promoting decisions taken by the club as correct. The way he deals with these situations is actually vitally important to attracting confidence and serious investment in the club.

We could have someone who was popular and open and just told everyone that things were a shambles and made a song and dance as a knee-jerk reaction to every problem which occurs simply to appease fans, but I doubt Steve Lansdown would consider that person an effective Chief Executive as far as running our club and increasing its value.

Whatever you think about football as a business, sustained success we crave relies on business acumen and professionalism and unfortunately those things aren't always going to go hand in hand with saying and doing all the things fans expect on each occasion something doesn't go right. The club has a duty to maintain a strong line, not simply accept failings out of hand.

In the example given, I really cannot fathom using an Evening Post journalists version of events on a story they themselves were seeking as evidence of any intention to mislead or lie to supporters by Colin Sexstone. Clearly it's an unfortunate issue but not reflective of his or the club's formal stance, it says more about the EP's willingness to print an ill-prepared story.

I know Mark and completely understand his frustration and interest in pursuing this point, I simply wanted to relate my brief experiences of the Chief Executive and try to promote a little bit of reality about club operations, it seems to be all too easy to regularly paint Sexstone as an overpaid blunderer without club interests at heart, I don't think that's helpful to anyone.

And I'm saying this all as the person who made Cheshire Red's avatar..... :D

If one doesnt believe that Sexstone has the fans interests at heart (because it is the fans I am talking about) why is it not helpful to say that? The fans are the club, and it is my opinion that many have been treated pretty shabbily while the views of others have been completely ignored. So what should we do, put up with that just because the shabby treatment is presented in a courteous and professional way?

You say Sexstone is regularly painted as an overpaid blunderer - I do not recall anyone using those actual words..

You are wrong that the EP does not represent the stance of CS or the club on the issue, because the official statement on the website says precisely the same thing as the EP story.

You talk about things like CS' role being to "increase [the clubs] value", "supporting the actions of his staff" and dealing "with issues in a formal and business-oriented manner".

I do not recognize any of those attributes as being important to me as a supporter of this club.

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I do understand you are very much piggy in the middle, To make the trust work you have to be onside with the board but also be seen to be fighting the good fight by the supporters when required.

I just wish that just occasionally the club could come out and admit a mistake, For me the matter of compensation is not the crux of the matter. Colin Sexton needs to be accountable for what he says to the local media.

I would hope that the unhappiness of a number of fans on the comments made are passed to him and its simply in that capacity I would like to see the ST get involved. I do fully understand you cannot (and nor would I want you too) get involved in the compensation issue. But pointing out public opinion about those comments hurts no one. As a club feedback like that is invaluable.

I find it worrying that a man charged with increasing revenue within the club can go someway to aggravating a member of the clubs supporter base. There will be an even bigger spotlight on the club should we gain promotion on Saturday and as such using the media will become an even bigger priority.

Personally if I was him, I would have been at Ashton Gate on Saturday talking to supporters as they got back. I would have gained all the information there and then and released a statement the next day. Yes its above and beyond but at least it makes those that feel hard done by feel like there opinion matters. Simple things like that go a long way.

Fair comments.

To be fair, a lot of conversations have gone on behind the scenes between the Trust and the club, we're just a bit shy about telling people :blush:

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This is a feeling that I've had for a while and others have mentioned it on here and in unrelated conversations. I feel there is something of a disconnect between club & fans in comparision to previous years, which is a bit odd given our League Position.

Have I got this wrong?

Spot on BB. there have been that many PR 'ck ups over the last few years its untrue. and most of them at some point or other involve that sanctimonious individual.

Hes not interested in the fans that have been attending the ground for years or following the team round the @ssole of the universe football grounds at our level. he just sees £££££££££££££ when City make it to the championship-and really watch him piss the loyal fans off then

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If one doesnt believe that Sexstone has the fans interests at heart (because it is the fans I am talking about) why is it not helpful to say that? The fans are the club, and it is my opinion that many have been treated pretty shabbily while the views of others have been completely ignored. So what should we do, put up with that just because the shabby treatment is presented in a courteous and professional way?

Not at all, what an odd interpretation of my comments, I said very clearly that I totally understood why Mark would want to pursue this matter. The point is that holding an organisation to account about something that concerns you is wholly different to describing that organisations Chief Executive as acting against your interests. Those are two different objectives.

One is about dealing with the problem at hand and seeking a resolution, the other is about portraying the ability of the club and its senior management in a bad light and actually suggesting they are deliberately acting against their own customers. Whether or not individuals are to blame is up to the organisation to determine, questioning honesty is just negative and unhelpful.

I'm not being a patsy here, I've had cause to complain about operational issues with the club before, but overall commercial strategy of the club is as ambitious and coherent as it has ever been, problems that arise should be dealt with like any other business, Sexstone should certainly be held to account, but his character and intentions are too often pre-judged.

Sexstone is the man in the employ of Steve Lansdown and the directors, trusted to operate the organisation into which SL is placing significant investment. Yes as customers supporters can expect him to be accountable too, but expecting him to simply be a voice for supporters, at the expense of his responsibilities to the business and the chairman, is totally pie in the sky.

This relates to a wider point which is not specific to you at all, so please don't take it that way, but I find the whole 'Gary give us a wave' thing so embarrassing. There are some people who seem to want the club and its employees to pat them on the head and acknowledge them the whole time as if that is the reward for - and attraction of - supporting the club.

The objective of any club is to be successful. Fostering good relations along the way promotes that, but the people in place in the club to get success be they football manager, general manager or pie supplier are there to do jobs which achieve that. By all means question their efforts but don't expect them to simply adopt a 'fans are great, fans are always right' approach.

You say Sexstone is regularly painted as an overpaid blunderer - I do not recall anyone using those actual words..

Sure, but the implication is raised enough times, which, as indicated above, is wholly distinct from actually seeking a resolution to a problem. We all call other businesses with problems, very few of us concentrate our concerns on accusing their executives of dishonesty and incompetence. Cleary this is not helpful and for the club we all support very few should be not at all.

You are wrong that the EP does not represent the stance of CS or the club on the issue, because the official statement on the website says precisely the same thing as the EP story.

If that is the case I apologize. I'm just bemused at using an EP journalist, of all people, to underline failings of the club. In the context given, Sexstone was quoted on Sunday, when presumably none of his staff had yet been asked. This particular issue that first prompted annoyance was surely more about being forced into a quote for Monday's paper rather than let the EP run with something that showed the club in a bad light, as we all know they do given any chance. For that I commend Sexstone.

You talk about things like CS' role being to "increase [the clubs] value", "supporting the actions of his staff" and dealing "with issues in a formal and business-oriented manner".

I do not recognize any of those attributes as being important to me as a supporter of this club.

I understand, but do not agree. No one likes the commercialization of football. No one likes the idea that their role as supporter is being devalued. No one likes to believe the sport is now so much in the lap of money. But at the end of the day as supporters we can fulfill one of two roles, we can invest our time, skills and money, or we can invest our support for those that do.

The biggest investor on either of those grounds is the chairman, and for him, and people like him to believe in City as a club and to do the things we need to continue progressing, then THEY need the attributes which THEY recognise as important to be upheld. As such the attributes quoted above are important, and by association we must recognize, if not support, those aims.

This is REALLY helping me keep my mind off Rotherham. Thanks :laugh:

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If that is the case I apologize. I'm just bemused at using an EP journalist, of all people, to underline failings of the club. In the context given, Sexstone was quoted on Sunday, when presumably none of his staff had yet been asked. This particular issue that first prompted annoyance was surely more about being forced into a quote for Monday's paper rather than let the EP run with something that showed the club in a bad light, as we all know they do given any chance. For that I commend Sexstone.

For that, I would condemn him.If you don't know or haven't been informed by a reliable source (Not the bloke from the Coach Company who may, don't you think be a tad biased??), why not follow my earlier suggestion which gives the EP a quote so they can't print "No one at the club was available or willing to comment" By saying what he did and then repeating the error on the official site he only made things worse.

I am simply stunned that you consider that his comments didn't show the club in a bad light.....Stunned :disapointed2se:

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