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More Cardiff Woes

Big Red Rich

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Loving the completely universal lack of sympathy for that horrible lot across the bridge.

I'd even go as far to say that if the blue few were in danger of suffering the same fate we would be (marginally) more sympathetic.

*runs and hides* :innocent06:

Not even close Red, I hate cardiff with a passion, at least the Rovers have Bristol in front of their name, and are an English club.

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.... with Cardiff & Swindon both in deep shite could the solution be an eventual amalgamation of the two?

Swindiff Utd anyone?

( almost suggested Cardon Boyyo :travolta: - but maybe sounds a bit too gay :handbags:- even for them!)

Swindiff Utd could set up home together in exile on the Isle of Man (no tax) and play with each other at weekends! :rofl2br:

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