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I'm Going To Go To Hell

Barrs Court Red

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This isn't so bad to start things off.

On wednesday I was at Keynsham station when I noticed two old dears park a car. Fair enough, nothing out the ordinary there! However the spot they were parking in wasn't a parking space, and cars are always getting £60 spot fines for parking there.

The thing is, I knew this, I watched the old biddys walk past me as I stood there smoking, and I didn't say a thing.

Didn't want the attention see

I feel guilty!

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This isn't so bad to start things off.

On wednesday I was at Keynsham station when I noticed two old dears park a car. Fair enough, nothing out the ordinary there! However the spot they were parking in wasn't a parking space, and cars are always getting £60 spot fines for parking there.

The thing is, I knew this, I watched the old biddys walk past me as I stood there smoking, and I didn't say a thing.

Didn't want the attention see

I feel guilty!

I wouldve done the same (jsut without the fag)

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This isn't so bad to start things off.

On wednesday I was at Keynsham station when I noticed two old dears park a car. Fair enough, nothing out the ordinary there! However the spot they were parking in wasn't a parking space, and cars are always getting £60 spot fines for parking there.

The thing is, I knew this, I watched the old biddys walk past me as I stood there smoking, and I didn't say a thing.

Didn't want the attention see

I feel guilty!

Your're a mean b@stard. Whatever happened to 'treat others as you would like them to treat you' and 'goodwill to all'? What goes around comes around and no doubt you'll get your come uppance. I hope you have the balls to come on here and tell us what it is and then I'll laugh out loud.

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TRhere have to be some good stories out there that people are willing to tell. Maybe it Robbored wasn't so condesending people might tell all....

I did some very shitty things in my youth but it was so long ago that the people that suffered probably don't carry any scars all these years later.

My philosophy now in later life is simple -

- Make a list of all persons we had harmed, and become willing to make amends to them all

- Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others

- Continue to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

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I did some very shitty things in my youth but it was so long ago that the people that suffered probably don't carry any scars all these years later.

My philosophy now in later life is simple -

- Make a list of all persons we had harmed, and become willing to make amends to them all

- Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others

- Continue to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

isn't your philosophy just stolen from my name is earl?

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Ok I thought of one, I stole a packet of chewing gum and an eyeliner from boots when I was about 13, because my mates dared me to.

There must be worse stuff ive done, just not got caught.

Ooooh I called the geography teacher a merchant banker when I was about 13 too (was in with the wrong crowd :blush: ) nearly got suspended, but my Mum was a govenor, and it apparently wouldnt do to have a govenors daughter suspended, so I got away with it. Had detention for like a month though!

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I'm quite boring I am afraid to tell you although when i was in year 11 there was a rumour about the Art teacher and one of the lads in my tutor group. So me and the rest of the class tricked them into the cupboard then locked it and put tables and stacked chairs up under the handle so they couldn't get back out and we waited for something to happen..... The only thing that did happen was we had a free lesson as they spent the whole lesson near enough in there and 'class detention' for a week after. Looking back though was rather funny at the time.

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Pretty boring really in that respect. Although when i was in year 8 at school, we had a complete nause of an RE teacher who the whole class tried to wind him up. Worked every time. One time, he went out the room for something, so we decided to put about 3 tables and about 10 chairs in the way of the door to stop him getting back in. When he went to get the head we quickly put it all back to make him look like he was losing it.

We also locked him in a freezing cupboard once! Did the same thing by putting tables in front of the door.

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