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The New 'one For The Bristol City...' Song


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I heard it for the first time last night it sounds real realy good. When does it go on sale? Cant wait to buy it.

We all got to buy it then Bristol city could be the very first football club to be top of the Championship & top of the music chart's all in the same week. :fingerscrossed::dancing6::clapping::dancing6: .

Available from all good record shops (and some crap ones aswell) from next monday (24th september). also available on itunes from next monday.

wasnt too sure when i first heard it but i think its definately going to be one of them "grower" songs.

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...Along with the CARROT that I sent to Talksports Jon Gaunt (because of his Bristol carrot-crunchers jibe pre Coventry)

I included a note telling him that if he agrees to..

a) Apologise to the people of Bristol,

b) Crunch a carrot live on air,

c) AND play The Wurzels new charity single -One For The Bristol City- (on his normally chat/rant only, music free) Talksport show.

Then we might just forgive him! :)

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monday 24th september,

haha, i like the way they've changed 'alan dicks' to 'gary j' in the first verse!

Pity it's not available Saturday 22nd, then it could be played before the game v Bunley! Also there would then have been quite a few thousand people on hand to buy it in the Club Shop either before or after the game. Marketting opportunity lost there. :disapointed2se:

Have they kept the line "Spend an hour or two in a bloody gurt queue to get in the ground"

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Pity it's not available Saturday 22nd, then it could be played before the game v Bunley! Also there would then have been quite a few thousand people on hand to buy it in the Club Shop either before or after the game. Marketting opportunity lost there. :disapointed2se:

Have they kept the line "Spend an hour or two in a bloody gurt queue to get in the ground"

Think the Wurzels are going to be at the Gate on Saturday promoting it. It would make sense for the shop to sell it but don't know if their sales will count towards the number sold for chart purposes so maybe they won't?

Think they also have that line still in it from what I could hear, also they should alter the line to "Spend an hour or two in a bloody gurt queue to get OUT the ground" maybe?!!! :whistle2:

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Details on how to buy the song here: http://www.bcfc.co.uk/page/TakingTheMic/0,...1115992,00.html

Only sales from official outlets and downloads will count towards the charts, so we're asking everyone to buy next week, or pre-order now. All pre-orders and next weeks official sales will go towards the chart position on Sunday 30th September.

The CD will then be on sale in the Club shop from the 1st October.

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...Along with the CARROT that I sent to Talksports Jon Gaunt (because of his Bristol carrot-crunchers jibe pre Coventry)

I included a note telling him that if he agrees to..

a) Apologise to the people of Bristol,

b) Crunch a carrot live on air,

c) AND play The Wurzels new charity single -One For The Bristol City- (on his normally chat/rant only, music free) Talksport show.

Then we might just forgive him! :)

We could all help to promote this record (& help a very good cause) by phoning in requests for various Radio stations to play it... -the more requests they receive the more like it is that the song will be added to their playlists!

Talksport for a start... & other stations around the country... besides our own regional ones.

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