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An Awesome Inside Source.


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I need an awesome inside source if i am to be a very popular person on the internet.

If i have an awesome inside source, I will not be unlike Prometheus bringing down advance BCFC information from the gods to the masses. They will worship me. And send me lots of PMs...

Soon every message board will beg me to become a moderator hoping to keep my advance information exclusive to their forum, throngs will shout my name in climax!

However there is a catch-22 in my desired lofty perch... If i leak too much information my awesome inside source may stop talking to me in fear of losing their job.

But then how shall i retain my fan base?

Ah-ha! I shall respond to every piece of news with "oh i already knew that because i have sources!" Which offers no new information, but reminds people I'm important!

Perhaps with an rolling-eyes emoticon...

(Basically, anyone with any "inside info" or "sources", wouldn't say anything on here. Anyone who claims to is quite sad and attention seeking. Or getting off on increasing their post count. (oh baby))

Happily ripped off from shortpacked.. http://www.shortpacked.com/d/20060714.html

(They'll even be sadder than me, and i read internet comics ^_^!)

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I need an awesome inside source if i am to be a very popular person on the internet.

If i have an awesome inside source, I will not be unlike Prometheus bringing down advance BCFC information from the gods to the masses. They will worship me. And send me lots of PMs...

Soon every message board will beg me to become a moderator hoping to keep my advance information exclusive to their forum, throngs will shout my name in climax!

However there is a catch-22 in my desired lofty perch... If i leak too much information my awesome inside source may stop talking to me in fear of losing their job.

But then how shall i retain my fan base?

Ah-ha! I shall respond to every piece of news with "oh i already knew that because i have sources!" Which offers no new information, but reminds people I'm important!

Perhaps with an rolling-eyes emoticon...

(Basically, anyone with any "inside info" or "sources", wouldn't say anything on here. Anyone who claims to is quite sad and attention seeking. Or getting off on increasing their post count. (oh baby))

Happily ripped off from shortpacked.. http://www.shortpacked.com/d/20060714.html

(They'll even be sadder than me, and i read internet comics ^_^!)

Stop being so cynical Redhyde. Reading tealeaves and the use of tarot cards provide infinite foreknowledge. If you're not careful the City know-alls might have to put a hex on you, which is promptly accompanied by a blue and white shirt. Be warned.

By the way, there will be a new signing very soon. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but yes, there shall be a signing.

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You & Henry should marry :D

unfortunately some people just love the sound of their own voice, when in fact they are just a NORMAL PERSON, who LIVES on a internet forum and thinks by being that because they have the highest amount of posting on the forum it makes them special, it's all about egos on here, to some people, it's their life, to others it's just a place to pop in and see what is being talked about.

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unfortunately some people just love the sound of their own voice, when in fact they are just a NORMAL PERSON, who LIVES on a internet forum and thinks by being that because they have the highest amount of posting on the forum it makes them special, it's all about egos on here, to some people, it's their life, to others it's just a place to pop in and see what is being talked about.

What a load of old c**k.

Some people work in an office where they have internet access 10-12 hours a day, hardly shocking that they use this forum a lot.

Doesn't constantly trying to take the moral highground but then hypocritically contradicting yourself get a bit boring?

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What a load of old c**k.

Some people work in an office where they have internet access 10-12 hours a day, hardly shocking that they use this forum a lot.

Doesn't constantly trying to take the moral highground but then hypocritically contradicting yourself get a bit boring?

in which case..........shouldn't they be working?

nice to see the higher posting QWERTY warriors sticking together.

anyway, spent enough time on here, off to interact with real people.

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Guest Red Wardy
unfortunately some people just love the sound of their own voice, when in fact they are just a NORMAL PERSON, who LIVES on a internet forum and thinks by being that because they have the highest amount of posting on the forum it makes them special, it's all about egos on here, to some people, it's their life, to others it's just a place to pop in and see what is being talked about.

Good point Tegs. Some people spout b***ocks most of the time.

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What a load of old c**k.

Some people work in an office where they have internet access 10-12 hours a day, hardly shocking that they use this forum a lot.

Doesn't constantly trying to take the moral highground but then hypocritically contradicting yourself get a bit boring?

What sort of a job allows you the best part of 12 hours free internet access to peronal sites?!! My mob pay me to work and do not allow interaction on any forum's whatsoever (but you can go on bcfc.co.uk or bbc.co.uk/sport in the lunch hour if you have time for one)!!!!

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unfortunately some people just love the sound of their own voice, when in fact they are just a NORMAL PERSON, who LIVES on a internet forum and thinks by being that because they have the highest amount of posting on the forum it makes them special, it's all about egos on here, to some people, it's their life, to others it's just a place to pop in and see what is being talked about.

I don't know why the don't just ban them all :fastasleep:

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in which case..........shouldn't they be working?

nice to see the higher posting QWERTY warriors sticking together.

Ah yes, typical terry. Stooping to personal abuse when he's incapable of making a coherent point.

You're one of the higher posters aren't you?

anyway, spent enough time on here, off to interact with real people.

Yes, people on the internet are obviously not real. Have fun interacting with "real" people.

What sort of a job allows you the best part of 12 hours free internet access to peronal sites?!! My mob pay me to work and do not allow interaction on any forum's whatsoever (but you can go on bcfc.co.uk or bbc.co.uk/sport in the lunch hour if you have time for one)!!!!

If you're doing a desk job and you've got unmonitored internet access it's hardly surprising you would post on here a few times a day.

I'm sure if I actually spent 12 hours surfing otib and doing no work I'd be out the door, but then I get more done than most so it's not a problem.

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Guest Eddie
Ah yes, typical terry. Stooping to personal abuse when he's incapable of making a coherent point.

You're one of the higher posters aren't you?

Yes, people on the internet are obviously not real. Have fun interacting with "real" people.

If you're doing a desk job and you've got unmonitored internet access it's hardly surprising you would post on here a few times a day.

I'm sure if I actually spent 12 hours surfing otib and doing no work I'd be out the door, but then I get more done than most so it's not a problem.

what do u do for a living nibor?

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unfortunately some people just love the sound of their own voice, when in fact they are just a NORMAL PERSON, who LIVES on a internet forum and thinks by being that because they have the highest amount of posting on the forum it makes them special, it's all about egos on here, to some people, it's their life, to others it's just a place to pop in and see what is being talked about.

sorry, but I have to agree, some people take themselves far to seriously on here, as some of the replies to that posting have proved.

very much a case of "truth hurts"

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If you're doing a desk job and you've got unmonitored internet access it's hardly surprising you would post on here a few times a day.

screw that......unmonitored interest access........I going for PORN, PORN, PORN.........hmmm and maybe porn!

wait who said that I've gone blind!

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What sort of a job allows you the best part of 12 hours free internet access to peronal sites?!! My mob pay me to work and do not allow interaction on any forum's whatsoever (but you can go on bcfc.co.uk or bbc.co.uk/sport in the lunch hour if you have time for one)!!!!

Perhaps hes an MP :whistle2:

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I've just got back from the pub where I shared a few drinks with Pete Johnson, to toast GJ on his Pro - licence success, and it turns out that we tabled a late bid of £14 million for Ryan Babel - though he turned us down to play in the prem!

Oh, and we were are still in the running to sign Tevez, though Man Utd have offered a higher salary.

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Are you listening Bristol Boy?

but true

Whilst I did smile at the original post, I think picking out individual members is a bit off, especially someone who posts as well as Bristol Boy.

Now BB may be someone who posts a lot, but he was one of the earliest members and does a lot for BCFC fans, like the match reports on the SC/ST (sorry, forget which one) board, which is often an accurate and fair report.

Nibor also posts often, but I find his posts to always be fair, thought out and often correct, which is exactly the sort of poster a good forum needs.

I'm not standing up for the 'Keyboard Warrior' brigade, as there are some people who post loads, but talk utter shite.

As you can see, I'm not exactly a mega-poster myself, but without BB and Nibor this forum would be a far poorer place.

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Are you listening Bristol Boy?

Bristol Boy is actually very rarely wrong, and if he says so and so are close to signing, you can pretty much guarantee that it's true. You obviously haven't been around on the forum that long....

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Perhaps hes an MP :whistle2:

CEO of City? :whistle2:

I've just got back from the pub where I shared a few drinks with Pete Johnson, to toast GJ on his Pro - licence success, and it turns out that we tabled a late bid of £14 million for Ryan Babel - though he turned us down to play in the prem!

Oh, that old chestnut

Oh, and we were are still in the running to sign Tevez, though Man Utd have offered a higher salary.

Ferguson up to his old tricks again, ay?? That's what happens when people let the cat out of the bag and give OUR targets away

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Basically, anyone with any "inside info" or "sources", wouldn't say anything on here.

While I enjoyed the general theme of your post I can't help but flag you up and say you are wrong on that part.

It might not be the 'obvious' ones on here but there are 1 or 2 who are rarely wrong and there is definetly one user on here who's defintely got an inside line.

And no, I'm not elaborating anymore than that :innocent06:

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It might not be the 'obvious' ones on here but there are 1 or 2 who are rarely wrong and there is definetly one user on here who's defintely got an inside line.

only because he forgot to pay the bill and they cancelled his outside line..

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While I enjoyed the general theme of your post I can't help but flag you up and say you are wrong on that part.

Changes "wouldn't" to "shouldn't", i knew i messed that up when i wrote it a month or so ago but meh was too lazy, I thought it needed re bringing up now as justified by the extra 20+ responses.

Responses justify my existence...

And go on...PLEASE TOM tell us, tell us, tell us!

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While I enjoyed the general theme of your post I can't help but flag you up and say you are wrong on that part.

It might not be the 'obvious' ones on here but there are 1 or 2 who are rarely wrong and there is definetly one user on here who's defintely got an inside line.

And no, I'm not elaborating anymore than that :innocent06:


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Whilst I did smile at the original post, I think picking out individual members is a bit off, especially someone who posts as well as Bristol Boy.

Now BB may be someone who posts a lot, but he was one of the earliest members and does a lot for BCFC fans, like the match reports on the SC/ST (sorry, forget which one) board, which is often an accurate and fair report.

Nibor also posts often, but I find his posts to always be fair, thought out and often correct, which is exactly the sort of poster a good forum needs.

I'm not standing up for the 'Keyboard Warrior' brigade, as there are some people who post loads, but talk utter shite.

As you can see, I'm not exactly a mega-poster myself, but without BB and Nibor this forum would be a far poorer place.

I totally agree with RED4LIFE on this one, I personally enjoy reading both BB and Nibors posts, to me they offer good topical discussions, and to be fair most of the time they are also correct.

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I totally agree with RED4LIFE on this one, I personally enjoy reading both BB and Nibors posts, to me they offer good topical discussions, and to be fair most of the time they are also correct.

That REDTILLDEAD fellow talks a load of ald B@@@@@@ Mark though don't he?...... :sofa:

Sleep tight mucker!

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That REDTILLDEAD fellow talks a load of ald B@@@@@@ Mark though don't he?...... :sofa:

Sleep tight mucker!

Explain to me again Arn why we became mates, cos for the life of me I cant think of the reason.....

Oh, I know, it's because your loaded !!!!!!!! :whistle:

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  • Admin
While I enjoyed the general theme of your post I can't help but flag you up and say you are wrong on that part.

It might not be the 'obvious' ones on here but there are 1 or 2 who are rarely wrong and there is definetly one user on here who's defintely got an inside line.

And no, I'm not elaborating anymore than that :innocent06:

....and they read that!

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As a general rule, most of the people who rush to boast on the forum about how much inside info they have don't, whereas the ones who do know what's going on tend to keep schtum. There are the odd one or two on here who I take notice of on that front, but most of the "inside info" I take with a hefty handful of salt.

I have to stick up for Nibor and Bristol Boy, though, both of whom add far more to the quality of posting here than many who rush to attack them and mistake quantity for quality. BB and Nibor may not always be right (because sometimes they disagree with me, which obviously makes them wrong :whistle: ) but their opinions are usually intelligent, considered and a damned sight more entertaining to read that some of the purile rubbish that clogs up this forum on occasions.

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Guest Simon Lambley

Have to agree with red top and a few others,

BB, Nibor even Arnie , DaveL and many many more are quality to read the debates are USUALLY articulate and intelligent.

I do find some just want to have a go , Cest la vie.

9 times outta 10 i just ignore the idiots, but sometimes they seem to outnumber the rest.

And some get very personal, but it's the old i'm a hardnut behind my keyboard mentality that gets my goat.

can i have my goat back

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While I enjoyed the general theme of your post I can't help but flag you up and say you are wrong on that part.

It might not be the 'obvious' ones on here but there are 1 or 2 who are rarely wrong and there is definetly one user on here who's defintely got an inside line.

And no, I'm not elaborating anymore than that :innocent06:

A-ha - the plot thickens. So, Tom has inside info on the inside info. Hmmm, is that a double-negative? And that is outside outfo? I'm confused now - if I threaten to tell whe world about Tom's third nipple, I wonder if he'll spill the beans? And if he does, will I have inside-outfo?

Oh, bugger this for a bunch of mo-fos. Tom, are we signing Rooney or not?

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The day I listen to you will be the day I pack in supporting City.

Don't see where I said you had to listen to me. Re read my post if you don't get it, darling.

Like I always say, Don't read it and don't comment about it if you're not interested or don't believe it.

Oh, and on another point, you're a nause. :disapointed2se:

Love you too sweetie

Yes, we didn't sign Enoch, did we?? :innocent06:

You said we was going to sign a striker and then after we did, you said you knew his name.

Hardly rocket science is it?

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Have to agree with red top and a few others,

BB, Nibor even Arnie , DaveL and many many more are quality to read the debates are USUALLY articulate and intelligent.

I do find some just want to have a go , Cest la vie.

9 times outta 10 i just ignore the idiots, but sometimes they seem to outnumber the rest.

And some get very personal, but it's the old i'm a hardnut behind my keyboard mentality that gets my goat.

can i have my goat back

Where do i post your £1000 cheque to Red Lam............ :innocent06:

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A-ha - the plot thickens. So, Tom has inside info on the inside info. Hmmm, is that a double-negative? And that is outside outfo? I'm confused now - if I threaten to tell whe world about Tom's third nipple, I wonder if he'll spill the beans? And if he does, will I have inside-outfo?

Oh, bugger this for a bunch of mo-fos. Tom, are we signing Rooney or not?

Ok Orj, I'm going to give you no bull now.

Sounds bloody brash, but i have a MAJOR contact as to what is or is about to the happen at the Gate, and its then down to me as to if i post it or not!!!

Probably will be given a hard time over that statement (by a few) and wouldnt dream of metioning any names!

One other on here (as far as i know) is also well informed.

I know him and he knows me, but thats it mate.

All i know, is that if proven and requested to post/advertise what is news, i will.

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Just add something unusual to this thread.

In all the time I've Chairman of the SC I've never know such a closed 'feel' about whats going on at AG in terms of player coming and goings.

Usually I'll hear information about what players City are after and its always reliable.For obvious reason I choose not to post that info on here.

That said - This close season has been the most secretive that I've ever know.I've heard one or two things but nothing like as much info as usual.Johnson and his confidants are really keeping things close to their chests like never before.

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Just add something unusual to this thread.

In all the time I've Chairman of the SC I've never know such a closed 'feel' about whats going on at AG in terms of player coming and goings.

Usually I'll hear information about what players City are after and its always reliable.For obvious reason I choose not to post that info on here.

That said - This close season has been the most secretive that I've ever know.I've heard one or two things but nothing like as much info as usual.Johnson and his confidants are really keeping things close to their chests like never before.

That is very well put Alan, and extremely TRUE.

Give the club/manager/chairman etc, credit for that.

At the end of the day its their business, and will let us rouges know when it suites them!!!!!

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Just add something unusual to this thread.

In all the time I've Chairman of the SC I've never know such a closed 'feel' about whats going on at AG in terms of player coming and goings.

Usually I'll hear information about what players City are after and its always reliable.For obvious reason I choose not to post that info on here.

That said - This close season has been the most secretive that I've ever know.I've heard one or two things but nothing like as much info as usual.Johnson and his confidants are really keeping things close to their chests like never before.

Yeah but Robbo, there are sooo many people with "the inside knowledge", and surely all of those bullshitters people can't be wrong? You must think we're stupid or something :disapointed2se:

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All i know, is that if proven and requested to post/advertise what is news, i will.

I hereby request that you post/advertise what is news.

No, go ahead. Fill your boots.

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Guest Simon Lambley

maybe DaveL could do a half time list of all the crap that gets sprouted on here , name and shame

so after the muse song at half time dave comes out with " And another thing this guy who knows this bloke who knows his home address said that we would sign ....... what a gimp ".

would it stop them posting ? No they would buy a t.shirt that said i said that.... but my mate told me..

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Yeah but Robbo, there are sooo many people with "the inside knowledge", and surely all of those bullshitters people can't be wrong? You must think we're stupid or something :disapointed2se:

I don't understand - why would I think people are stupid?

Unless you are refferring to some of the stuff about 'inside information' thats posted on here.Truth is this close season I have no idea about whats true and whats not.

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Yeah but Robbo, there are sooo many people with "the inside knowledge", and surely all of those bullshitters people can't be wrong? You must think we're stupid or something :disapointed2se:

Taz, thats a bit below the belt cocker aint it!

The guy is after all, chairman of the supporters club and SHOULD know more than most.

He only stating what is very true.

The club are being very quiet/secretive if there is things going on at the Gate!!!!

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maybe DaveL could do a half time list of all the crap that gets sprouted on here , name and shame

so after the muse song at half time dave comes out with " And another thing this guy who knows this bloke who knows his home address said that we would sign ....... what a gimp ".

would it stop them posting ? No they would buy a t.shirt that said i said that.... but my mate told me..

I thought we could perhaps put people in the stocks and throw things at them.

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Guest Simon Lambley

dave how about we put people in the stock and get OC to recite cromwell speaches to them , or have we all heard them already, coat please

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I don't understand - why would I think people are stupid?

Unless you are refferring to some of the stuff about 'inside information' thats posted on here.Truth is this close season I have no idea about whats true and whats not.

Never mind chaps, was meant as sarcasm, maybe should have used a different smilie.

What I meant in different words were there are a lot of people on here who claim to know everything, when in fact most of the time they know jack. Robbo is a respected poster so why should he want to throw a load of old tosh about.

I was basically agreeing with what Robbo said, no harm meant :city:

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  • Admin
Ok Orj, I'm going to give you no bull now.

Sounds bloody brash, but i have a MAJOR contact as to what is or is about to the happen at the Gate, and its then down to me as to if i post it or not!!!

Probably will be given a hard time over that statement (by a few) and wouldnt dream of metioning any names!

One other on here (as far as i know) is also well informed.

I know him and he knows me, but thats it mate.

All i know, is that if proven and requested to post/advertise what is news, i will.

Whilst you are undoubtedly well connected Arny, I don't believe you are the user Tom was referring to :shutup:

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Whilst you are undoubtedly well connected Arny, I don't believe you are the user Tom was referring to :shutup:

Right, so Madger has inside info about Tom's inside info about a mystery person's inside info about who we are going to sign. That's at least a triple negative, if not more, and I'm just wondering how far this is going to go before it gets to me. And will the Chinese Whispers distort it so that I end up being told that we are signing Giant Haystacks and Beethoven? Worse still, is this all one giant conspiracy where only ashtonyate and I don't know who we are signing. Maybe my PC's been hijacked and I'm seeing a fake homepage while everyone else gets to share in the joy of Bas Savage's glorious return to his spiritual home?

Come on, what's going on, I think I should be told.

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Guest Bristolface
I need an awesome inside source if i am to be a very popular person on the internet.

If i have an awesome inside source, I will not be unlike Prometheus bringing down advance BCFC information from the gods to the masses. They will worship me. And send me lots of PMs...

Soon every message board will beg me to become a moderator hoping to keep my advance information exclusive to their forum, throngs will shout my name in climax!

However there is a catch-22 in my desired lofty perch... If i leak too much information my awesome inside source may stop talking to me in fear of losing their job.

But then how shall i retain my fan base?

Ah-ha! I shall respond to every piece of news with "oh i already knew that because i have sources!" Which offers no new information, but reminds people I'm important!

Perhaps with an rolling-eyes emoticon...

(Basically, anyone with any "inside info" or "sources", wouldn't say anything on here. Anyone who claims to is quite sad and attention seeking. Or getting off on increasing their post count. (oh baby))

Happily ripped off from shortpacked.. http://www.shortpacked.com/d/20060714.html

(They'll even be sadder than me, and i read internet comics ^_^!)

HA ha well Murry, Keogh, Skuse, and little Lee are onmy friends list om myspace and Facebbok so I have a few good sources

does that count told Lee to keep me posted and if he does i wont tell His old man ha ha ha

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don't worry I have no friends no inside/outside source(s) but i believe gj is doing his job the players are trying to get fit, if we get more players they may or may not be better than what we have got but on day one I will be there cheering on the team

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Guest ashtonyate
Just add something unusual to this thread.

In all the time I've Chairman of the SC I've never know such a closed 'feel' about whats going on at AG in terms of player coming and goings.

Usually I'll hear information about what players City are after and its always reliable.For obvious reason I choose not to post that info on here.

That said - This close season has been the most secretive that I've ever know.I've heard one or two things but nothing like as much info as usual.Johnson and his confidants are really keeping things close to their chests like never before.

That's one way of looking at it the other way is nothing is going on

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That's one way of looking at it the other way is nothing is going on

Maybe thats the way you would look at it AY, but I'm susceptible enough to believe the re-assurances coming from the club that there are lots of negociations going on 'behind the scenes'.

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Ah ha! We signed a player without anyone even thinking of speculating about him, funny that.

Actually one person did, and they mentioned Lee Trundle coming as well along with the Brazilian trialistss.

Hmm Interesting

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Bristol Boy is actually very rarely wrong, and if he says so and so are close to signing, you can pretty much guarantee that it's true. You obviously haven't been around on the forum that long....

And you have Taz.. So I would take your comment in to consideration......... be aware young BB slaggers

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in which case..........shouldn't they be working?

nice to see the higher posting QWERTY warriors sticking together.

anyway, spent enough time on here, off to interact with real people.

:rofl2br: Old man Terry, you and your crazy ways!!!!!!

Work in an office when i can galdly scour the internet and forum all day, whatever next???? :rofl2br:

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