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As the forum is a little quiet during the run up to the internationals, i thought i'd lighten the mood by discussing the baring of Gary Johnsons bottom! I believe that Thursday may well be the day he 'drops them'.

As Burtons are apparantly not keen on him doing it in their store, and the rumours that it was going to be this week, i'm putting 2 & 2 together and suggesting he'll bare all on Thursday at the launch of the 'megastore' at the gate! What do you think? Is it worth a trip to the gate on the off chance of seeing a 50 year olds mans arse?! :coat:

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Depends on which side your bread's buttered, so to speak! :dunno:

My bread is buttered on the correct side, with not a hint of marmite! :noexpression:

I thought i read or heard that Burtons were refusing to allow GJ to do it, although he could get a suit fitting there? :photo:

Either way, i'm not sure he'll do it at all until we win again!

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...Surprised GJ didn't 'do it' from the Portman Road dugouts last week-end after their sixth goal went in!

Then again I suppose he had virtually the whole team out on the pitch 'doing the honours' for him & making arses out of themselves on his behalf! ;)

So come on GJ -the players have done it- it's time to get yer backside down to the 'mega-store' get the clowning out of the way & then everyone can concentrate put in 100% effort & get back to 'doing the biz' on the pitch again... starting with Leicester - onwards & upwards, 'ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go!!!

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Is it too late for the squad to do a 'calendar boys/boyz' type promotion???

Just think GJ could bare his bum with his players around him for the front cover then the players could have individual months.All tastefully done of course, ok forget tasteful I'll scrutinize the photos!

MONEY and publicity for the club, your Grannie's/ mum's/ wife's/ girlfriend's/daughter's Xmas pressies solved, may get a few more girls interested in football and GJ gets to honor his bet. Maybe raise some money for charity, the Wurzel's prostrate one maybe appropriate?

Come on Dolly get the ST onto it, you'd like to see more of Scotty wouldn't you?


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Is it too late for the squad to do a 'calendar boys/boyz' type promotion???

Just think GJ could bare his bum with his players around him for the front cover then the players could have individual months.All tastefully done of course, ok forget tasteful I'll scrutinize the photos!

MONEY and publicity for the club, your Grannie's/ mum's/ wife's/ girlfriend's/daughter's Xmas pressies solved, may get a few more girls interested in football and GJ gets to honor his bet. Maybe raise some money for charity, the Wurzel's prostrate one maybe appropriate?

Come on Dolly get the ST onto it, you'd like to see more of Scotty wouldn't you?


I'm loving your idea, it has to be done!! :innocent06:

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I'm loving your idea, it has to be done!! :innocent06:

A couple of us suggested it a few years ago amongst ourselves, don't think anything got put forward officially. It was before GJ's time. I'll count you in as a fellow scrutinizer then! :dancing6:

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I'll be glad when this stupid b***ocks is over, then we can get back to concentrating on the football. I wonder how much this nonsense proved a distraction before the Ipswich drubbing.

I know what you mean, it doesn't seem right they're dicking about with all this 'Johnson arse out' business off the back of the humilation of Saturday at Ipswich.

Hopefully the whole episode can just be dropped! sooner the better.

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