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New Nick Name Needed

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Guest city slicker 71

You don't have to live out in the sticks to know that a Robin is as fierce as a Buzzard, a born fighter along with other species of Robin such as:


Roberts D.






None spring to mind at the present moment, let's hope that will change Saturday.



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City have already lost it's identity. They were the Robins, their song was The red red robin. Now they have nothing, Drink up thee cider, yes, Yeovil as well and the same goes for the Wurzels.

The rugby club players with the silly shirts, are still with Irene Goodnight, how pathetic is that? but they still sing it.

Let's have something that we can sing, like the Red Red Robin, not just the "if you hate the Gas stand up" even when we are not playing them.

We really do need something that the whole crowd can relate to, like praise for the team or a player, or the manager, not Red Army, what does this mean?

Wouldn't it be good if we could pay 90% of our efforts at cheering the team and the other 10% at the moronic abuse of the opposition.

My feeling is of admiration to the fans from QPR that come to the game on Saturday and sorry for the stuffing that we give them. However please come next time and we'll do it again.

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City have already lost it's identity. They were the Robins, their song was The red red robin. Now they have nothing, Drink up thee cider, yes, Yeovil as well and the same goes for the Wurzels.

The rugby club players with the silly shirts, are still with Irene Goodnight, how pathetic is that? but they still sing it.

Let's have something that we can sing, like the Red Red Robin, not just the "if you hate the Gas stand up" even when we are not playing them.

We really do need something that the whole crowd can relate to, like praise for the team or a player, or the manager, not Red Army, what does this mean?

Wouldn't it be good if we could pay 90% of our efforts at cheering the team and the other 10% at the moronic abuse of the opposition.

My feeling is of admiration to the fans from QPR that come to the game on Saturday and sorry for the stuffing that we give them. However please come next time and we'll do it again.

good point, but for me "drink up ye cider" has my vote for our song, but its more of a song to sing along with rather than a crowd starting song...

I always liked the song:

We are top of the league - that got the crowd going...

Red red robin was always greeted with the shoot the bastid, which made it easy to ruin, just like Manures "United " <Sh!t>

We could do with a You'll never walk alone song, but what do we have?? How about nessemdora (!) the Pavorotti sings and that guy from knowle sings?? I can see the east end rocking now...

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Unbelieveable !!!!!!!!! I've found a website mentioning the slave trade between Ireland and Anglo-Saxon England and it mentions St Patrick being captured and sold to Ireland by the Gas :):dunno:

Slavery was an institution of the Roman Empire, and picked by the Germanic tribes who dealt with it, as victims or suppliers. When those Germanic tribes reached Britain in the 5th century, they brought the practice with them, and the complete disappearance of Celtic culture from the east and south-east of Britain is strong evidence for their success. The chronicler Gildas was probably correct when he claimed that slavery was a common fate for many of his contemporaries, as the story of St. Patrick demonstrates. He was captured by pirates in the south-west of England, and spent six years in Ireland before escaping.

By God your right. The Gas are responsible for funny Guiness hats and lots of pi55ed Oirish types in the middle of March.

The only problem with the Robins is that there are too many clubs that have decided to use the name as well as us. Maybe we should just get them to change their nicknames!

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Guest eviltaxman

I say keep the nickname, but change the badge back to what it was.... a Robin on the Suspension Bridge, which is very local to the ground (short of having a map of the Cumberland Basin on it :P )

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