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City Players Behavour...

Tim S

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It was Coles's birthday last friday, it could have been the only night available to go out for a drink, due to training and the 'no drinking three days before a game' rule.

yep spot on! i seen them and i thought they were ok and not that bad,

the club has a good party atmosphere with lots of dressing up and students

making a party feel, some of the city lads were just dancing and having a beer the same as everyone else and just celebrating coles birthday :blink:

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Hmmmm.... Half time and a dodgy display and its 2-2 !!!

We should have buried them by now!!

Could the players mid-week antics have a bad effect ?!?

If this is the way City are playing, until City start grinding out results I think the players should concentrate on getting the things right on the pitch - NOT IN THE PUB! :Party12:

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I feel that in the UK the culture is in need of change as it has done for a long while now.

From my point of view I feel that teams in the UK should adopt the sort of attitude that we do in the States. For example pro teams whether it be in Baseball,Football,Basketball or Soccer keep a tight leash on their players and the players respect this and very rarely do you ever hear anything negative about any pro sports person.

Having said that not so long ago for example a key player for the Boston Red Sox was seen drinking in a bar with players from the New York Yankees (these teams have rivalry ala Man Utd/Liverpool or Rangers/Celtic) and the player was promptly suspended by the club, fined and made to publicly apologise to the Sox fans (myself included! ;-) ).

I take the same stance with my teams whether they be pro or college and they respect the rules and understand it is for their benefit - a pleasant change from the UK!.

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This is the way you must see a single footballers life as. This is why Colin Cramb, Scott murray and Lee Peacock, all prime examples of good drinkers at the club soon calmed down. They all settled down with a bird! A Footballers day consists of going to training till 2 in the afternoon, then what? Nothing. If i was sat alone in a flat/house with no one i would go to the pub, or go to a snooker hall or whatever.

That is what players do with there spare time, they have nothing else to do, so they go out to drink. Now this afromentioned incedent was before a day off from training, i know this as Eric Bristow was at the 3 Lions and Joe Burnell and Danny Coles was going to come along but it seems they went else where. So if you usually go for a few beers, not b~lloxed but a few, on a normal day but the next day you dont have work you would expect them to get plastered.

Let them have there fun. At the end of the day, what rules did they break? It was 5 days before a match and they never had training in the morning. Some of the behaviour may of been unexeptable but like i said they have broke no rules, let them get on with it.

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It's a disgrace and they should all be sacked, they way that drink must harm players games is immense, Tonay adams performances when he was ######ed were in no way the sort of performances that made him one of the best defenders of his time in this country, and Merson was absolutely awful while playing when out of his face on a mixture of coke and booze, Merson was an awful player all his carrear because of this.

it really makes no difference, if they want to go out 3 or 4 days befre a game then that is down to them, if you can't get alcohol out of you system so it does not effect your performance in 3 days then you are most likely a koala bear.

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