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The Ricoh


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If anyone had asked me about leaving the Gate before Saturday, I would have answered with a resounding NO but after visiting the Ricoh I must admit to feeling a lttle jealous.

IMHO the Ricoh was a very nice ground and had 'something' about it that many of the soulless bowls don't have.

Are there any other fans that visited the Ricoh that wouldn't mind seeing us at such a venue?

I am certainly not saying move,move,move but it certainly has got me thinking about the relative pros and cons of moving.

Any views?


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If anyone had asked me about leaving the Gate before Saturday, I would have answered with a resounding NO but after visiting the Ricoh I must admit to feeling a lttle jealous.

IMHO the Ricoh was a very nice ground and had 'something' about it that many of the soulless bowls don't have.

Are there any other fans that visited the Ricoh that wouldn't mind seeing us at such a venue?

I am certainly not saying move,move,move but it certainly has got me thinking about the relative pros and cons of moving.

Any views?


Despite my strong views on 'soulless' stadiums, I agree that the Ricoh is an exception. I think it is a great stadium and had me thinking the same. Obviously look better if it was red though!

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If anyone had asked me about leaving the Gate before Saturday, I would have answered with a resounding NO but after visiting the Ricoh I must admit to feeling a lttle jealous.

IMHO the Ricoh was a very nice ground and had 'something' about it that many of the soulless bowls don't have.

Are there any other fans that visited the Ricoh that wouldn't mind seeing us at such a venue?

I am certainly not saying move,move,move but it certainly has got me thinking about the relative pros and cons of moving.

Any views?


Yes, great stadium!

Played 2, won 2. Scored 5, conceded 0.

Wish we could play there every week! :whistle2:

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If anyone had asked me about leaving the Gate before Saturday, I would have answered with a resounding NO but after visiting the Ricoh I must admit to feeling a lttle jealous.

IMHO the Ricoh was a very nice ground and had 'something' about it that many of the soulless bowls don't have.

Are there any other fans that visited the Ricoh that wouldn't mind seeing us at such a venue?

I am certainly not saying move,move,move but it certainly has got me thinking about the relative pros and cons of moving.

Any views?


Yeah - I didn't like it TBH, certainly there was a great view of the pitch but I thought it WAS just another "souless bowl" zero noise and atmosphere from the HOME fans and stuck out on an out of town road junction by Tesco, no pubs etc. The concourse underneath the stand was depressing - a vast gloomy area of concrete strewn with rubbish and the usual overpriced fizzy beer and pies. As usual the City fans made it an occaision to remember but to me the ground itself was like the Keepmoat (Donny) only bigger.

I guess others will have their views


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I liked it - especially the 'three sided' look. By that I mean the corporate box side (to the away fans left) looked very impressive and not out of place. The remainder reminded me of a smaller version of Hillborough.

Liked the replay screen - but it would have been nice to see one down the other end as well so that it would be more visible to away fans.

Shame about not having more car parking nearer the ground.You would have thought that when building a new stadium that would be a major consideration.

Overall - very impressed.

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I thought it was a great stadium capable of creating a great atmosphere..Howewer..there were 21000 fans there but the stadium just looked empty(apart from all us cider heads of course)..and if that was our stadium we would not fill it..therefore i think i would just perfer to keep what we have and redevelop the EE.

Come On Youu redss :englandsmile4wf:

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Its a conversation that we had on Saturday evening. I like the stadium the problem with the Ricoh is that Cov don't own it and are reportedly currently losing £150k a week due to this fact. I also don't like the fact that you can't park near the ground and have to hike to get there which i guess is horrible in the winter when its throwing it down.

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Yeah - I didn't like it TBH, certainly there was a great view of the pitch but I thought it WAS just another "souless bowl" zero noise and atmosphere from the HOME fans and stuck out on an out of town road junction by Tesco, no pubs etc. The concourse underneath the stand was depressing - a vast gloomy area of concrete strewn with rubbish and the usual overpriced fizzy beer and pies. As usual the City fans made it an occaision to remember but to me the ground itself was like the Keepmoat (Donny) only bigger.

I guess others will have their views


completely agree, the dust on my seat told me that there is a lot of blue plastic going spare on a normal saturday (i.e. when the mighty bristol city are not in town)

talk about out of town- very poor location

£10 to park in their carpark as well - no thanks

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I thought it felt like a giant bill board. It did boast excellent views of the match and it had all the the mod cons you would want but it didn't 'feel' like a football ground. I mean the 'Tesco End' yuk! I would be depressed if we changed to a ground like that, stands should be named after heroes not supermarkets ffs!

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