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Barrs Court Red

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In todays world, with affordable clothes there really isnt an excuse for looking scruffy.

Sometimes I do wonder where they bought some of it though.

Its really funny too because on most occasions the clothes they wear is actually more expensive.

I went to the cinema last night to watch POTC3 and they were everywhere, wearing a full tracksuit and coat in a boiling hot cinema whilst thinking it was funny to throw minstrels throughout the film to make themselves look "hard", instead they happened to hit the wrong person and didnt they no about it :rofl2br:

what is their meaning in life?

and while i am ranting off why do they always walk like they have soiled their pants?

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Yes that does seem to be a characteristic.

Yet chavs with socks over their tracksuit bottoms, if they're white they're always clean.

Go figure

Socks are easier to nick.

Chavs are a blight on humanity and need to be removed from the gene pool asap.

This could be achieved by advertising free Kappa baseball hats in Newport on a very windy day. They'd all get blown off their stolen mopeds on the way over the bridge.

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And men covered in jewellery do nothing for me, fair enough if they like it but I just don't get why chavs seem to wander about with those massive thick gold (usually not real) chains/bracelets/rings on.

The web site you should check out is chavscum.co.uk they even have a forum where you can slag the back out of them

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Do they not realise how scruffy and poor they look?

Get some self esteem.

Most of the chavs around my way there clothes are actually quite expensive. Its all designer stuff like Fred perry,henri lloyd and Nike but knowing them they probably nicked it or got it from the market

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This seems to be a common trait at Temple Meads lately.

I feel embarresed for them.

And it;'s never girls :(

Oh god don't get started on girl chavs, with their hair in a lazy ass one sided pony tail thingy. I always seem to wonder why chavs be chavs? there is no point:

1. Everyone hates you (even friends as they always beat eachother up)

2. You look like To55ers

3. you are not going to have a job (no income)

4. you stink

5. you will be on the phone to the JSA as soon as it is legally possible.

6. You sound like To55ers

Just bypasses me the reason they wish to be a chav scumbag?

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Chavs are usually from poor council estate backgrounds with little education and life experience, and choose to follow in the parents footsteps and become a paracites on the tax payer.

There is also this idea that Chave are all generally white, when in fact a big population of them are black and Asian, London is STACKED FULL of dirty, greedy, lazy, smelly, thick, grubby, shellsuit wearing, scumbag Chavs.

Council houses and violence, Chelsea have a vision.

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And whats the deal with wearing their trousers so low that you can see their underpants?


Good point my nephew wears em like that, with designer grundies too. WTF??????????????? :laugh: :laugh:

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This seems to be a common trait at Temple Meads lately.

I feel embarresed for them.

And it;'s never girls :(

You've never seen a girl chav? Where have you been?!?

The web site you should check out is chavscum.co.uk they even have a forum where you can slag the back out of them

That site calls Chris Moyles a chav. He may be an idiot, but he's not a chav.

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Its really funny too because on most occasions the clothes they wear is actually more expensive.

I went to the cinema last night to watch POTC3 and they were everywhere, wearing a full tracksuit and coat in a boiling hot cinema whilst thinking it was funny to throw minstrels throughout the film to make themselves look "hard", instead they happened to hit the wrong person and didnt they no about it :rofl2br:

what is their meaning in life?

and while i am ranting off why do they always walk like they have soiled their pants?

>what is their meaning in life?

They are chavs ........ so they have arrived. always set your sights low...... you'll never be disappointed?

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Guest DanC
>what is their meaning in life?

They are chavs ........ so they have arrived. always set your sights low...... you'll never be disappointed?

Ah so that explains why Rovers have a large following of chavs.

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There must be chavs on this board.

Is it the case that nobody who is a chav actually views themselves as a chav? Does a chav look at somebody with last year's shell suit and one less gold-look chain and call them a chav?

Chavs of England stand up up and declare yourself:

I don't wash as there's antiperspirant

I don't wear clothes with buttons or zips as they're too technical

I don't read as they've invented films

I don't work as you get paid for not working

I wear more jewellery than a gipsy fortune-teller

I am a Chav

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There must be chavs on this board.

Is it the case that nobody who is a chav actually views themselves as a chav? Does a chav look at somebody with last year's shell suit and one less gold-look chain and call them a chav?

Chavs of England stand up up and declare yourself:

I don't wash as there's antiperspirant

I don't wear clothes with buttons or zips as they're too technical

I don't read as they've invented films

I don't work as you get paid for not working

I wear more jewellery than a gipsy fortune-teller

I am a Chav

Good point, to be honest i don't think chavs understand and recognise the word chav, but i know some our very proud being associated with that word.

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There were 2 chavs on my train back to Weston just now, who shocked me. After blasting out music from their phone as is the Chav way nowadays so everyone in the carriage can here, it took me a while to realise that they were playing "Kaiser Chiefs - I predict a riot" - hardly Chav syndicate music. Then one of them was interrupted from a call on his mobile, the ring tone of which was God save the Queen...

Odd chavs :blink:

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There were 2 chavs on my train back to Weston just now, who shocked me. After blasting out music from their phone as is the Chav way nowadays so everyone in the carriage can here, it took me a while to realise that they were playing "Kaiser Chiefs - I predict a riot" - hardly Chav syndicate music. Then one of them was interrupted from a call on his mobile, the ring tone of which was God save the Queen...

Odd chavs :blink:

I hate it when they have there music on their phone turned up, not only is it usually shit music, its also shit sound quality so all round a big no no

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