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Goodbye Ship & Castle

Bar BS3

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That is a dig to me.

The problem with the written word is that it can have many meanings. The writers intended meaning, an independent meaning and the readers interpretation of the meaning. Given this misunderstandings will always occur.

That said it does show that you have to be very careful about what you write, especially so if you're writing as someone prominent in the Trust given that anything written on behalf of the Trust is quite likely to be subject to scrutiny.

As it is anyone and everyone is welcome to come on Tuesday. Personally I think it would be good for some hearty debate on the Trusts aims and methods and what it should concentrate on over the next 12 - 24 months.

Going back to the original thread. All the best with the new venture Rob. A cracking landlord and a loyal fan. You deserve every success.

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The Ship will definately never be the same, will never forget the many Wurzel gigs that you held at the Ship, will remember the last one for getting soaked in Natch - always a great gig !

Good Luck with your new venture !

Regarding the post above, I can understand what he means about not changing a name, but the thing is, that pub NEEDS a major overall so rather than people still refer to it as the Rising Sun, why not get recognition under a new pub name ! - mind you an ex City player in the title would go down well.

Anway Good Luck !

Why not 'First Rays Of The New Rising Sun' then?

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Why not 'First Rays Of The New Rising Sun' then?

Because Bar BS3 will appeal to the trendies who will provide most of the weekday custom?

Changing the subject slightly, anyone else think Teohs has gone downhill a lot recently? Went there on Thursday and had soggy noodles which were all stuck together and the plate dripping with runny goo.

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