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Guest DanC
yeah but hey thats lost aint it

what was your favourite lost moment?

My favorite moment was the moment I first discovered and became hooked on Lost. There was nothing else on TV apart from a lost re-run so I watched that, It was the episode where Ethan Kidnapped Charlie and Claire. So I got hold of all the previous episodes and had a lost marathon. Been Hooked ever since.

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I'll tell you, it's a damn sight better than Lost!

Sorry to take this slightly off topic, but Simpsons has been getting worse and worse and is very dull and boring with the new series. Lost is a lot better than Simpsons and IMO it's the second best show on tele behind Heroes.

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Guest DanC
they got to get sun's pregnant out of the way with first
If Lost continues how it has done then Sun may never give birth on the island as the show will be over by then. We may see her give birth or see her with the baby in a FF though.

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I reckon that only a few will get off the island and thats why Jack wants to go back. I think Jack and Claires dad has something to do with it as he is in a lot of flashbacks and in the flash forward Jack say something that makes us think that he is not dead.

The dvds are out so time in the winter.

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I could be miles out with this, and its really just an alternative view that I tried to come up with, but it really does kind of work

I'm reconing that this 'flashforward' was infact just a flashback, made at the end to seem like a flash forward.

Number of reasons for this, firstly the number of times that jack mentions his dad in the episode, his dad is the one who apparently filled out the perscription for him (surely he wouldn't be stupid enough to fill out a fake perscription from a dead person) then the quote about when he was drunk, and tells the doctor to call down his dad from upstairs.

That backs up that this was from before the crash.

Also Kate was a free person, surely if she had returned to america she would have been arrested on return, and yet she was clearly driving the car, with no one else in it; and so I recon this must have been when she was in america, before going to australlia, and before she had commited any crimes. This suggests that the flashback was from far before the crash...staged before any of the previous flashbacks that we had seen.

The obvious problem is that jack declares that he wants to go back, with the assumption being that he wants to return to the island. But after watching it for 3 times, I haven't noticed once him refering to 'the island' directly, only ever in sentances like 'I want to go back' never saying where.

Finally in my opinion proving its not in the future, jack said he had worked in the hospital for years, however it was my opinion that he had left his job to go to austraillia before the crash, and the time he spent on the island, meaning that h couldn't have been working there for years, as he stated.

So I recon this all comes together like this, the flashback was from before even jacks first flashback (from when jacks dad really was working in the hospital), and before kate had a criminal record. It was then only after jack settled back into his real life, and stopped wanting for something extreme to happen, that this plane crash occoured.

Jack and Kate knowing eachother could explain their strange relationship on the island (back to the first series, he found out she was a murderer, and was told she couldnt be trusted...and yet just did seem to care, as if he knew more about her past, so that he could trust her).

I also don't think anyones getting off the island yet, I think the rescue ships going to be more people that they and the others are going to spend a series trying to avoid, whilst using this as a reason to find out more about the others...but I've got no real reason to think that, its just a thought.

Anyway so what do you all recon about this, yourecon that the theroy holds water? Or is it just me wanting the Island as a group to stick together?

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I thought it could be a flashback.

I think the "rescue boat" won't get them off the island, it will pose more threats towards the losties and Jack feels guilt as they are the real baddies and thats why he wants to get make to the island. I think "he" when Kate talks to Jack in the FF is her parole officer

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