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City Players Behavour...

Tim S

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I've just returned from a night out, after meeting a mate for a couple of drinks, and we were in a club in Bristol, and saw a few City players (I wont name any names, but they were all key players). They all looked a bit tipsy, but nothing too serious. But then, I noticed a couple of them smoking which I was slightly shocked about, seeing as they are supposed to be fit and healthy professional footballers.

After about half an hour, a few more players turned up, again all of them quite tipsy, apart from one, who was hammered and making a complete fool of himself being quite lary with people and generaly looking like a townie out to cause trouble. This was a player who is a key member of the team.

After a bit longer, a few more players turned up, but these looked sober. But by now, the other 6 or 7 players were falling all over the place apsolutly hammered. I was very shocked to see this.

Now, I'm not saying that just because they are footballers doesnt mean they cant go out and get pi**ed and have a laugh. Thats fine, they are only human, and have to have a social life. But mid-week, when they should be preparing for an FA Cup away match in Bradford??? Especailly when the team are not delivering the goods on the pitch at the moment.

Is this right? Or are the players intitled to behave like this in the build up to a match????

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Guest spanish fly

good professionals who want a long career in the game do not smoke or drink - the body is damaged by binge drinking which is the usual for those only "allowed out" one or two nights per week and are too immature to control themselves.

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No control off the pitch, p*** poor performances on the pitch- spot the connection then. :Party12:

They don't wanna play for Wilson, or don't wanna play for City, there is another way- ship out one way or other, and leave the team to those with passion, and care bout being at City. :Cheeky22:

Its hardly good PR for them either given their "performances" either, you would think Danny/Steve/Frank might say something, what with all the negative press players have been getting lately as well. :Costumed19:

Pro footballers are supposed to look after themselves too, sums our season up doesnt it really. :Confused13: :Confused13:

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Like I said on the fowler thread, footballers are unable to resist the drink culture. Its endemic in our society and peer pressure being what it is its implied that you're not a man if you don't drink. All that sort of rubbish seems absurd, particularly once you grow up, but when you're young and in a male-dominated workplace, such as football, you fall under that spell.

Look at Graeme Le Saux, he likes to read. Now nothing wrong in that you may think, but he was mocked and ribbed for that by his team-mates at the time. Pathetic and childish but that's the football culture, where its a mark of a man to out drink, out score and out-do all your team mates at everything considered "manly".

All a load of shoemenders of course.

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Tom - PM me and I'll see if you guess right!

If City were a Prem team, and there was a camera out last night, chances are it might have made the papers ala Robbie Fowler the other week.

In fairness, the drinking and getting pi*sed is not the problem - like I have said before, they wouldnt be human if they didnt have a social life. But the difference being is that they are highly paid professional footballers and their faces are reconised out and about, so when they are out and about they are kinda representing the football club. Thats where the problem lies I think!

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The problem is in perception. Because we are talking about footballers (and the same applies to fans) behaviour is perceived as a problem.

However, if you were talking about a rugby team (or fans) then the sort of things you describe would be put down to high spirits and would be deemed to be acceptable as it is all part of the culture.

If you are concerned about the behaviour of the players then perhaps you should have contacted the club rather than posting on here. That way the club can decide if they need to take action.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I just don't understand why people would go to bars and drink/ smoke their life away.........Couldn't be like it myself :D:D:D

If the players want to go out thats fine, if it affects their performance they should be fined, simple.

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I just don't understand why people would go to bars and drink/ smoke their life away.........Couldn't be like it myself  :D  :D  :D

If the players want to go out thats fine, if it affects their performance they should be fined, simple.

It is all part if the culture surrounding football in this country. Foreign players who come to play here cannot believe the lack of professionalism that the avergae British soccer professional shows. I don't understand it - footballers have a ten-year career, fifteen tops. When they retire in their mid-to-late thirties they can drink all they like! You'd think they would do their best to stay fit and focused during their playing days since their physical fitness has a direct impact on how successful they are.

I'd like to think maybe a couple of our players are reading this.

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Guest tone og1


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If Danny doesn't like the drinking culture how come, by his own admission, he's aways seeing his glass, "half full"? Also, if he wished to reduce the level of drinking around The Gate he'd stop making the stupid decisions he does as it's driving my mates & I to sotten oblivion.



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I know times have changed, but it is worth pointing out that the most successful team we have ever had (early mid 70's) were well known "socialisers". It could be argued that the comraderie off the pitch helps the teamwork on it. :Confused13:

Can you honestly say that whatever else is wrong with the team generally, that they look less fit then or lack the stamina of the teams they face?

it may be that the fine balance between teambuilding and getting hammered is teetering slightly, but (more particularly last season admittedly) I always feel current City teams finish 90+ mins stronger than most.

It may need monitoring but I don't think it is the issue at the moment.

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Didn't Gordon Strachan smoke and drink, he played until he was 38.

No ! Strachen famously lived on a diet of bananas, which if you've ever heard one of his press conferences explains everything.....



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Everyones missing the point. Actually this is a very good sign.

Add a few birds into the mix, recreational drug use, Alcohol dependency (see Clough, Adams, Best, Gascoigne), dodgy hair do, perma tan, fast car (preferably completely out of sync with players talent) and we have the chance of moving forward

Forget "Golf Days"

We need our players to be hanging out at sleazy strip joints and drinkin till 6 in the morning - then success is assured

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

The problem is the media picks up on players having a night out BECAUSE IT SALES PAPERS not because it does any harm.

And because football players drinking makes the news people now se this as a bad thing. Young men having a beer, a ciggy and a laugh - Harmless fun

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I used to drink in the same pub as a very hard working midfielder, always drank coke - And shock horror he's one of our best performers lately, which kinda spoils my view that players should be allowed out!!!!!!!!

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They picked a career which involves having a healthy life style if you are to succeed. To me it shows a lack of respect to the club and they shuold be striving to become better players, not better drinkers! Imagine if they all had some respect for their bodies and got some real fitness we wouldn't still be in this division!

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This thread makes the situation sounds as if this sort of behaviour is a new revelation at City-far from it.

I was out in town one time last year with a few mates when we came across a contingent of City players. One of them was totally hammered and I'm willing to bet it was the same player who was hammered this time.

In the corner of this pub/bar was a young couple, probably not much over 18, if at all. To me it looked as if they were going out for the first time. The girl was very attractive and the aformentioned hammered City player noticed this as well. What followed was quite shocking behaviour from anyone, let alone a "professional."

This hammered City player went up to the girl and started saying all sorts of totally unecessary things to her. The kid she was with looked terrified. Gradually, more and more of the team that were there joined in and the pair of them looked totally terrified.

In the end one of my mates went up to them, told them he was a City supporter and that they were not only a disgrace to the club, but to the whole club. A series of comments followed from Mr. Hammered himself. He tried to start a fight with my mate who laughed at him and told him to look in the mirror and then told him he should be playing for the Gas.

It is disgraceful behaviour, but unfortunately it seems to exist right through our game right to the top as this recent series of alleged sex attacks and drug trials against former professionals has proven.

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This thread makes the situation sounds as if this sort of behaviour is a new revelation at City-far from it.

I was out in town one time last year with a few mates when we came across a contingent of City players. One of them was totally hammered and I'm willing to bet it was the same player who was hammered this time.

In the corner of this pub/bar was a young couple, probably not much over 18, if at all. To me it looked as if they were going out for the first time. The girl was very attractive and the aformentioned hammered City player noticed this as well. What followed was quite shocking behaviour from anyone, let alone a "professional."

This hammered City player went up to the girl and started saying all sorts of totally unecessary things to her. The kid she was with looked terrified. Gradually, more and more of the team that were there joined in and the pair of them looked totally terrified.

In the end one of my mates went up to them, told them he was a City supporter and that they were not only a disgrace to the club, but to the whole club. A series of comments followed from Mr. Hammered himself. He tried to start a fight with my mate who laughed at him and told him to look in the mirror and then told him he should be playing for the Gas.

It is disgraceful behaviour, but unfortunately it seems to exist right through our game right to the top as this recent series of alleged sex attacks and drug trials against former professionals has proven.

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